
Revenge On Doomsday

The world is ending and is there anything better than revenge at the end of the world? After hearing the news, Athena decides to stop being a wimp and give pain and torture to everyone that had ever hurt her and made her life the living hell it was.

Alex1sKnight · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Athena now fully clothed, hummed and twirled as she dried her hair. She didn't understand why she felt so happy after scarring Pedro but she liked it. She walked into the kitchen and made herself a hot cup of tea to have with some pastries.

She sat crossed legged on the floor, going through the countless bills she had. Her phone suit chimed and was picked it up.

* Hey. Why didn't you respond when you saw my message? The reunion is happening next tomorrow and if you don't show, Diego and I will have no other choice but to use this as a topic of discussion at the reunion *

She opened the chains of photos she received and her breath caught in her throat. She scrolled down and all she saw were her naked scarred body next to the half clothed monster Diego. Diego smiled with a thumbs up sign at the camera as she lay on his chest.

She felt an immense amount of hatred and rage as she stared at her phone. She threw her cup to the wall and it fell with a loud shattering sound. She pulled at her hair and screamed at the top of her lungs. She walked around the room frantically, biting her nails and flesh. She walked out of her room and decided to run around and clear her head. It was quite late but she was too frantic to think about that. As she ran the memories flooded her mind. She was just ten when it started and he was 25. She didn't dare say a word because she was scared she wouldn't have a place to stay anymore. She blamed her family who abandoned her and blamed the people at the orphanage for not listening to her.

She stopped for a while to catch her breath as sweat gathered on her face.

" Hey senorita! Do you need company? "

She turned to look at the man who stood a few feet away from her. She felt pure hatred and disgust as she looked at him. He started walking towards her and she just stood there watching him in disgust. The man came close and grabbed her hand while smiling at her .

" Come on.....I'll do something good for you senorita "

He said and trailed his hand on her backside. She looked up at him and smiled gently while nodding her head. He led her to an enclosed area and proceeded to look around. Athena walked over to him from behind and suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder and dug her nails deep into both of his eyes. He let out a loud cry and fell to his knees when she let go. She walked over to him and kicked him in his private area which sent him rolling on the floor.

She breathed heavily as she hovered over him with her hair hung over her face. She looked toward the other direction and saw a big rock. She stood still with her gaze fixated on the rock and then as if bewitched, she walked over to it and picked it up. Athena straddled the man and dropped the rock on his head with a loud thud. Again and again, she struck his head until his face was completely disfigured and covered in a pool of red. She tossed the stone aside and drew in deep breaths while sitting on the now lifeless body.

She got off the body and looked down at it as a smile slowly appeared on her face. She turned around and slowly made her way back home.


Athena got up really early and for the first time in a long time, she was actually excited for work. She got rid of her signature ponytail and wore her hair down this time. She went out into the streets and didn't even mind the little kids playing soccer there. She looked over her shoulder when she heard screams. Lots of people were gathered at the only supermarket they had in the area. Some were stuffing goods into their pockets, bags even bowls. The owner was doing all he could do stop the looters but it was all in vain.

" The world is indeed ending "

Athena got to the cafe and met Campos behind the counter. She walked over to him with a bright smile.

" Morning Campos ". She said in a sing song voice

" Morning beautiful lady ". Campos said and did a little bow.

Athena's smile immediately faded and she rushed over to Campos. She pulled his hair and turned him towards her.

" What happened to you? ". She asked as she traced the bruises on his face.

" It's nothing angel. I just had a little accident ". He said and patted her head.

" Campos.....

" Let's get the bowls for the leaks. I think it's going to rain "

Athena stared at him as he hurried off into the kitchen. She pulled out her phone when she heard a chime.

* You're still ignoring me. Who the hell do you think you are? *

* I'll be there *

She typed in the words really fast and shoved the phone back into her pocket. She clenched her jaw when she thought about seeing their faces again.

" I'll give you all what you want "


Athena left work really early, amidst a heated exchange with Costa. She headed for a boutique downtown to get a nice outfit. She stared in awe at the beauty of the place. She couldn't believe she had missed out on all it. She stood in front of the boutique and smiled before walking in.

She walked around for a while and suddenly stopped in from a dress. She trailed her fingers down the smooth fabrics and shivered. She had never worn or touched anything like that and she felt a little out of place standing there in her really cheap and worn out clothes. She touched it one more time and smiled.

" The world is ending anyway "