
Revenge Of V Starting With An Apocalypse

A broken god is just about to complete his only wish, however, he is stopped and cornered by some stuck-up gods, and although he fought well and was about to win, life had other plans as he got defeated. with his last energy, he uses his most powerful spell allowing him to travel far away and recover his strength for a price, he notices a small sentient life. 'they call themselves humans, ah yes I'll choose one to recover my strength and finally go back and gives those "good" gods a good lesson, also might as well have a little fun while I'm at it' he thought hmm you're a good one Ethan I choose you join the adventure as after getting beaten, someone finally hears his cries for help, and Ethan rises up from powerless to most powerful all while getting revenge and surviving the apocalypse along with his women. although not knowing a God is just using him (author's note: the MC isn't your typical mc as he is now close to a psychopath from the intense trauma also this novel is going to be fast-paced and with him getting OP quick from the beginning, also some chapters may include sensitive topics that are not suitable for a younger audience, so I advise if you are against a cold-blooded and ruthless mc please tap or click away, also i will be posting chapters of the mc as whole numbers while posting V perspective in x.5 chapters so that its not confusing fallowing the two main mc's, if you can please rate my novel and tell me what I can do better as I'm an aspiring author who loves feedback, thank you for reading Revenge of V)

GReaper · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Ethan and His Past

Located at Orion's Arm in the Milky Way

Ethan was just walking to school as usual but suddenly stopped unconsciously near an alleyway, and his back shivered. A few young strong males and a skinny one clearly out of place came walking towards him. He immediately knew that if he tried to resist or run, it would be worse in the end. So he just stared at them with fear waiting for the beating he was about to receive.

Ethan wasn't from the upper or middle class in society; hell, he wasn't even from the lower class. He barely supported himself since he was 10 years old, relying on homeless shelters and kind people. Even though they just posted on the internet to get more attention using Ethan as a source of content, he would still be happy to receive something. also it's not that he couldn't work or that he didn't want a better life, but he just couldn't.

The previous men who were coming to confront him were beating him from the day he was seen on the streets. They thought it amusing to play with someone who couldn't fight back or had any backing, so every so often they would take their anger and stress out on him as if he were their punching bag. However he was already numb way before they started their bullying

The reason is that when he was 2 years old, his father went to fight in a small-scale war across the country due to a mandatory draft issued by the government. However He never returned, while some even speculated that he was set up and killed by his teammates. Later even though his mother had a few savings, it ran out by the time he turned 7 years old. Finally Although his mother was working almost full-time to support him and his sister, they ended up in the streets where their nightmare began.

Ethan was now 10 years old and was walking with his big sister in the evening close to night, when suddenly a few men came up and wanted to take his older sister somewhere else. Ethan's sister was an attractive 17-year-old soon to be 18 with black hair, black eyes like an abyss, and a young figure. Also It was not very uncommon to encounter these situations in the lower-class areas.

"Come with us for a minute; it won't take too long, and it will be fun," M1 smiled with a dirty expression.

"No, I don't want to, and I'm underage."

"You stupid brat, you should be grateful for someone as poor as you to be able to attend us."

They struggled with her for a few minutes and even if it was only 2 men who would have overpowered her. But, she had learned a few self-defense moves from her father and was just thinking of stalling for time and waiting for anyone to call the police. All the while, Ethan was scared and hiding behind a nearby large crate, watching when suddenly...

"Fuck this shit, I'm so fucking over it; this ain't worth it."


Ethan's mind watching all of this from afar suddenly 'CRACKED' like glass beginning to shatter.