
Revenge of the Twin

As the alarm of the clock on the side bed woke Brenda thomas from a nightmare, restless and heavily breathing from an awful night, she stepped into the bathroom to freshen up. The continous ringing of her cell phone brought her out with her brush firmly between her teeth. she punched the answer sign on her phone and picked up. "Hello! Brenda thomas here" the phone dropped to the ground as she shook from fear and uneasiness after hearing what the caller said on the other side of the line. she nearly collapsed but held onto her side of the table as her legs shook. she hurriedly begun to get dressed and rushed out of her apartment in panic and worry. It was a long drive to her destination as she neared a rough road in a remote area. Her car continued to crash on bumpers as she neared and found people gathered around with police cars seen everywhere. she hurriedly got out of her car and made her way to where a corpse was lying wrapped in a plastic bag. "You must be Miss Brenda thomas right?!" The inspector who called her asked. "Yeah that's me" she replied "can you please come forward and identify the body?" with shaky legs Brenda took steps with her hands tightly on her face near sobs,wishing and hoping it isn't her. As she neared she tremble and nearly collapsed when she saw an identical bracelet tightly secured on the victim's wrist. she broke into harsh tears crying and calling out her twins name; "Trenda No! No! it can't be" it is not true. You can't be dead" when a cop opened the plastic bag and she saw the face of her sister she screamed and collapsed to the ground but was held before she could hit the ground.

NobleGurl · Urban
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2 Chs

I am Scared

Chapter 2

The journey to the thomas resident was a short ride from the grocery store.

They parked the car outside the Thomas Residence since they don't want to be bombarded with questions from their Parents.

Mrs.Thomas looked through her window and saw them getting inside the house. She wondered who the girl her daughters came with.

She quietly came down the stairs to meet them. The Thomas mansion is very huge with glass windows and spacious rooms to suit a comfortable living. They are not that well off but The Thomas are counted among the few in the medium wealthy in society.

Mr. Thomas is the CEO of the Thomas group of Companies and are into manufacturing of Furniture. They grew over the years and its well know among the furniture business.

The girls snuck and entered the house to avoid their inquisitive mum from seeing them but unbeknownst to them, she has already spotted them from the gate.

"Where do you think you are going??" Mrs. Thomas questioned looking at the scheme on the girls faces.

Brenda hurriedly went into the kitchen to keep the grocery living a silent Trenda and Meera staring at their Mum.

Caught Red-handed Trenda had no choice but to Tell her Mum what happened. But She didn't narrate the entire story. she just introduced Meera as her friend from college and they met at the grocery store.

"Please to meet you Maam" Meera nervously introduced herself "I am Meera, Trenda and Brenda are my college mates." she lied as well.

"But how come I never heard of her name." All your friends have familiar names". Mrs. Thomas thought

"Mom please! " Are you going to accommodate my friend or interrogate her?"

" oh I am so sorry dear, don't worry feel at home " I will be right back!" Mrs Thomas excused herself and left the girls to catch up!

" I am scared!, Why did you lie to your mum. I dont want to put you in any trouble for helping me". "I think i should go!"

"Its not a bother at all" anyone who witness what I did would do the exact same thing" So don't feel pressured."! Its all going to be okay.

Trenda escorted her outside their yard for some fresh air and allow her to gather her taught and find a way out of her situation.

" I will be right back, just sit and enjoy to fresh breeze and clear your mind" She added before leaving Meera alone.

"Mom! Where is sis?" Brenda who came back from kitchen and couldn't find her sister anywhere asked.

"Did you check the yard?" I saw them going that way moments ago" answered Mrs. Thomas

Brenda follow her Mothers direction to the yard and saw Meera sitting quietly and in serious thought. Without meaning to disturb Meera, She quietly turn around towards her sisters room to check..