
Revenge of the Snow White Villainess

Poisoned by her stepmother, betrayed by her stepsister, and abandoned by her fiance, Eirwenn dies swearing revenge under their smug victory. A remorseful fairy gives her another chance to live her life. Gifted with tools that were locked away before, She won't let them steal it from her again. Let them take anything of hers again.

Vivimon · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Family Heirloom

She stopped in front of me and grabbed my hands, crouching to my level.

"I know I could never replace your mother but I really hope that we'll get along. I know you were upset earlier but I promise, I'm not here to take your father from you. "

The familiar words rolled off her tongue with ease. Lies sugared so sweet that anyone's heart would pull towards her. The first of many broken promises from this woman. 

"I believe you. I hope we can get along too. Stepmother. " 

I wrapped her into a hug. I could feel her attendants staring at the loving scene in front of them not knowing the knives we held to each other's backs. 

"Can I come back to your room with you Stepmother? "

She pulled away from me and nodded, grabbing one of my hands. 

"Of course. I was on my way there anyway."

Leaning into her body as we walked, I smiled to myself at the thought of seeing Cessair again. 

"I gave Leviah some of my dresses. I didn't want them anymore and I didn't know if she had any for court with her.  Your luggage wasn't very large. I guess you don't have any court dresses either. Maybe Father will let you borrow some of the empress's."

Her smile twitched in displeasure as she looked down at me with a dark look on her face that I pretended not to notice. 

"We have plenty of dresses. I appreciate your concern, Eirwenn."

"You're a Lady right?"

"Countess. Countess Feya Mork. "

" My mama was a Duchess before she got married and became Empress. The Artesian duchy of the South. Whenever Father has a meeting with the nobility, I get to see my uncles and grandfather. I have an aunt but Mama said that she wasn't worth meeting because she was a disgrace to the Artesian name. She never told me what she did though."

Feya's smiled dropped completely and he grip on my hand tightened. She looked murderous with the ugly look adorning her features. 

"I'm sure your mother was just exaggerating. Maybe they just didn't get along."

"I don't know. Mama said that my aunt would never sleep in her bed and wandered to other ones all the time. I'm not really sure what she meant by that."

She dropped my hand, clenching her fists tightly. The cracks in her motherly mask shattered it. 

"Your mother was a gossip who could never keep her mouth shut. Clearly that part never changed after getting married."

The attendants behind her gasped quietly, a couple servants within earshot staring at Feya in surprise. 

Tsk tsk tsk Stepmother. Where is your self control? 

"Did you know her? Were you close?"

She regained her composure and cleared her throat, looking towards me. 

" We ran in the same circles before our marriages. I mean no disrespect.  I spoke out of turn. I apologize. "

One of her maids rushed over to her and tapped her shoulder gingerly. 

"Milady, you have to apologize to her as you would the Emperor. Until your marriage, she is second only to him."

Her face turned red in embarrassment as she grabbed the sides of her skirt and bowed deeply.

"Morning Star of the Empire, please grant this subject mercy for my transgression. "

I relished in the sight of the proud, snakelike woman bowing at my feet. A sight I'd never witnessed in my past life. 

"Stepmother, you don't have to do all that. It's okay. "

She looked up at me and rose, humiliation clear on her face. The other servants staring at the scene started to disperse. 

" Thank you. "

We continued walking and stopped at a plain door with simple carving. A servant opened up the door and my eyes shot to the tall gold rimmed mirror in front of a center window next to a vanity. I ran over to it and looked at myself for the second time today. My dark brows and light green eyes stared back at me. Blood red lips, pale skin, hair dark as the early morning. Wishes my mother had that Cessair granted for her. Trapped in this mirror like a slave. 

"That was a gift from my godmother. She also gave me this ring. Both are very precious to me. "

I looked at the ring in contempt and fear, tasting the bitter poison in my mouth again. 

"It's beautiful."

 She walked away from me and I could hear her footsteps retreating into the attached parlor. Carefully pulling the book out of my dress, I quickly flipped through until I found the incantation I was looking for.


"Light of the middle realm, shine your warmth upon me. For I have been blessed eternally."

The mirror glowed a dull red as Cessair appeared in front of me. I quickly put my finger to my lips, stopping the words of joy inevitably about to come out of her mouth. 

Mumbling under my breath, I transformed my own mirror and took out the watch, stopping time. A nearly silent ticking started in my ears, slowly getting louder as the seconds passed.

"Cessair, I don't have very long. I wanted to see if you were here. "

Diamonds fell from her eyes as she nodded to me.

"How did you know I was here? I'm so glad you found me. "

" I died at 19. Feya killed my father and sent me away to live with dwarves. She put her daughter in my place and gave her everything that was mine. You sent me back. "

She put her hand to her chin and paced in the small space. 

" I believe that. What can I do for you, my love? I know you didn't just come to check on me. "

"What is the spell for summoning Alcmene?"

"Alcmene? Why do you want to talk to her?"

A hint of distaste laced her words as she frowned. 

"Feya is going to trap her in a jar so she can control Aesyne. I want to warn her. "

"Fine. But she's quite insufferable. Dealing with her is why I only have human godchildren and none of my own. "

Cessair swirled her fingers over her palm, a small piece of paper appearing. I reached into the mirror carefully and pulled it out. 

"Thank you Cessair. I promise to find a way to free you soon. "

"Don't worry about me. Stay alive and be vigilant. I'll find my way out soon enough. "

She faded away into the mirror until I was left staring at my own reflection again. The ticking in my ear stopped with a deafening toll as the sound of birdsong from outside the window resumed. I put the watch back into the mirror and turned it into it's bracelet form. The soft clicking of small heels started coming towards me. 

"Your highness, the Countess wishes for you to meet her in the parlor. "

" Of course." 

I followed the servant back into the parlor. Sleek black hair, shining blue eyes, and face pale enough to rival a pair of dove's wings. My stepmother's head maid and the woman responsible for me being locked up as a traitor. She looked so much more timid. I wonder what my stepmother did to her to make her become such a convincing actress like her daughter. With her skills, she should run a theater troupe instead of coveting my crown. Feya sat on the small white loveseat, carefully sipping a cooled cup of tea. Different cakes of chocolate and vanilla, cookies on tiered plates, and a teapot kept hot by the soft magical glow beneath it were spread on the table.

"I asked the servants to prepare a lot of different things as I wasn't sure what you liked. I brought my own tea from Greyfour. I hope you like it. It's supposed to help with stress. I just want to make sure you're comfortable after such a sudden change."

" Thank you Stepmother. What kind of tea is it?"

The maid poured me a cup slowly. Her eyes shot to my face and from my peripheral, I could see the slight smirk on her lips. So it's this tea. I guess she's not pleased with me right now. Alright. I'll bite.

"Rauvontina. I think you'll enjoy it. "

"Okay. Stepmother."

I took a small sip and sighed to myself, the familiar poison filling my mouth. Why did the crown princess lose her mind? She was fed tea from a leaf that shouldn't be brewed. Rage started to flow through me as I blew out a breath to cool off the steaming cup in my hand. 

"How do you like it?"

"I really like it. It has a nice flavor. "

She smiled to herself and sat back. How could she be so pleased with herself knowing my father is still alive? It won't last. I'll make sure of that. Mumbling under my mouth behind the cup, I cast a small spell of sleep. The cup fell and shattered, sending tea and shards of glass everywhere. I could feel the spell taking effect and let myself succumb to it. The last thing I saw was the panicked face of my stepmother looking down at me in confusion and fear before the whole world went black.