
Revenge of the Lost: Gundam Wing Fanfiction

Ruining a marriage to steal the bride. Finding a spy you never wanted to see. Having your secret life be the hot topic in the media. Nine months to watch someone die. Everyone has buttons to push. Killing isn’t the only form of revenge. When a rebel group called Revenge of the Lost (RTL) makes its move against the former pilots, they will awaken more than just one nightmare. They will tear open old wounds that may never close. RTL may be in for it's own surprises too, shattering the reason for everything. (Dark romance. Dark subjects.)

Serena_Walken · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

To the Maguanacs


Maguanacs Base

The safest place. Quatre went with Dorothy, Wufei, and Mei-Lin, but Rashid already gave him the news.

They were getting a lot of new visitors. As much protection as the Maguanacs may have offered, RTL was sniffing around.

Maguanacs information must have been found in whatever information RTL got a hold of. It wasn't safe anymore. 

It was already time for plan c. Quatre had been ready for it, along with his sisters and Rashid. It still didn't make it the best.

There was a reason it was plan c. Only to be implemented as a last resort.

Even as it was implemented, Quatre still felt shaky about it. He looked at the desk in front of him. "There must be something else, Rashid."

"Master Quatre. You were in charge of seeing this through yourself," Rashid insisted. 

"If only it could be a bomb shelter for a whole year." This was absurd. Plan c.

Quatre gritted his teeth. He could still feel how bad of an idea it had been. "All of my sisters know. My advisors, you, and anyone else that has any real power." Quatre sighed, a very long sigh. 

Before Heero turned off into enemy territory as his resolution, he had discussed a few options with Quatre at his mansion. Once Quatre realized that their might need to be a plan c., he talked to the person Heero had known.

He was no gentlemen. The man Quatre talked to was rude, vulgar, and came down hard on Heero and Quatre. He belittled the war and their problems. Spoke rudely of Relena and Dorothy.

Then offered Quatre what he needed for plan c. 

Still, it would been nice to have plan B. "It's because I came here during the war with Duo." They hid there when Oz was looking for them. Before he headed back up to space all those years ago. 

"They may be watching any and all actions you took," Rashid agreed. "I'm sorry, Master Quatre. I believe it's needed."

"Yeah, I know. It'll be safe." Quatre laid his head on his hands. "But. I just never . . . pictured having to do this." Heero didn't pick this way for a reason. "I feel. It feels wrong to put Miss Dorothy in such a position with me."

But this wasn't about being comfortable, it was about being smart, and after a disturbing call from Duo? He couldn't even let Dorothy take a bath without being watched, and any help he had on the outside was fading fast.

Heero was hunting him down for Dorothy. Duo warned him he would probably be doing the same thing after he connected with his half brother. Trowa was breaking all contact with him, even though they were both being hunted. He didn't want to risk Quatre's presence leading to him or vice versa, especially since he finally had Middie Une.

At least that was good news. Trowa had Middie Une.

The only one who was on his side was Wufei. There still needed to be some kind of communication. Heero, Duo, and Trowa were cutting off from him. If anything happened, he could tell Wufei. Wufei would be allowed to talk to them.

In exchange, Quatre was offering to help him too. But? "I don't know if Wufei would go for this." It was a lot to ask for.

Wufei needed a place on Earth and a way to look into RTL as well. If Quatre didn't secure him, it was a matter of time before Wufei would be cut off too. "How does he look?"

"He looks exactly like you," Rashid said. "Utmost precision was used. He even has a sound device to imitate your sound. It is secure."


Amado fixed the annoying sleeve collar on his wrist. Who even wore those? With his funky dyed hair, he went to go test out the new look.

He approached Dorothy Catalonia. To him, he looked just like Quatre Winner. They were even about the same size. He'd try out the blonde's girl to see how far he could pull off the illusion. He gave her a simple smile as he approached her.

She had kept her eyes closed while she looked outside. Weird girl. She looked weird too. Defo not one of his. 

She opened her eyes, looking toward the side at him. "What do you wish of me?"

Hey, it was working so far, and what an opening line to work with. "Why don't we head away to order some food. I am starving."

"Why would I go to eat with you?" She asked. "You're no one of real meaning."

"Whoah." What a bitch. "After everything I've done for you, you dare to talk to me that way?"

"You've done nothing for me," Dorothy insisted. "I don't even know you. You are not Quatre Winner, that is obvious."

Really? "But I didn't even speak like I normally would, Honey, so how the hell would you know?"


Oh, the real Quatre came around. "I was testing how good this appearance worked," Amado stated. "Pretty good to me. Fooled some of these Maguanacs too. Your knocked-up girl though, it didn't take."

"I believe the 'knocked-up girl' could tell you weren't Quatre Raberba Winner from the way you carried yourself. Your unbecoming stagger and that unimpressive smirk," Dorothy corrected him. "You can dress a snake in a fancy suit, but it will eventually slither on the ground."

Pfft. "Yeah and I can tell you haven't been called a bitch only once in your life."

"I beg your pardon!" The real Quatre interrupted. "That was quite unbecoming of you, you are no gentleman."

Ugh, this guy. "Fuck this, how are you really supposed to be me?" Sounded impossible. "I'll take the dough and pretend to be you at your colony to throw off the dog's scent after ya, but you aren't fooling anyone. Even in another neighborhood, you can't talk like that shit." Seeing one of his girls, Amado snapped his fingers. "After all, proper gentlemen don't have two babes hanging off their arms." His girl came over and eased herself right next to him.

Yeah. No way. Nice dough. Hella good dough that the girls were getting a piece of too, but this sad mess of a guy. He wouldn't even-


"I apologize profusely," Quatre said toward Dorothy, bending down. He wasn't apologizing for knocking Amado out, but for everything else. "I know this isn't something someone like you are used to, nor should you have to bear with it. However, I want to not only hide you away from many people, I want to look into RTL too. I can't do it by keeping my head down in the sand."

"This louse has purpose," Dorothy said. "It must be a great purpose for someone like you to associate with Quatre."

It had been. "A man Heero trusted had connections for this setup. It was an option Heero considered. I will have to take this man's identity, as well as he took mine. We're not going to where people know him, but it's not the nicest of places. In normal circumstances, I would never take you where we have to go." He wanted to apologize again. "You'll hear a lot more of the dialogue you heard from him earlier." 

Neither he nor Dorothy were used to where they had to go. "To save trouble, Miss Dorothy?" He really wanted to add the 'miss' in now. "It is best if we agree that you are my pregnant girlfriend only when you start to show. Until then it's more of a loose . . . Situation."

"Charming." Of course she wasn't happy with that. "From his manner and your constant apology, I can guess my role. What about the others then. Wufei Chang and Mei-lin Wang? Will she have a similar role with him?"

"Well? Wufei plays my bodyguard. He'll change his appearance only slightly. Mei-Lin, I don't know yet." Amado often had two women on each side of him. Quatre didn't know what Wufei would think of that.

Becoming Amado wasn't fun. Amado may have cursed wildly and acted tough, but he had no real business in the life he was leading. In the mess he was in, he'd be lucky to survive another two years.

He was a sort of underling, living off the graces of his father who did have some skill before he passed away. That was how Heero's connection found him. People his father trusted had ensured a decent deal. Amado couldn't mess it up. If he did, he'd be killed. Hopefully pretending to be me will give him a chance to straighten out his life. Everyone deserves a chance. 

"The fuck hit me?!"

Then again, some just never can change. "You need to get up off the floor so we can talk," Quatre said to the awakened and cursing Amado.

"You knocked me out? You?" Amado said nervously. "Lucky shot. How would a guy like you even know how to fight?"

"Because he's a gundam pilot, or did you miss that detail?" Wufei came around the corner with Mei-Lin. He glanced toward her. "If it were up to me, I wouldn't choose this."

"I can handle it," Mei-lin said from his side. "I will do what I must. Just . . . find something on RTL so my . . ." She quit talking.

"So that the Zhang colony can receive justice," Wufei finished for her. "Wang Mei-Lin."

Quatre watched Wufei. There was something strange in that moment. A brief feeling. Wufei is trying to inspire her to be brave? No, she is naturally brave but her colony must have kept her down. He is encouraging her to be more true to herself.

"When one is a lady, it is even more important to let the world know your opinion," Dorothy said to her. "Not everyone hears you through the crowd."

"I promised that I would support the strong." Mei-Lin answered. "I will add my support by adhering to this duty."

"You are no Nataku," Wufei responded. "She would never stoop into this."

"I will grant aid where I must for you to grant the justice my colony deserves," Mei-Lin answered. "I never said the strong would choose how I would support them."

Oh. Wufei really didn't like that, but she was taking the route she thought was best to support Wufei. Wufei isn't fond of the weak. Yet, he doesn't hold the same kind of contempt for her, even though she calls herself 'not strong' . Maybe it was a difference in colonies. 

 Quatre looked back toward Dorothy. "We need to go change our looks now. When this is all over, we can all have our old looks back."

But for now?


Quatre came out of the make over room. The outfit was leather, not him at all. He had to wear strange shaded sunglasses, some weird branded shirts and jeans, and he even had to get his ear pierced.

But then, he saw Miss Dorothy. In an outfit. That just.

Dorothy always tried to appear calm and in control. Quatre could tell she felt uncomfortable though. The dress she was put in showed a larger amount of skin than she liked.

She was trying to adjust the top section that showed the most cleavage. Her unique eyebrows were trimmed back. She had red lipstick on her with bold makeup. Her long platinum hair had at least been left alone.

She looked lost, and unlike last time, she didn't have shades to hide it. She didn't even need to say anything.

"Now that looks right on the mark," Amado said as he came over. "Right to a 'T', now you would fit in with my other girls. The other one too?" He whistled. "Yummy."

Dorothy tolerated him and surprisingly so did Mei-Lin as she came over. She couldn't have been used to the outfit either.

Still, her and Dorothy both went beside Quatre, each one taking an arm.

"See? Get them in the right clothes and a girl just knows where to go," Amado said. "Have fun on Earth and I'll enjoy your place in the colonies. Promise I won't mess up your name too bad."

Yeah, he couldn't afford to. He would still be watched by those who knew his real identity.

As Amado left, Wufei came by. He seemed to take in Mei-Lin's appearance for a bit. Wufei's own transformation wasn't much more than a haircut and different clothes. Yet, he clearly still felt some anger." Let's go already, Winner," Wufei insisted. "The longer we stay, the more we put this place in danger."

Quatre agreed. They gathered the new outfits and tips they would need to stay in character, and then left to their new destination.