
Revenge of the Lost: Gundam Wing Fanfiction

Ruining a marriage to steal the bride. Finding a spy you never wanted to see. Having your secret life be the hot topic in the media. Nine months to watch someone die. Everyone has buttons to push. Killing isn’t the only form of revenge. When a rebel group called Revenge of the Lost (RTL) makes its move against the former pilots, they will awaken more than just one nightmare. They will tear open old wounds that may never close. RTL may be in for it's own surprises too, shattering the reason for everything. (Dark romance. Dark subjects.)

Serena_Walken · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Don't Run to Them (Part 2)

Maguanac Area

Quatre studied his clothes carefully for his trip tomorrow before he tried to get some rest. From where he was with the Maguanacs, it would be days before he could reach Dorothy Catalonia. Hmm. There wasn't really anything for this kind of thing. He would go with his usual pressed shirt and vest. Showing up in a tuxedo wouldn't give the right impression, although he wanted to show how serious the situation had been. "Hello, Dorothy Catalonia," he practiced to himself. "Just by chance? I don't suppose you had surgery not too long ago? No, that would never work," he criticized himself. Records easily showed she had a tonsillectomy not more than two weeks ago.

Two weeks. She wouldn't feel any different. She couldn't confirm anything. "She probably drinks alcohol." Socially at least, it was reasonable. No, he couldn't put it off. If he had suspicions, she should be warned. He heard his phone go off and welcomed the interruption. "Quatre here."

"Quatre." Heero's voice. "Don't run off to tell Dorothy Catalonia anything."

"Why, was it discovered to be a trick?" Hopeful.

"No, but the writer of the letter, code-named 'Jewel', is a part of Revenge of The Lost," Heero said. "RTL. A mysterious rebel group I've been tracking with Wufei. Don't go to Catalonia."

"So, it could be fake?" His heart started to beat. "Why fake this?"

"The group isn't your typical fare. It doesn't often take POW's or kill. It is willing too, but it prefers other forms of torture to ending someone's life."

"A pacifist terrorist group?" Huh.

"Wufei and I will send you what we have on them," Heero said. "They are expecting you to make contact, Quatre. Don't. There is no proof of anything. Even if you told her-"

"She wouldn't know. She just had the surgery," Quatre finished. "I've studied it, Heero. It can take years to get a positive in artificial, but there is new tech." He probably already knew that. "What do you personally believe? Do you think they are or aren't?"

"Throwing this at us isn't their style, and it does nothing to make them feel satisfied," Heero said. "Wufei said if it were true, it could start a war between his colony and this Mei-Lin Wang's."

"Creating war ourselves." Quatre could start to see the truth. "I get it. I'll wait." It seemed like there was a good chance it was just a ruse, a ruse to get to them. A ruse to get them out.

He had to wait until he knew for sure.


Duo's Apartment

"It's two o' clock in the morning here," Duo complained as he left his bedroom for the small couch of his and Hilde's. "You wanted to wake me up to tell me that you think that my friend, my best friend I've known for years? Is lying to me for this RTL group?" No. No, he wasn't happy and Wufei better be getting the hint. "She wouldn't lie. I guarantee that, Wufei."

"Did you see anything that said she had been?" Wufei pushed. "Don't go out of your way to do anything for the woman."

"Hilde didn't lie." Ouch. "Take the news like a man, Wufei, and stop trying to find a crack. Figure it out yourself whether that Mei-Lin's is a lie, but Hilde's isn't. She isn't cruising around lying to me for a free trip to Earth." He'd known Hilde for years. The nerve!

"Heero and I are sending you information on the RTL group. Believe it or not, don't let the woman see it." He hung up.

Man. Wufei. Duo bet he and Heero told the others not to say a thing either. Not even suspicion? You know, maybe you shouldn't do this or that 'cause something might have happened to you? Geez.

"Duo." Hilde came out of her room. "You okay? You're yelling."

Ah. Well, the guys could do what they want. "Nothing, just previous pilots, being the previous idiots, they are and were." He wouldn't turn his back on Hilde no matter what Wufei said. She wasn't a part of anything. Wufei was the one that should be doing something. "I'm heading back to bed, don't worry. I know, work tomorrow, first thing."

"First thing." She smiled giving him that glowing look he loved on her before she headed back to her room.

Knowing he should keep his promise, he headed back to bed.



Trowa was already in the middle of doing his own research now. While he should be sleeping, this wasn't a matter he could take lightly. Contacting Middie Une, of all people, was not something he relished in doing. He could ignore it, but that didn't feel right either. He never had anyone growing up. No one he remembered. Until Cathy, he had felt like no one cared for him at all. He was no-name. No one cared. He was worth nothing.

He didn't want anyone else feeling that way. His own blood? Causing pain for his own blood. He heard the phone next to him and answered it. "Trowa."

"I had a feeling you'd still be up too," Heero said. "I have some information on RTL. Revenge of The Lost. Wufei and I had been tracking them down when this all occurred."

"I am trying to find something about them," Trowa admitted. "I would appreciate any information."

"Sure, but don't go running after this woman," Heero warned him. "This group is based on trickery. There is no way to know if any of this is real yet. Even if Hilde Schbeiker is pregnant, it could be a smoke screen."

Oh. Trowa breathed a little relief. "I didn't plan on running right away, but I'm glad you said that."

"Yeah. RTL isn't the typical group. They do kill, but they don't do it often. Quatre said the phrase pacifist terrorist. While it's not exactly true, it's close. They try to find ways to punish the wicked in their mind, without killing them. Or? They have a tendency to commit suicide themselves."

Whoah. "Psychological warfare." That wasn't good news at all.

"Yeah. Don't mess around with them," Heero repeated.

"What about Relena Peacecraft?" Trowa asked. "I can't find anything on her medicals. Has she had surgery yet?"

"Her records tend to be more confidential, thanks to Zechs Merquise." Some resentment. "I'll find out, but that's as far as I'll go. For now, I'm more interested in bringing RTL down."

"I am right there with you," Trowa agreed. Maybe together all of the pilots could gather enough information to take down this radical group. Maybe this all was just a trick. The pinging sound of the small game Middie Une used to play echoed in his head. Transmitter to the enemy, always around her neck.

/"To thank you for your help. Now God will watch over you."/

Then the cross she gave to him. A transmitter to the enemy as well. And now? It had to be a trick. It had to be. To press onward, he would believe it to be.

Just like Heero. Just like Wufei. He would press into the RTL, until he could find the truth first.


8:00 AM and Feeling Refreshed

Suitcase lovingly packed. Her best big hat to hide her face if she got into too much pain. Some sunglasses to look chic, but also to hide any tears that may occur.

Anyone else. Anywhere else and it would be no. To the beauty of the colonies, and the one that could make her feel better? It was worth it. Plus, Relena would be there tomorrow. She got on the shuttle and buckled up. A trip to the colonies was not as common as buying a plane ticket. Most people couldn't get authorization to visit, and no one could ever really stay long unless they planned on moving there. Once again, there were a thousand restrictions to that sort of thing too. If it wasn't for Relena, she probably would have gone through the restrictions and stayed up there for good. Stayed among the beauty of the stars. Earth's beauty was gorgeous but so were the stars. It would be a nice place to have a new beginning.

She was done with schooling for now, and she would be going on to higher education soon. Perhaps somewhere different in the colonies for higher education? What a nice thought. Maybe a more relaxed identity too. A relaxed past. The relaxation of knowing where she was going, it made her feel better. Oh, whatever information Relena was trying to bother to get out of her, she could more than have it.

She would decide once she was up there. If she wanted it? This might be her best chance.