
Revenge of the Grandducchess

In the early hours of July 17 1918, the leader of the secret police knocked on our doors and told us to dress up then go to the basement. “ Another family portrait” My sister Tatiana said. I knew something wrong was about to happen but Papa was hopeful and ecstatic. “ We are going to be rescued. Our supporters and loyalists are on their way!” He said with a glimmer of relief on his tired and broken face. At the basement, one of the guards held a piece of paper and he read it loud in front of us. None of us saw it coming.. It was an order from the Bolsheviks sentencing us, the Romanov Imperial Family to death by execution at that same moment. Then there were gunshots everywhere... We were being murdered right then and there. More gunshots followed until the loud screams were no more.. And silence followed Their Majesties Tsar Nicholas ll and Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, Emperor and Empress of all Russia, died in an instant. They were my Papa and Mama. My sisters, the 3 Grandducchess’ Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia were wounded but still breathing.. And Alexei.. the Tsarevich, heir to the throne, my brother, the future head of the Romanov Dynasty that ruled Russia for almost 500 years.. Long live the Romanovs!

Pinkshowgirl · General
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51 Chs

That Spanish boy..

The truth was, I was innocent, pure, a virgin with limited contact with men other than my father, brother and then my sweet Ivan but I knew what was going on.. Karl felt rejected so he was trying to make me jealous and playing some mind games with the hope of getting the upper hand and have me drooling over him..

I decided to give him a dose of his own medicine..

For some weeks now, I noticed a young man who kept staring at me. He tried to introduce himself to me once but my guards prevented him because I told them not to allow anyone near me or my brother except Karl.

I asked my servant Amelie to spy on that man. She came back with few reports that he was Spanish named Jose Manuel, son of a wealthy banker and travelling with his mother.

" Very well then.. I can use him." I told myself.

I speak perfect Spanish and he was also good looking.. If Karl saw us together, he would be jealous.. And a plan developed inside my head..

I ordered Amelie to give him a note with the words I wrote..

" I couldn't help but wonder if you would join me and my brother for breakfast tomorrow.. I don't want to sound aggressive but I am hoping to get to know you since we are almost of the same age. I hope to see you tomorrow"

That evening, I searched for the right dress to seduce that Spanish boy. I found a red see through dress that I would cover with a thin lace on top.. When the sun shines on me, he would see the silhouette of my body.. I picked fresh white rose to put on my left ear so I would looked as fresh like a morning breeze..

The next morning, I waited for him at my table. 15 minutes passed by but he was still nowhere in sight.. Then Karl came with that woman clinging on him..

He had this naughty smile and seated near me and my brother so I could see in plain view how they touched and whispered to each other..

I was becoming annoyed and decided to start eating my breakfast when Jose Manuel showed up.

" Apologies to you my beautiful lady.. I needed to help my mother because she had a little accident but she is fine now." He explained as I stood up.

He kissed my hand and I offered him a seat.. I could see Karl watching us.. and he didn't look happy nor pleased..

It was game on..