
Revenge of God of Death

ritamdevchowdhury · War
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1 Chs

The Arrival of the God of Death

The sun's radiant orb hung high in the cerulean sky, casting its resplendent golden glow upon the quaint town of Eden Heights. The echoes of a tumultuous past had gradually given way to an uneasy calm as the aftermath of a brutal world war among Nine powerful nations settled over the global landscape. Amidst the wreckage of fallen empires, one nation emerged victorious, with its sovereign ruler holding command over the tides of fate. This nation, none other than Propecia, saw its king ascend to a position of prominence. Yet, even the king's supremacy faced formidable challengers in the form of the generals—war-hardened leaders who had steered their armies to triumph, their might and influence unmatched. Seven in number, these generals wielded authority over the nation's provinces, reigning as territorial kings. Yet, amid this cohort of military stars, a figure stood out, feared, and revered above all others: the General Supreme, a figure known far and wide as the God of Death. His power defied limits, his sway transcended imagination, and he bore the exalted title of King of Domain—an honour tinged with both dread and gratitude. In the wake of the war's conclusion, as the generals emerged from obscurity to mingle with the common folk, the identity of the General Supreme remained enshrouded in secrecy, shielded from the prying eyes of ordinary citizens.

Within Eden Heights, an atmosphere electric with anticipation and grandeur enveloped the town. A colossal convoy of Air Force jets, their thunderous roars echoing through the heavens, sliced the skies, leaving trails of excitement in their wake. The town's denizens congregated at the airport, forming a mosaic of curious and awestruck faces. Dignitaries, officers, and magnates mingled within the crowd, creating a tapestry of the nation's elite. Opulent luxury vehicles adorned with splendour clustered together, flanked by an imposing cordon of security personnel projecting an aura of invincibility.

Prominently stationed at the airport's exit was a resplendent Rolls-Royce Phantom, bearing the license plate PB00001. A sunglasses-clad bodyguard stood poised, reverently opening the car door for an individual in their forties who emerged. Unbeknownst to the casual observer, this person was none other than Peter Brade, the wealthiest scion of Coastal Province. Such was his stature that even the elites would gape in disbelief, for a man who could compel someone of Brade's standing to personally receive him was no ordinary mortal.

"If I can catch a glimpse of General Zara, the Champion of Justice, this day will indeed be well spent!" Peter mused, keenly aware of the significance of a general's presence.

No sooner had he voiced his thoughts than a man and woman came out of the Plane.

"Champion of Justice, Queen of Hell, Zara Hobswam has graced us with her presence!" announced one of the bodyguards with an air of utmost respect. "Let us proceed!"

Peter, adjusting his clothes, cautiously moved toward Zara for the first time. "Peter Brade of the Brade family from Coastal Province extends a hearty welcome to the General's return! We've prepared the General's Residence for your comfort. And here, a black card as a token of our esteem. I hope it meets the General's approval!" With a genteel bow, Peter presented a black card to Zara.

However, her countenance contorted into a frown, and in a composed tone, Zara remarked, "Your sources are impressively reliable. As befits Coastal Province's wealthiest scion." Her gaze shifted to the black card, and a cold chuckle escaped her lips. "While your hospitality is acknowledged, this card might find better use in your possession."

A bead of sweat trickled down Peter's brow, and only after wiping it away did he find the courage to raise his gaze. He carefully reclaimed the black card. "May I inquire about this gentleman?" Peter queried, gesturing towards Alex.

"We're comrades who enrolled together!" Alex responded with a faint smile. "By fate, we journeyed to the Coastal Province together, where we provided each other with companionship. You need not concern yourself further. Please proceed without us!" With a faint smile, Alex looked at Zara.

"Stay in touch," Zara's reply was swift and assured.

"Absolutely," Alex replied.

Peter's heart skipped a beat upon hearing the exchange. Alex had arrived on the convoy that had ferried the General. His connection to the General denoted a special status, and more astonishing still, the respect that shimmered in Zara's gaze held untold significance. Peter chuckled in his heart.

After disembarking from the airport, Alex hailed a taxi and made his way to Eden Heights' Public Hospital. Unbeknownst to the world, his return to the city after a half-decade absence bore a profoundly personal motive. At the heart of this motive lay Daniela, his sole surviving family member, confined within the hospital's walls. Her battle against a terminal illness had imprisoned her, casting a pall over her life and propelling Alexander's return. The God of Death, feared by nations and venerated as an all-powerful force, now found himself propelled by an unspoken yet resolute determination – the determination to provide solace to a beloved sister.

Public Hospital of Eden Heights

Within the confines of a modest hospital chamber, Daniela Rostow emanated an aura of grace and warmth that defied the harsh realities of the world outside. In stark contrast to the turmoil that had gripped the land, she exuded a serene beauty that had the power to captivate hearts. Her delicate frame, almost ethereal in its presence, held a sense of tranquil elegance that could enchant anyone fortunate enough to cross her path. Her eyes of deep emerald held a reservoir of experiences and emotions, while her smile possessed magic capable of banishing even the most stubborn of shadows. Her boundless kindness and compassion had endeared her to people near her. Yet, despite her outward composure, an indomitable pain resided within her heart—a pain only exacerbated as her moments on this earth dwindled. Her thoughts invariably turned to the brother she had been separated from, a brother whose absence had stretched over five long years.

Half a decade earlier, a malevolent event orchestrated by their uncle had plunged both Daniela and her brother into the abyss of victimhood. Cast out from their family estate and compelled to relinquish their rightful inheritance, the siblings had been forcibly torn apart. Throughout these intervening years, Daniela's tireless search for her brother yielded nothing but empty trails and dashed hopes. Unbeknownst to her, the tendrils of her uncle's maleficence had stolen more than just material riches; they had robbed her of her only kin. Reduced to a state of financial destitution, she had valiantly fought to keep the flicker of her existence alive.

Amid her solitary struggle, the door to her hospital sanctuary swung open, revealing a tall and strikingly handsome young man clad in unassuming attire. The sight of his familiar countenance ignited a torrent of emotions within Daniela, causing tears to flow uncontrollably down her cheeks. "Alex, can it truly be you? Or do my eyes deceive me, weaving an illusion from the fabric of my longing? Where have the intervening years hidden you? My quest, unyielding and persistent, has led me to nothing but fruitless paths."

"Sister, let your tears cease their flow. It is indeed I who stand before you, returned," reassured Alex, his voice a soothing balm.

However, the poignant moment of their reunion was abruptly shattered by the intrusion of a nurse and a group of stern-faced hospital staff. Their voices carried an undertone of reproach as they chastised Daniela for her purported unpaid medical bills and presumptuous financial circumstances, a discordant interruption to the fragile emotional landscape. Unbeknownst to them, before their accusations could fully land, Alex swiftly interceded. With a fluid motion, he produced a gleaming international bank card from his pocket, its metallic lustre catching the sterile hospital light—a resplendent emblem of authority and power. Like a magician unveiling a prized artefact, Alex presented this card as a masterful retort, a silent rebuttal to the nurse's accusatory words.

The room's atmosphere shifted, and the weight of the situation suddenly reconfigured. As if sensing the seismic change, the nurse and her companions sputtered in their speech, their faces registering a mix of surprise and uncertainty. With an air of quiet confidence, Alex swiped the card and paid the bill.

But Alex didn't just stop paying the hospital bills. As things calmed down after the argument, he decided to share something that had been hidden for a long time. Speaking in a calm and heartfelt manner, he told everyone that he was Daniela's missing brother. This revelation had a big effect, like throwing a stone into a quiet pond, causing ripples that shook up the calm water and revealed a strong bond between them that nobody knew about.

He decided to do something more. He took out his phone and called Zara, speaking with a commanding tone. He asked her to tell the person in charge at the hospital to come and see him right away, and he wanted it to happen within just five minutes.

Not long after he made that call, the person in charge of the hospital hurried into the room. You could see he was really worried. he didn't waste any time and quickly knelt in front of Alex. It was clear he was frightened by what had happened. He didn't just apologize; he also fired the nurse who had acted wrongly. It was like h wanted to show he was serious about making things better and fixing the hospital's mistake.