
Revenge of an outcast

Toxic_Coin · Fantasy
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3 Sin of greed

I fell asleep, I tried to wake up but I couldn't I was in a deep sleep. But it wasn't a regular sleep it was like someone or something put me to sleep.

{wake up}

{wake up! }

{wake up!!}


"I'm up I'm up, What. What the hell is this place."I said stunned

The area I was in was a pitch black void with nothing around. Except this gate that looked like a portal that you could see the other side, the other side was a kingdom. Not like the one that I was in before but this place seemed dark and just straight up evil.

{if your confused this place, we'll If you can even call it that is a place that resides beyond the concept of space and time. But the area beyond the gate is something I cannot say because I don't even know.}

"What I don't understand how am I here?"I said

{well for one your talking to yourself.}

As the being said that I could tell from the voice that it was me. Before the being was engulfed in this black smoke but now I can see it clearly. He was clearly me but different in a way I couldn't see yet.

{you ever wonder where clones come from.}

"No not really"I said

{well follow me into the gate I'll tell you everything on the way to our destination}

"May I ask you something, why am I here?"

{this place is a dream for now, but later you'll most likely come back. Your desire to make a clone made you come here. And you won't be able to leave until you make 100 of them.

"Why one hundred, in the real world I couldn't even make one."I said

{your wrong, you made me didn't you. And I'm one of the 7 strongest you can make so consider yourself strong.}

"One of the seven, what do you mean."

{well let me start at the beginning, you where born into this world with a power. But a certain warlock stole it from you. And this place i cannot say. I can't tell you because I don't even know what this place is. All I know is that the concept of space and time doesn't exist here. But this place with the kingdom is a place in your mind. You don't know this but you created this kingdom and all of the clones you make go here.}

"Ok, I get it when I make a clone they go here so there's only one here and that's you."I said while looking around the kingdom.

{soon your gonna leave this place so we need to get this over with, right now I want you to make one hundred clones.}

"Okay I get you want me to do that but I don't know how I made you even."I said

{exactly you made me and I'm one of the strongest clones you can make, just think of making another me but weaker or stronger it doesn't matter, don't think about anything else}

I started to think about when I made him, I wasn't thinking at all. My mind was blank.

{wait something is wrong here}

"What's happening?"I asked

{for one call me greed and second where in trouble there's an enemy here watching us, look there}

I saw it, over a dozen rock creatures where surrounding us.they where all different some where tall and some short but they all where big and they weren't here to play nice.

{listen I may be strong but I can't use my powers unless you have them so you need to think of something, I only have your physical strength so I can only help with that}

As I was thinking of something to do I remembered something

"Hey Tenshi remember when I told you that you can learn some powers even though you didn't have your own. Well here take this book it's different from the one I gave to you to make a clone it's different in a special way." Quinn said

I remember now, the book she gave me. After I read it I was able to use the powers inside the book. I never tried it out though but Quinn told me that I should have them even if I don't feel any different.

"Hey greed try using levitation."I said

He seemed surprised I even knew what it was

"Okay but if I can't use it that's all own you."Greed said

It worked.

Greed used the levitation to throw a entire house on the monster but there where more.

"Hey greed you think I can use it."I said while running to get out of envy's way

"Hell yea, if I can use it so can you. Where the same damn person."greed said

So I tried to use it, I could feel it in my Palm. It was strong.. it's was so strong I couldn't control it.

I lifted up 3 of the creatures and crushed them to death.

" hey greed I did it, I really did it."I said happily

Envy was shook he couldn't believe his eyes. But he wasn't surprised about me crushing the monsters. It was something better.

As I turned around there was over five hundred clones in this massive hole in the ground.

"Greed did I do this or did you."I said

Greed couldn't believe his eyes, he seemed happy but scared at the same time

"I can't do that, only the main clone can do that and that's you. I mean main body not clone sorry."greed said still trying to process the situation

At the time I didn't know what to think of the situation so I had just ordered them all to kill the remaining monsters in the area. They followed my orders but there was just so many of them I didn't know what to do. But then greed said something to me

"Hey you have to go back now, your goal was to make a clone and you can do that now. You may not have noticed but when you crushed those monsters you also made the clones. Half of your mind was set on making clones and the other was to kill the monsters." Greed said as he opened a portal to the outside world.

"Wait greed before I go, tell me. Is kana really dead?"I said

Envy looked upset for a couple of seconds.

" I know you don't want to hear this but.. I don't know I only know things that you know so you have to figure it out on your on. But we both know she isn't someone who would die to some rock monsters."greed said trying to reassure me to the best of his ability

After a while I said my goodbye to greed and left.

When I woke up things didn't get any better for me, Quinn and lance where both standing there with fright in there eyes. When I asked them what was going on they just told me to calm down down

"Calm down?.. why should I have to calm down your the ones with your weapons pointed tours me."I said

"What's even happening."

"We came up here and you where screaming, you kept saying "kill them" over and over again."Lance said while backing up

Quinn started to put her weapon down because she saw something on my arm.

"Wait lance stop, look at his arm it has a magical aura around it now."Quinn said while examining my arm.

The aura around my arm was blue and it felt weirdly light, like it was always there.

"This is amazing, Tenshi did you somehow use magic while you where sleeping."Quinn said

Lance put down his weapon in shock and came to examine my arms with quinn. After examining my arm for awhile they both seemed shocked

"Tenshi follow us for a little bit." Lance said while walking out the door with Quinn

I got up quickly and followed them. We where headed to the place where I put my hand on the orb.

"Why are we going there again."I said while looking at my arm. " where going back because you have magic, it's not your on magic your born with but you have basic magic, so where going there to see what level your magic is on." Said Quinn

Quinn later explained to me what she meant by levels. Levels aren't like level one and level two with magic. The levels are like this peasant,knight,noble and then king and lastly monarch. There ware said to be more but nobody has ever seen them in person because they've been off on missions trying to stop the advance of the army of monsters.

"Where here Tenshi."said lance

As we headed in people where staring. It seemed like they heard the news of me and where curious. Some looked mad and others looked curious of me. but there was a group of people who just looked like they hated me. As we passed them they all glared at me like I was a demon.

"Tenshi where at the place. Your gonna meet someone his name is sir.alt." Lance said while making sure I remember his name.

Before I went into the room they told me they couldn't go in or it would mess up whatever sir alt has to do to see my magic level. As I walked in he was waiting for me in a chair. the room looked like a regular office. It had books on the side of it and a big desk with a chair on the outside and one for him on the inside. He was sitting in the chair with his hand together.

"Sit down sir. I've been told that you have no power of your own. but a high magic level. If you don't understand the people here are all born with a power after the wipeout of half the human race a couple years ago. Most people got them when they woke but you. It seems like you have no unique ability of your own but you learned magic in your sleep.

For a while he went on and on about how everyone's abilities work and how he scales them from weakest to strongest. They have never seen someone with no ability of there on until now so he only looked at my magic level.

Sir alt sighed. "Let me take a look at your arm Tenshi."

I slowly held my arm out on the cold table and waited as he slowly examined the aura around my arm.

He looked shocked as he started to speak.

" I- it's not possible, your magic is on the level of the king level but might possibly pass it one day."

I started to look at the aura around my arm, I knew it felt weird but king level how would I have that amount of magic power inside of me." Sir do you know I can control my aura. I had a dream that I used it and it was acting by itself."

Sir alt looked at me then looked back at my arm .

Then he spoke.

"Well sense your magic level is king you have to stay calm and direct it like your it's leader witch you are. Most importantly you have to have a physically stronger body then your magic. Your magic comes from your soul so strengthen your body and then you may be able to control it.

"Yes sir."I said

A couple days later the word of me having king level magic spread across the kingdom like wildfire. The same people who looked like they hated me before looked at me Like they wanted to kill me even more. But there has been some good things happening. Ever sense I left sir alt's estate I started to work on my physical strength. Grimm has been working me to the bone and I've seriously improved.

But the training wasn't over after only a couple of days.