
Revenge of an outcast

Toxic_Coin · Fantasy
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5 Chs

1 Is this really how my story started?

"I'm off to work Tenshi honey."said my mom

"Okay mom I'll see you later."I said, schools gonna start soon so I have to hurry.

Crap what time is it I'm gonna be late.today is the last day of school, I have to hurry before I be late.

I made it here but that was way to close. I thought I was gonna be late but I'm actually here on time.

"Hey Tenshi."Said a girl

"Oh hey kana."I said, kana is my childhood friend.she is actually pretty nice and really smart but she is overprotective of her friends.

"Your such an idiot tenshi, I told you to call me Hiromi not kana."Said kana angrily

"Sorry Kana I just like that name for you more."I said

Kana then turned her head for a second.

"Alright fine sense you like it you can call me it but sit down class is about to begin."said kana

Today's off to a good start so far usually I'm late and kana and the teachers chew me out for it all the time but today is just different. Just off for some reason, I don't know what it is

Class started off like it usually did but nothing special happened at all.It was just a regular class day.I can't say I was mad about that though.


"Hey Tenshi did you not pack a lunch."Said kana, I actually had forgotten that I didn't pack a lunch I was in such a rush this morning I couldn't do it.

"Yeah I was in a rush to get to school this morning so I couldn't make it."I said

"Oh well take some of mine, my mom packed me more then I can eat so you can have some."kana said politely

"What no I can't take it that's yours."I said, even though I said I can't take it I was starving I haven't eaten in a while.

"No, I said you can't have some so take it I'm not even that hungry anyways so take it."Kana said nicely

"I guess I'll take it kana."I said, I was actually pretty grateful I hadn't eaten for so long I couldn't be mad I had no choice but to be happy.

After all that was over lunch was pretty okay not much happened.

Everything today just seemed normal.

As I slowly fell asleep I noticed kana trying to tell me something but she noticed I was trying to sleep so she stopped .

[30 minutes later]

"Hey Tenshi wake up schools almost over we have to go."said kana quietly

"Oh, sorry kana I forgot ,let's go."I said

I actually forgot that me and kana walk home everyday.can't believe I forgot about her over everything I forgot about her.

[5 min later]

"Hey Tenshi you've been really quiet today, is something wrong."Kana said sounding worried

"So you noticed huh, yea I've been thinking today just seems different.kinda like something is off about everything.


"Oh hold on kana my moms calling me."I said

"Ok Tenshi."kana said sadly

"Hey mom what's up."I said happily

"Tenshi I need you to listen to what I'm about to tell you very carefully and take kana with you."My mom said with a shake in her voice

"Wait what's wrong mom."I said

"I Don't have anytime to tell you the full story but you need to go to the basement and get into the emergency cryo-pod and take kana and tell her to go in the other one."my mom said

"Wait mom why what's about to happen."I said while running with kana

"Listen Tenshi the world is about to change,It's gonna be invaded soon so get home quickly,when you get there get into the pod, when you wake up after a couple of years the world will be l completely changed and I will most likely somewhere safe so don't worry."my mom said

"What monsters?what the hell are you talking about?"I said not understanding what she was talking about

"Tenshi there's more to this world then you know, when you wake up your gonna need to go to the-"my mom said

Those where the last words I heard from my mom at the time.

"Tenshi where at your house come on I heard what your mom said come on we have to get in the pod.Kana said abruptly

"Ok kana let's go."I said

At the time I couldn't grasp what my mom was talking about but when I looked at kana face while getting into the cryo-pod I could tell she was crying and scared for her life.

All I could think about was what my mom was talking about.

But as we went into the pods we slowly fell asleep.

I was struggling to keep my eyes opened.

As I was going into deep sleep I saw a figure outside the pod but it didn't look human at all it looked like a giant humanoid spider.

That's all I saw as I fell asleep for a total of five years.

I may have been sleeping for five years but for me it felt no more then 1 minute.

When I awoke the world looked like something off of a fairy tale, my house was gone and around me was a forest full of creatures and moss that I never seen before.

"How long has it been?"

I gazed at the surrounding area slowly

"What the hell is this was my mom right?"

"How long has it been sense I seen kana wait no where is kana she isn't in her pod?"

Then I heard it, a voice that sounded just like kanas voice no other voice could be that majestic and not be hers.

"No way, Tenshi is that you?"kana said

Then she started to cry

"It's been so long sense I've seen you,it's been five years!" Kana said while crying

"Five years?"I said

"I've missed you so much tenshi."kana said while crying even harder then before

I had forgot how much of a crybaby she was at times. I couldn't blame her for crying this time it's been five years sense she seen me.

Kana slowly stumbled her way toured me with a smile on her face

But something seemed off with her, it wasn't the fact she had totally different clothes on but she didn't age not a single bit, she looked the same as five years ago.

"Wait kana, where are we."I said curiously

"Oh yea,Where is a forest called the great forest of the east,"kana said with a smile on her face

Off in the distance I could hear footsteps…heavy footsteps.They didn't sound like a human stomping it sounded like a giant walking our way.

"Crap Tenshi we have to run,come on follow me."kana said in a hurry

We started running trying to get away from where I had awoken from but the footsteps where getting closer and closer.

"Kana what the hell is after us?"I said

"It's the great beast of the forest there coming for me because I killed one of them before I had got to you."kana said frantically

Great beast what the hell is that some type of monster.it sounds like something off a comic book or manga.

"Tenshi get down,it's right there."kana said quietly,

"Listen I'm gonna tell you what happened right now and you need to listen."

"Five years ago your mom told us that monsters where gonna attack earth and she was right I woke up two years before you and the world changed.I figured out that one monster changed the earth with a type of magic nobody knows of.He also gave us humans the power to fight back.He gave us magic, everyone that survived got powers of there one to fight back."kana said frantically

"Listen I want you to run okay,follow the stream of water over there and you will find a city,I'll be there soon okay Tenshi ."kana said almost seeming like she didn't want to

"Kana I can't leave you here."I said

"Tenshi listen I need you to go you don't know how to fight just yet and I do so I need you to go to the city and learn about your power, please Tenshi."

I don't want to leave her even thought she has a power and can fight the monsters that's doesn't mean I can just leave her like this.but if she is serious I'll go.

"Alright fine I'll go."I said unwillingly

Is started to run in the direction of the river while kana ran toured the footsteps.

I wish I never did that..

When I ran he showed up.

The beast he came and and he was faster then kana thought and bigger.

He fucking killed kana right in front of me?

"TENSHI RUN DONT LOOK BACK, RUN!"kana yelled out with her last breath

I could tell she was trying to say something else but she got crushed before she could.but still I'll kill them all.

"Kana I promise I'll kill the piece of trash when I get back with my power, I swear on my life."I said angrily

I couldn't believe kana died.just five years ago I was in class with her and she was fine but now she's dead.

"I'll kill every last one of those fucking things, I don't care if there demons or the devil himself I'll murder them until I can get a power to get kana back."I said angrily

The city wasn't that far from where I had awoken from so I made it there quickly.

But I was getting tired quick so I needed the rest.But the city was still far I only could see it from the forest now there's just a long walk

I thought it wasn't far but it was.it seemed like I was walking from Japan to the us but further.

"Why didn't he come after me after he killed her, he saw me but just didn't kill me."

Was I not important to fucking crush under his stone foot or was I to weak.What did kana do to deserve this.

She was the last person on this planet I trusted.My mom is most likely dead to or alive somewhere far away.

"God damnit..kana, mom, everything there all gone."I cried out

I started crying more then I ever had in my entire life.

"Why, why, why why why couldn't it if been me and not her that fucking beast couldn't of killed me and not her.My life has no meaning if she's dead." I said while crying

At the time I couldn't tell but I was slowly passing out from crying and dehydration.

"Hey kid wake up, you dead or something?"said someone with a old scratchy voice.

"Where am I, heave?."I said

"Your a long way from heaven boy."Said the old man

I was in some type of old house you would see in a isekai or something.But it's wasn't bad for at all.

"So when did you wake up?"said the old man

"I woke up today not to long ago.I the forest just over there."I said

"Wait you woke up in that forest and your not dead, nobody makes it out of that forest alive ever."The old man said sounding surprised

"Well sense you just woke up I'll teach you how this new world works and what you need to know."said the old man happily

That forest…

I understand why he said nobody makes it out of that place.When kana saw me her face was frantic but she was happy to see me.

"Do you know a girl name kana old man?"I asked

"Oh kana hell yea I know her I've took care of her when she woke up, what did you see her?"the old man man asked me happily

"Yea I saw her she was my child hood friend so she was happy when she found me but just a couple minutes after she died trying to save my life."I said while slowly crying

"Stop yah crying young fella kana wouldn't want you to cry."the old man said to me

"Listen hear kana wouldn't you to be crying over her, she would want you to fight I may not have known her as long as you but that girl was the happiest person I've ever met and she hated when someone is sad so I'm gonna teach you how to hone your strength and the power deep inside of you.the old man said

"Now follow me I'm gonna show you something."the old man said

{to be continued}