
1 : Death

So this is it, I guess. After all, what am I to expect. AAAH!!!! I am so dumb! This all happened for to the fact that I broke my own moral rule.

'Never trust anyone, follow orders with utmost precision and excel in killing the required target.'

Nether the less, who would've thought that my best friend would actually be a traitor to the government cooperation and organisation. I guess this is what the saying would go like; 'your enemies are closer then you think'.

Anyway, I guess this is the end. Hopefully, I won't die but to be honest I've given up. Could also include life in general though.

Haaa... so annoying. After being an declarative orphan, I had to work for the people who killed my mum and dad. And then I just had to be made into a killer machine with no noise or room for introduction. That I might have died multiple times that I have kinda given up. And then they decided that my attention is quick and that absorbing in the stuff I learn is apparently beyond human brain circulation of even the smartest people in this world.

I found that quite funny and amusing that I almost mishandled my gun and died at a young age.

But, in reality, who am I to blame? I am literally a killer machine that can kill people without blinking… but my life was a general waste in my opinion. With no choices to make but just a dictatorship life already payed out in front of me.

And to be true, I do want revenge for a lot of the stuff they made me even that "best friend" of mine that I might just go ballistic with anger. After being controlled to work for my family killers I am so on angry that I can't even take them down with me for all the bad stuff they did to me. GAAH!!!!

They should pay for their sins! If I had a second chance, they will all pay with their lives and 100 times fold.

I want revenge for my families death…

Those bad yards deserve….to die….