
why the execution

the wall strength after living in that body for about 2 years today a royal notice came to our house stating that our family has committed treason due to that our family is to be summoned in the Royal Court. we can't deny the Royale degree so we had to go there and our surprise Robert was the one who was giving prove that our family has committed treason even my brother was shocked that how would his own friend betray him and even more shocking was that our family didn't even ever commit any crime so how could we commit such a sin. as I know my family I am fully aware that someone is trying to prove my family guilty and give them the punishment of execution. as His Highness said that the volstern family is here on the charge of committing a sin. and according to the proofs, from checking their houses we have find out that yes they are guilty so I declare the whole family to be executed anyone who has been here at their family mention in the family how to be executed no one should be forgiven. my heart broke in 100 pieces I didn't even know the place I was when I reincarnated here the first people I saw was these even though they are not my real family. they have treated me like they are own child full stop maybe this is the body of their child but I am another one so I spoke up. Your Highness no to be rude but I want to say that my family has not committed any sin you are making a very big mistake. I am sure someone is trying to specifically prove us guilty and how can you say that the person who is giving you proves is not manipulated maybe someone gave him money to prove our family guilty. I didn't know but I was saying because I was angry due to my anger I even forgot that this was not the modern world here no one will even hear you even if you keep pleading only power speaks in places like such.. my family just keep their head low without even saying a single word. my brother was not there in my mind something was ringing that why did my brother's friend betrayed us. let alone betraying he is giving his full efforts to prove that we are guilty.. at this time I don't even know what to do and without even hearing what I was saying or what anyone was saying the king stated his judgement that my family was guilty and we were dragged To The prison and were locked there. at the time my brother gave me a powder and said that tomorrow when the Knights come to take us to execute our family you have to take this I will run away and they will think that you are dead father and mother also said that dear, you are more precious than our life our all family cannot escape if we did we will not be able to save even one of us it's okay we will be watching you from heaven you have to take this. my heart was already broken what it's sank when my mother and father said those words. at that time I saw worried expression on my brother's face I thought my brother was always cold to me because he hated me but that was not the case he was trying to protect us I didn't know that someone name Robert who was shy in front of girls can't even speak properly with his head up in front of a girl would do such a thing. and the day of execution came but in my mind only one thing was ringing again and again why the execution?what did my family even did the helped the kingdom at the time of draught they even didn't said anything when someone poison their daughter and the king someone them for his own some silly work of wanting a foreign type of food. even the people which worked under our family were so happy that they did even be able to give their lives happily for our family and they pledged that they will never betray our family. never did ever even a beggar has gone hungry from our place or sad from our place how could this happen? my family didn't even did something to deserve this why are the God who are watching from heaven so hard on my family I didn't even complain when I came in this world because they were such nice people that I was able to adjust comfortable I can't believe what is happening with my own eyes