
Revenge for the Lost Child

The news portrayed a happy life, of black and white conflict. The heroes fought the villains, the good guys put the bad guys in jail. The economy was booming, citizen morale was higher than ever! The world looked perfect, every man and woman had the ability to find the life he/her wanted. So how did things go so wrong? Athena grew up as any young girl in her country should. She was taught to support heroes and condemn villains, and these beliefs naturally stuck as she grew. The world was a good place to her with only a few “baddies” to spoil perfection, but those bad guys were nowhere near her. Or so she thought. After a gruesome massacre involving the death of her parents, an orphaned Athena was left alone, to grow up trying to cope with her loss, yet even that was stolen from her. Sold to a seemingly trustworthy rich man, she was turned into an experiment, one which stole her humanity. Years later, she was left unable to remember her past, only knowing to serve her creator, her father. A life of unhappiness and servitude, one she needs to be free of.

IBO00 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

A Walking War-Crime

I go online at 3:48 AM, the internal clock in my brain says so.

My cybernetic body is pulled apart, leaving only the casing around my brain. I can no longer see. I can faintly hear the chatter of scientists, but I can't make out what they're saying.

I feel sharp pains all over my "body" as the researchers attach a pair of eyes to my brain. The eyes are actually quite special. I have a UI of sorts, displaying my status, and a diagram of my body. As I see new parts attached, the corresponding part lights up on the diagram. Arms, legs, hands, stuff like that.

The process is not painful. It seems after attaching my eyes, they turned on my pain inhibitors.

As limbs are attached, I realize my body is that of a young woman, built to be attractive. My mood sunk at this realization, since by this point I could be classified as an intelligent android and people wouldn't know.

My expectations ended being subverted, as I saw a wagon of weapons being wheeled over, then attached to my body. Guns, mostly, but a few blades too.

Looking further at the diagram of my body, I noticed that I don't actually have a face, instead having a large horn, a thin visor directly underneath that horn, and no mouth. Given this, I assume I see through the visor.

My body is still mostly human, but clearly designed for battle.

About an hour later, I'm lowered from my suspensions, and touch ground for the first time in years. Computers in my brain prevent me from stumbling, and I have no trouble standing. I wondered why they let me down for a bit, but I saw a man in his late forties approach me through the bulkheads, walking right through the wall as if it were liquid.

"Hehe, this is her, right?" The man asked. From his accent, I figured he was Russian. One of the researchers I was familiar with (I see them every day) spoke to respond: "Yes sir. AETHER proudly presents our first Techno-Organic warrior: Caliburn. She's obedient, and we are currently developing her counterpart, Excalibur."

The Russian man shook his head. "Hmm.. yes, I'll take her now." He grabbed me directly by the shoulders, and drags me out. I obediently followed, of course.

All of this was extremely sudden for me, but I suppose they wouldn't keep me how I was for no reason. They must've been developing my body separately, only giving me limbs to test how I could use them.

The man guided me into an armored vehicle, sat down, and prompted me to do the same. The doors shut, and the vehicle began to move. "Caliburn, huh? I can't imagine you enjoy being called that." The Russian man once again wraps a hand around my shoulders, getting closer than I'd like. "Still, you are named after a holy sword. Must be quite the honor for a miss such as yourself." He laughed to himself, yelling something in Russian I didn't understand.

The ride went by quietly. I didn't respond to any questions the man had, as I didn't know how to speak without a mouth. Eventually, he got bored of carrying an entire conversation and stopped talking to me, and instead called someone on his phone.

I didn't listen to whatever he was saying, and I wouldn't have been able to understand it either. It was obviously in Russian, or at least some language I didn't understand.

Minutes later, we arrive at a large mansion, one that left me in total awe. The man must've recognized my awe through my body language, so he slapped me on the back as he got out. "Big house, eh? Not anyone can just buy something from Aether, sweetheart."

At the gate, some guards tried to confiscate my weapons, but were stopped by the man. "Stop it, boys. This babe's a high-end war machine." This little comment got the guards to stop, so I could walk in without any trouble.

Inside the mansion, I wasn't given any time to admire the extravagant waste of money in each and every room, and was instead guided into the basement, where I was thrown into a dark, cold room with more weapons than I knew what to do with. Every kind of gun I could need, and their attachments. There were also plenty of swords, daggers, and such as well, in case I could make use of them.

With that, I was locked in and left to wait for what they wanted with me.

I spent some time getting used to my body, seeing how far I could stretch and move each limb.