
Revenge and Love (RL)

It was not Skyra Niskala Sasikirana's desire to have a relationship with two men at once, even without Sky knowing beforehand that the two men had blood relations as a biological father and son who were hostile to each other. Especially Rumpaka hates Revan so much because he had an affair, betrayed his mother's love, dated several women who made his mother's condition worse and had to get intensive treatment at the hospital. The man has a mistress that until now continues to be kept secret from his son that did not give up on finding out who this woman was who dared to destroy his family. It was not the desire of the 28-year-old woman to be the mistress of the man who had killed her parents to death, even though that was what prompted Skyra to take revenge by destroying Revan's family. In the same year, Skyra not only lost her parents but also lost her lover, Nirankara Semesta, who was the victim of a gunshot wound by a man who has not been identified until now. Without the woman knowing that the man who accidentally killed her lover was her boss, Andreas Bentala Rumpaka, the man who fell in love with her at first sight. Will Rumpaka take revenge on Skyra after knowing that the woman is his father's mistress, someone who is very hated for making his mother's life miserable, or will he still maintain his great love for Skyra? Then, will Skyra still give love to Rumpaka after knowing that the man is Revan's biological son and the person who killed her lover? The men who had made her lose the people she loved so much.

Baby_Prince_5511 · Urban
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16 Chs

Rumpaka's Madness to Skyra

Skyra has arrived at an elite restaurant in Jakarta that looks crowded with a visitor, even the restaurant is famous for offering the sensation of eating above a height of 50 meters, where many people want to feel and enjoy eating at an elevation that has never been felt in other restaurants, even though she not a phobia of heights, but still if she came to this place not to relax, but because of work matters to meet with clients. There was something Sky didn't understand, why was she included in this important meeting, she wasn't too close to her annoying boss and got to know each other this morning, which started with an argument. Why didn't the man come with Nathania, the secretary was rumored to have a special relationship with him?

Tonight, Sky looks so beautiful in the usual clothes, nothing special about getting her dressed, which is always formal and typical of a Jakarta office woman, especially since she came here because of work too. However, this time it looks feminine wearing a black span skirt to the knee with a slightly transparent white shirt top. Skyra didn't let her long hair loose as usual but chose to pull it back and leave a few strands of hair to beautify her hairstyle tonight.

However, the two beautiful female eyes were still waiting for her boss had not yet arrived, Rumpaka asked Skyra to come first inside the restaurant while waiting for his four co-workers, where there were three men and one woman who could accompany Sky so as not to become the only woman. Because she had been waiting for Rumpaka's boss and co-workers for twenty minutes without showing the bridge of his nose, the woman couldn't help ordering Latte Macchiato and Brownfox Waffle to fill her stomach first. Even though she had eaten when at home, but still felt hungry.

Skyra let out a slow breath and relaxed her fingers that felt frozen, either because the air in the room was cold or because she was trying to normalize her attitude before meeting the man who made her nervous this afternoon, and the man who managed to touch her lips without permission. What if the man discussed her dirty-minded stupidity about his misinterpreted invitation tonight. God, Skyra can't imagine what will happen next.

Her gaze continued to tilt when she saw the figure of a man walking toward him in a very chilly style, even though she had poor vision. However, Sky believes that man is Rumpaka because of his towering and sturdy body.

With a relaxed motion, Skyra immediately stood up while bowing her head to salute her superior who had just arrived. Whereas earlier woman seemed to be looking around at the situation around the restaurant that looked crowded but did not see the man's whereabouts, and suddenly walked towards him.

Either there is a disturbance in Sky's eyeballs or there is something else that makes him still widen her eyes when she looks at each other with the man who looks very handsome, even though not a single word has come out of his mouth, only an interrogative look is displayed when his position is facing each other.

"Please have a seat, Sir," asked Sky, who invited the boss to sit first on the chair that had been provided. The man changed his position for a moment from standing to sitting in a pretty arrogant style, but it didn't take away his good-look aura in the slightest.

Rumpaka looked up at Sky while the woman was still standing with her head down.

"Then, why not you sit down? Why are you still standing?" asked the man in a baritone voice that was quite jarring in Skyra's ear, and made him stutter.

"Sit down! This isn't in the office, so just act naturally," he replied again, which was an annoyance because of Sky's rigid attitude.

Without waiting long, Sky sat opposite Rumpaka who was only blocked by the table, on top of which were two orders that had not been touched at all. Sky tried to turn her face in another direction to avoid the man's gaze that continued to focus on him, thus making him embarrassed himself.

From the bottom of her heart, Sky didn't stop praising the handsome man with such a perfect posture, but again she didn't want to be enchanted by Rumpaka's appearance, nor did she want to be the next victim. Enough to relate and become the old man's mistress, once her goal is complete, she's leaving soon, too. Indeed, she is not ashamed when she has to accompany him wherever the man is gone, even though he is old, but his appearance and charm still look young, not far from her superiors, even if he is swallowed his face looks a little the same as Rumpaka's.

As usual, Rumpaka looked closely at Sky's appearance, which looked elegant tonight, there was something unusual when the long hair he saw this afternoon was pulled loose like that, showing off her long white neck adorned with a white necklace that forms the letter N. Rumpaka was curious about the letters that were not the initials of her name.

Rumpaka dispelled his curiosity because now his eyes began to focus on the white shirt that was attached to her body, there was something different in his vision, whether the woman intentionally or forgot the dress shirt she was wearing that was slightly transparent, not even wearing a camisole to cover the visible bra the black color. Honestly, his gaze couldn't be taken away from there until he had to swallow saliva, and his thoughts were all over the place. But on the other hand, he also felt uncomfortable if later seen by other people, especially three male clients who might also accidentally see it, he didn't want the woman's body to be seen by anyone other than himself.

However, he removed his thoughts for a moment and refocused on the woman's face that looked uncomfortable with his gaze.

"Why are you looking so tense again, Sky? Have you never been stared at by a handsome and charismatic man like me? So that makes you keep a tense expression when you're near me?" asked Rumpaka stopping Sky's gaze from another direction.

"Could it be that your lover is not as handsome as I am," he continued, praising his face, comparing it to the woman's lover who he didn't even know what he looked like.

Skyra pretended to smile at her boss' joke. If that man knew the truth, her relationship with the old man would surely be a laugh.

"Ehm ... it's okay, Sir. This is my first time coming to an important meeting with you. I'm afraid of making a mistake that will make you angry later, more than the anger this morning," Skyra replied calmly, one way to get rid of the nervousness of sitting alone with her boss.

The mistake consists in the morning made the man feel like he was going to pounce on him alive, especially in front of his clients, which Sky couldn't imagine. What she said earlier was only half of the nervousness she felt, the rest was influenced by Rumpaka's gaze was so comfortable that it didn't move from her face since we met until now.

Rumpaka saw that the woman was hiding something with an answer that sounded strange to his ears, even though she had answered calmly. However, the nervousness with the presence of the woman's hands that were already in a cold sweat on the table could not be hidden. Then made Rumpaka grew up from his seat, to help calm Sky's state to be more relaxed, he was so attracted to her, that maybe sometime he would spend time with her.

Rumpaka walked closer to Sky's seat, while the woman immediately dropped her face down with her hands back together, not wanting to look at each other again. Sky, who felt that if his heart beat twice as fast as if it was going to come out.

The woman immediately got up from her seat to avoid Rumpaka. I don't know what the man will do in a public place like this, Skyra is afraid that what happened in the room this afternoon will also be done here, kissing her lips carelessly or worse. However, there was no way that man would have done it if his reputation was not to been ruined because this place was quite crowded.

"What will you do, Sir?" Sky jerked reflexively when the man's hand touched her back to a standstill with a high Skyra voice.

"Mr. Rum wants to harass me?" Sky said again and immediately covered her body with both hands.

Rumpaka laughed when he found Skyra too paranoid about him. Even though he wasn't going to do anything to her, he just wanted to cover up something that had been bothering his eyes and mind for a long time.

Rumpaka had not paid attention to Sky's words, but the man seemed to incline his face to make Sky even more afraid if that man could not control his desire to do something. Even though tonight she was wearing clothes that were pretty closed, the skirt she was wearing up to her knees, only showed off her calves. However, why was the man tempted by him, without Sky realizing that her shirt was transparent enough and made Rumpaka's mind wander?

"I will scream if you dare to harass me. Remember, Sir, we will meet clients here."

"Ha ha …." Rumpaka laughed, satisfied that he had been silent for a long time and just watched the woman's paranoia. Even Sky did not get any attention from the people around him who were busy with their needs.

"What am I going to do to you, Sky? You are such a paranoid person. Who wants to harass you? Are you crazy to think like that to your boss, even in a public place like this? If I want, surely be in the hotel room." Replied Rumpaka continuing to laugh, unable to help but laugh when he saw the look on that women's face that was innocent with his only touch on the back, and even it didn't happen. Even though this afternoon Skyra had felt the warmth of a kiss from her boss's lips without the woman asking, unlike most other women.

Sky did not immediately believe Rumpaka's word, because the man was trying to touch her limbs, maybe starting from the back but could spread to other areas. Which woman is not nervous if suddenly one of her limbs is about to be touched. If she is a typical itchy woman who is often tempted and touched, it might be no problem, but the problem is she is not that kind of woman. Her relationship with the rich old man was without any touch as promised.

To save himself due to Rumpaka's demeanor being out of bounds, she was uncomfortable being in this position, even when his hands seemed to be about to touch something from her body. Without thinking, Sky kicked Rumpaka's groin right into the man's future, causing him to wince in pain from the kick.

"Aww… what are you doing? You want to kill me slowly." Groaned Rumpaka who was holding his sensitive area that's aches and pains.

"Pardon me, Sir, I had to do it because Mr. Rumpaka wanted to harass me. Yes, I kicked your precious treasure, so that you cant' do it," replied Sky defensively, still prejudiced that the man would harass her in public.

"Aww …." Rumpaka was still wincing in pain, for the first time someone had dared to kick in the area, even though it was his precious treasure as a man.

Seeing the man's grimace made Skyra feel a little pitiful, even as his face was constantly in pain until Sky wondered if the kick was that hard. What if she destroys the man's future later, she was a sinner, and from where she has such courage.

Sky scratched the nape of the neck and leaned in to reach Rumpaka's face who was still looking down. She wanted to apologize, but she was still furious with Rumpaka's arbitrary attitude.

"That's why Mr. Rumpaka doesn't have to do things to me, your pervert brain must be removed because I am not an itchy woman who likes to seduce men, don't compare me to the woman who often accompanies you. So, if Mr. Rumpaka dares to touch and harass me again, I will not hesitate to make your future device malfunction, and you can't produce offspring later when you're married," threatened Sky, who dared to reveal, that the woman was not afraid. with the man who always threatened to fire her.

Rumpaka just stood there dumbfounded to hear all the ravings of Skyra very bravely, the man was trying to get rid of the pain with a smile that was now plastered on his face. Even seeing the attitude of the woman who was very brave in bluffing and kicking, made him continue to feel interested.

The man straightened up as if he didn't feel the pain anymore, even if it was only pretending.

"I see, when you destroy my future, it means you will not have children," replied Rumpaka that giving an elusive riddle when Sky's brain was still feeling guilty about her actions earlier.

Skyra frowned because she didn't understand Rumpaka's words which sounded strange.

"What do you mean, Sir? Those who cannot have children, right, Mr. Rumpaka. If your vitals don't work. While I—"

"Because you will give birth to my child later with me," replied Rumpaka who immediately cut Sky's words and stared at him closely, a very different look this time he showed. Not a sinister grim and sharp, or even interrogation. However, a meaningful gaze.

Skyra was taken aback and surprised to hear the words from the man just now, so shocked her brows wrinkled too. Sentences that are easy to be realized, but hard to accept.

Rumpaka brought his body closer to Sky, who was still confused by his words. Even without realizing it, Skyra did not shy away from the man's body which was already at a distance that did not erode the two. Her brain was still processing the meaning of those words.

"If you dare to make my future tool not work, it means we can't have offspring later," concluded Rumpaka, clarifying the sentence that sounded rambling in Sky's ears.

"You crazy," Sky muttered, the two words spewing out of her mouth.

"Yeah, you're right, I've gone mad, and it's all because of you that has driven me crazy. I don't know what's inside of you that makes me so interested like this, that I don't even realize what I'm saying." Rumpaka explained the madness he felt, in a state of consciousness and with no doubts at all. He looked stupid and infatuated in front of Skyra. The rude and cold attitude that is often displayed seems to just disappear when dealing with a woman he just met this morning.

Skyra couldn't believe what she was hearing, felt like she wanted to get out of this restaurant as soon as she heard strange and crazy words from her boss. I don't know how long she had to wait for the four male clients who never came.

To be continued.