
Revelation of Destiny

In a world where magical awakenings determine destiny, Arin, a poor boy, dreams of a better life for his struggling family. After a bullying incident, Arin falls into an old well and discovers a mysterious ring that bonds to him, granting him extraordinary powers. Keeping the ring a secret, Arin prepares for the official awakening ceremony, hoping it will elevate his family from poverty. During the ceremony, the ring's power triggers a unique and powerful awakening in Arin, bestowing him with rare summoning abilities. Now able to call forth mythical creatures, Arin embarks on a journey to master his powers, protect his family, and confront his former bullies. Revelation of Destiny follows Arin’s quest to rise above adversity, uncover the secrets of the ring, and navigate the complexities of his new abilities in a world filled with magic, danger, and intrigue.

DaoistMrEMYm · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: Hidden Power

The Duke examined the ring on Arin's finger, his eyes narrowing. He knew that what he was seeing was something extraordinary. He interrupted the ceremony and decisively declared, "Leave, I want to speak with Arin alone." His companions looked at him briefly but did not protest. Ralear and the headmaster also immediately left.

Once the room emptied, the Duke stepped closer to Arin and scrutinized the ring up close. The room was silent, the only sound a faint hum from outside. The torches on the walls cast flickering shadows, adding a sense of foreboding to the already tense atmosphere. "Where did you get this ring?" he asked sharply, his voice suddenly as sharp as a knife.

Arin, nervous and uncertain, began recounting the entire story. He knew that lying was not an option. The Duke was a high-level awakened, and the thought of him taking the ring frightened Arin. He gathered all his courage, took a deep breath, and began.

"I found it at the bottom of a well. It was on a skeleton that lay there... I fell into the well while running from some classmates who wanted to hurt me. When I dove to the bottom, I saw the skeleton. The ring was on its finger. It looked like it had been there for years. I was injured and desperate, so I took the ring and put it on. It immediately knocked me out, and I lost consciousness. When I woke up, all my injuries were healed."

Arin paused and looked at the Duke, who was watching him intently. "Since then, I've had strange dreams. I saw monsters and creatures, as if the ring was preparing me for something big. And whenever we talked about summoners in school, I felt a strange pull, like it was something I was drawn to."

The Duke nodded and stepped even closer to examine the ring carefully. His eyes gleamed with curiosity and admiration. Inwardly, he pondered the opportunity before him. Arin seemed exceptional. If he could win his loyalty, it might benefit him greatly in the future. But he also knew the ring was dangerous. What if someone else discovered its value and tried to take it from Arin?

"That's a very powerful ring. Do you have any idea what you've found?"

Arin shook his head. "No, sir. I only know it saved my life."

The Duke sighed. "This ring is probably a legendary item. They are extremely rare and powerful. I have only one legendary item, which the current king's father gave me for saving his son. That's why this ring surprises me so much."

The Duke toyed with the idea that this item might have pre-awakened Arin but dismissed the thought since it couldn't be verified and would imply that the ring was mythical or an artifact. These items are not commonly worn, not even by the king. In our kingdom, only the top 20 strongest awakened have and wear them. It made no sense for it to be in the well, but I'll have it dug up anyway. The Duke also considered how vulnerable Arin was. What if someone tried to kill him and take the ring? He had to protect Arin and simultaneously discover what potential lay within him.

"You must be careful. People might want to take this ring from you," he said quietly. The Duke's eyes flicked to the shadows, as if expecting an assailant to step out and claim the ring at any moment. The weight of the situation pressed down on both of them, making the room feel colder.

The Duke conjured an old, worn book with a wave of his hand and handed it to Arin. "This is a basic spellbook for summoners. It will teach you how to summon basic creatures that will obey you."

Arin nodded and gripped the book tightly. A shiver ran down his spine. "Thank you, sir."

The Duke nodded and continued. "A summoner is one of the most powerful professions but also one of the most demanding. It consumes a lot of mana, so you need very good equipment, and their spellbooks or scrolls are among the most expensive."

Arin asked curiously, "What can I summon? And what are my limits?"

The Duke smiled. "At the beginning, you'll be able to summon only basic creatures like wolves or wild dogs." Arin pondered this, as it confirmed what he knew from school and books about summoners. "But as you grow and level up, you'll be able to summon increasingly powerful beings. The best summoners could summon monsters like dragons or phoenixes. Your abilities will depend on your level, intelligence, and will. You must train and improve your skills, gaining experience by defeating monsters."

The Duke then conjured a pair of gloves with another wave of his hand, just like the spellbook. "These gloves are enchanted to conceal not only your hands but also the ring. You'll need them if you don't want anyone to discover the secret of your ring." He handed them to Arin and added, "Wear them always. They will protect you."

Arin put on the gloves and felt the ring and his hands become invisible. "Thank you, sir. I will wear them."

The room's dim light glinted off the old book's worn cover, and the air seemed to hum with latent energy as Arin held the book. The gloves, now on his hands, felt almost alive, as if the enchantment within them was eager to fulfill its purpose. The Duke watched him with a mixture of concern and expectation, aware of the heavy burden he had just placed on the young boy's shoulders.

The Duke sat down and looked at Arin. "Tell me more about your family," he requested.

Arin began to talk about his mother, Elire, who worked long hours to support the family, and his two sisters, Livia and Elenor. He described how they lived in poverty and struggled daily to survive. As he spoke, he felt the Duke's interest deepen.

The Duke nodded. "You must be very brave to have managed all this," he said. "I see potential in you, Arin. And I'd like to offer you something that could change your life and the life of your family."

Arin listened attentively, his heart beating faster.

"What does your mother do to support the family?" the Duke asked further.

"She works as a cook for wealthy families in the city. She's very capable, but they pay her very little," Arin replied.

"And your sisters? Do they go to school?" the Duke continued.

"No, sir. Livia is still small, but Elenor will be taking talent tests at the end of the year. Both are very smart and hardworking," Arin said proudly.

The Duke smiled. "Good. I want your family to have better conditions. But first, I need to know that you are the right person I can trust."

Arin realized that this was an opportunity that didn't come often. The Duke was right—this could change their lives.

The Duke leaned back in his chair, the leather creaking softly under his weight. His eyes, sharp and calculating, seemed to pierce through Arin as he considered the boy's potential. Outside, the wind howled against the stone walls, a reminder of the harsh world beyond this room. Inside, however, the promise of a better future hung in the air, tantalizing and almost within reach.

The Duke straightened up and thoughtfully examined Arin. He still wondered how a poor boy like this could have a ring and an advanced profession at level 1. "I need to think of something that will truly motivate you, but also make sense to me," he murmured to himself.

Then he looked directly into Arin's eyes. "I want to offer you the chance to study at the war academy in my seat, Thalorn. And if you accept, I'll make sure your family can live in a middle-class district where they'll have better conditions. The only thing you have to do is show the well to my aide."

Arin was stunned. "I need to consult with my family, sir, but I'll show him the well right away."

The Duke nodded and gazed thoughtfully at Arin. "I understand. But think quickly. This is a unique opportunity. And honestly, I still wonder how such a poor boy like you has a ring and an advanced profession at level 1. You have great luck and potential. I don't want that potential to go to waste."

Arin felt the weight of the Duke's words and swallowed, then nodded.

The Duke smiled. "I'm sure you won't disappoint. My aide, who will accompany you to the well, is named Maloren. He will then wait for your decision for two days at the Broken Tooth Inn."

The Duke stood and extended his hand to Arin. "Good luck, Arin. I hope your decision brings the best for you and your family. Wait outside the door."

The Duke called everyone back inside and motioned for Arin to leave. Arin stood by the door and quietly waited to see what would happen next. He examined the gloves and the book he had received. He discovered that the gloves appeared in his attribute window as rare gloves of concealment, adding +5 agility and +3 willpower.

The heavy door creaked open after less than a minute. The Duke's aide stepped out, his expression unreadable. "My name is Maloren," he said, extending his hand to Arin. "The Duke has given me two tasks. You are to show me the well, and I will wait for you for two days at the inn."

Arin nodded, and Maloren continued, "Good, show me the well."

Together they left the school and headed towards the ancient well. They arrived there in about ten minutes. The whole way, both were silent, Arin lost in his thoughts, which Maloren didn't mind at all. The path was lined with gnarled trees, their branches twisting like the hands of old men. When they reached the well, Maloren nodded to Arin and said, "You have two days. If you don't come, I'm returning to Thalorn."