
Revelation of Destiny

In a world where magical awakenings determine destiny, Arin, a poor boy, dreams of a better life for his struggling family. After a bullying incident, Arin falls into an old well and discovers a mysterious ring that bonds to him, granting him extraordinary powers. Keeping the ring a secret, Arin prepares for the official awakening ceremony, hoping it will elevate his family from poverty. During the ceremony, the ring's power triggers a unique and powerful awakening in Arin, bestowing him with rare summoning abilities. Now able to call forth mythical creatures, Arin embarks on a journey to master his powers, protect his family, and confront his former bullies. Revelation of Destiny follows Arin’s quest to rise above adversity, uncover the secrets of the ring, and navigate the complexities of his new abilities in a world filled with magic, danger, and intrigue.

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Chapter 4: The Final Days

Less than 14 days remained until the awakening ceremony. Arin's anxiety grew with each passing day. School had introduced many new subjects, interwoven with each other. His favorite teacher, Ralear, began sharing his personal experiences—how he lost his hand, how he became spontaneously awakened at the age of 31, and how he lost his best friend on his second dungeon expedition, who was split in half by a lesser demon.

"The ones who took my hand weren't monsters, but people," Ralear said with a heavy heart. "They attacked our group when we were completely exhausted and injured from the last expedition. They were classic Skulls." He added that he had actually been fortunate, as three out of five party members had lost their lives. Ralear was an experienced storyteller, and it was clear that he had been in this role for many decades. All the classmates, including Arin, hung on every word he said.

Kevin asked, "Teacher, what are Skulls?"

Ralear's expression grew even grimmer. "Skulls are ruthless bandits who prey on the weary and vulnerable. They are human predators, killing, enslaving, and looting from other humans. They bear skull tattoos and leave skull carvings at the scenes of their attacks. There are also Skulls without tattoos, who are lowlifes of society—killers and more. Within the Skulls, there are many clans and guilds, sometimes fighting each other, sometimes working together. They often operate across several kingdoms simultaneously."

"They are brutal people," Ralear continued, "and their cruelty knows no bounds. When combined with the monsters that inhabit this world, our world becomes a very dangerous place. You must be prepared not only to fight monsters to gain experience but also to defend against these human predators."

After the storytelling, several discussions followed among the classmates. Kevin, Arin, and Tarin talked together about what they had learned from Ralear. Kevin, always curious, asked, "Do you think we could encounter something similar when we become awakened?"

"I don't know," Arin replied. "But we have to be prepared for anything."

"And what if we have to kill a person?" Kevin asked quietly.

Arin thought for a moment and then replied, "If there's no other choice, we'll have to do what's necessary."

A week before the awakening, they got a new teacher, who came from the wealthy class. Her name was Sunnora, and she began teaching them a subject that explained how the world and economy worked. Rumor had it that she was awakened but had a non-combat profession—a scribe. Scribes are highly valued because they create useful scrolls and transcribe skillbooks, which greatly help heroes. This profession usually earns a lot of money.

Sunnora explained that there are various groups and associations such as guilds, leagues, and clans that engage in various activities—from crafting items, selling, herb gathering, to assigning tasks to adventurers, collecting, and purchasing materials. She also touched on topics such as bounty hunters, groups of assassins or bandits hunting the awakened for their own gain. She mentioned groups of forbidden religion or cult followers and gave an overview of powerful families in their kingdom.

"The awakened in our kingdom have executive power, to which even the king must submit," Sunnora explained. "Because of this, our kingdom hasn't been at war for over 15 years and is one of the most prosperous in the region."

Arin pondered. "If this town I live in is such a hole, and our land hasn't been at war for 15 years and is the most prosperous in the area, what must it be like to live in other states or kingdoms that aren't prosperous or are at war?"

His classmates thought something similar, but their teacher, who obviously came from higher circles, didn't take it seriously. They were given many tasks where they had to memorize the names of lords and nobles far and wide, their castles and villages. It was something Arin had never learned, but he found it was no problem for him to remember names he had only heard once.

It was very fascinating because his thoughts were clear and ordered. When their teacher asked and tested them the next day, he had the best results by far. Sunnora suspected him of cheating or that he had studied it before. Classmates who didn't like Arin started secretly badmouthing him. Only his friends Kevin and Tarin supported him.

The second-to-last day at school, it was planned that their class would go to the town square to help construct and decorate the stage where their awakening would take place. It was a service for being able to study for almost two years. In the afternoon, a few students from the wealthy class, mainly Marcus, Edmund, and Jackson Blackwood, came to watch.

"At least you're doing something," they said mockingly. "It's great that you'll do the dirty work for us," added Marcus, and they all laughed. Meanwhile, they whispered among themselves about how lucky they were to be born into rich families and not have to worry about anything. Arin and his friends felt anger but knew they had to hold back. Fighting the wealthy students would lead to serious consequences—in the best case, they would be expelled from school, in the worst, they could end up in jail or hanged.

Kevin, looking thoughtful, turned to Arin and quietly said, "Do you think the Duke will have some sympathy for us too? I heard he doesn't come from the highest circles."

Arin shrugged. "Maybe. But you know what, Kevin? I'll be happy if I manage to secure my family. I don't have such big ambitions as you."

"Don't you believe that we could achieve something great?" Kevin asked urgently. "Look at the Duke. He started with nothing and now he's one of the most powerful men in the kingdom."

"I believe you," Arin replied. "But we have to be realistic. I want my sisters to be safe and not have to suffer. That's the most important thing for me. If it means I have to climb the power ladder, then I'll do it."

Just as Arin was about to carry another load, he heard a cry. He turned and saw Kevin writhing on the ground, while Marcus, Edmund, and Jackson stood over him. One of them had just punched him, giving him a black eye.

"That's for even trying," Marcus sneered. "You're just scum that has no right to equal us."

Arin felt his anger rise. He was ready to intervene, but he knew it would only make things worse. Instead, he helped Kevin to his feet and promised himself that one day he would show those three what real strength meant.

"Just wait," Kevin whispered painfully. "When we awaken, we'll show them who is truly strong here."

Arin nodded. "Yes, Kevin. But for now, we have to be careful. Revenge will come, but we must be patient."

Classmates Liora and Merina covered their mouths and looked visibly upset, but they couldn't say anything either. The teacher standing nearby did not intervene, which only worsened the situation. Arin knew that if he became powerful, he would avenge all the injustices he and his friends had suffered. In this world, survival was about strength and connections. And he was determined to gain both.

That evening at home, Arin talked to his mother Elira about what had happened. "What happened, son?" she asked, concerned.

Arin told her about the incident with Kevin and the bullying from wealthier classmates. Elira sighed. "This world is cruel, son. You have to be strong to survive. This world is not fair, and only the strongest have a chance to succeed."

Then she began showing Arin the new clothes she had saved up for him. "Look, these are for your awakening ceremony. The ones you wear to school are already worn and faded. These new ones will give you confidence."

As Arin tried on the new clothes, his sisters admired him and teased him. "Look at our knight in shining armor!" laughed the youngest sister, Livia.

"Yes, you look like a real prince," added the middle sister, Elenor. "Just try not to trip on your way to the stage," she added with a smile.

It was the first time in a long time that he felt joy and pride. His sisters laughed and admired how he looked. It was a happy moment that gave him the courage to face the future.

"Thanks, mom," Arin said as he looked in the mirror. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect you and ensure a better life for us."

Jara hugged him. "I know you can do it, Arin. You have a strength within you that you don't yet know. I believe in you."

Arin wondered if his mother knew about the ring but said nothing. Perhaps she knew he was hiding something but didn't want to press him because she loved her only son and believed he was doing his best for their family. Arin knew he couldn't wear the old gloves all the time. Tomorrow, he wouldn't be able to wear them anyway when he would have to place his hand on the awakening device on the podium.

That evening, Arin went to bed with a sense of determination. He knew the road ahead was long and full of obstacles, but he was ready to face all the challenges. As he drifted off to sleep, his dreams were filled with visions of monsters and mystical creatures whose names he didn't even know. They radiated a fascinating power, and the battles he saw were both thrilling and terrifying.

He woke up several times during the night, drenched in sweat, with his heart pounding. Each time he closed his eyes, the dreams returned—more vivid and intense than before. Arin knew these dreams were a sign, a prelude to what awaited him. The next day would be the beginning of a new chapter in his life, a step towards awakening and the immense power that came with it.

As dawn approached, Arin took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally for the awakening ceremony. He knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, he was ready to face them head-on.