
Chapter 25

While the search party where send to find X

Doc. Cain order some units along with Gate and Douglas to investigate something in the ruins of a temple in the rain forest located near the Island where Doc. Albert Wily base was located in the past 20xx because of Doc. Cain said along with Doc. Light and Doc.Cossack that they been informed by Roll and Brightman along with the Nevi Hunters that they keeping up some sort of signal and don't what is it

So they send them to investigate while the search for X still continue in the process

The search unit in the investigation along with Gate and Douglas has arrived on the Island where they been sent to

So they went inside the rain forest and look around in the forest for the ruins of the temple, that they been looking for

After they spent 4hours of looking around, they finally found it

Some parts of the temple where scatter in the ground and now being cover by moss and other vines along with a mushroom

"Okay, let's start our search now," Gate said to units before leading some units to go inside along with Douglas but some stay to guard or to look around if there's anything they have miss while the other search party are inside the temple to search/investigate

Inside the temple

"This place sure is dark," Douglas said before activating his sensor to able to see in the dark

The others did the same and continue to search/investigate or walk around search/investigate too

"Yeah" Gate said before writing something on his checklist hologram " this place looks like the same old or maybe much older than banker where X, Zero, and Axl units to search to and also found that the Light family along The Cossack are still alive after a long century of sleep in their time and ours"

"Yeah, I hope the search party for X, finds him," Douglas said he and X are good friends for years in the hunters before Sigma turns into a Marverick and started the countless war that they been through

Before Gate could reply to Douglas, he got a send from HQ

"I think you don't have to worry about that much" Gate said after he was done reading the message that was sent to him

"Huh?, and why is that I should not worry much about it" Douglas ask wanting to know what Gate means by that

"I have received a message from HQ, that the search party for X has successfully found him," Gate said with a small smile was forming on his face

"Oh, what good news to hear," Douglas said with a hint of relief on his voice in hearing that

"Yeah," Gate said before going to the other units to help them with their search/investigation, and Douglas too went to the other units to the left side to help them

One of the search units reploid that was a little bit far from the others has stepped on something that relieves a hidden passage that leads to somewhere or place in the temple

The reploid called Gate and Douglas on the network link that he found something like a hidden or passage in his location inside the temple a little bit far from them

"Okay, copy that," Gate said before calling all the units to come with him and Douglas to go where the reploid reported the hidden room or passage

Once they went there, Gate asks the reploid on who did he find this

and the reploid reply that he accidentally step on something that causes to relieve the hidden passage

They went inside the passage and saw a room full of the capsule but they are very dusty

Units were scattered around to investigate the place

Douglas went towards one capsule and wipe some dust off until he saw the capsule name and who is inside

Once he saw the name, his eyes went wide

"Umm... Gate, I think you need to see this" Douglas said without taking off his eyes from the capsule

"hmm, What is it ?" Gate asks and walking towards Douglas wondering what does Douglas want him to see

Douglas wordlessly raise his finger and pointed to the capsule name where he wipes off the dust from

Gate followed where Douglas was pointing at and once he sees on what Douglas was pointing at his eyes went wide just like Douglas state in the first place

The Capsule name was SWN-001 0r Bass/forte

"This is..." before Gate make out any word, one of the search party called him

"Umm, Doc.Gate"

Gate quickly snap out to his shock and went to the reploid who his pointing at Capsule name just like Douglas

DWN-009 or Metalman

All units stared at in shock before starting to wipe the dust off the capsule

Every single capsule in this room has DWN on them

knowing that they have found another piece in the 20xx

But this time it was Zero's brothers where found