
Chapter 16 (part 2)

X felt an entire electricity wave are frying all his system when the spike struck him from behind


he falls to the ground and cough if some oil out of his mouth, trying to shake off the pain that was washing over his body

Good thing that he manages to dodge the upcoming claws that were coming towards him. before moving to the other sides while holding the parts where he was injured before leaping off to walls to walls

The damage behind his back still letting out some sparks and oil that was dripping out of his body while looking at metalloid in front of him

The metalloid keeps on firing its spikes towards X and shooting with plasma blast from its mouth

X knows he can't keep doing this forever

he mush end this now before things might ugly some if didn't finish on what it started

X with all his might, use his booster on his boots to boost his speed in leaping around the room where he and metalloid where facing each other

Metalloid followed his movement like a sabercat on its prey of the hunt

even with the boost from the booster, the metalloid can still catch up with the speed that X is using

The metalloid tries to fire one of its spikes again at X, Once X has leaped on the near end of the wall

with luck, X manages to slip down the avoid the spikes that were thrown at him

and the wall that he slips down has a prefect aim to the forehead where it was the metalloid weak spot

So he quickly wheat out his X buster on his right arm before aiming to the gem on the middle head in a perfect angel while sliding down to the ground with the rapid speed of his buster charging upon its energy blast on its limits

and it's was enough to blow up the gem into pieces

The Metalloid growls at him in anger when X dodges its attack that was coming towards him

The metalloid bent down like a cat who will leap at any second to catch a falling prey in front of it

and without a doubt, it leaps towards X with its both claws sharped and both mouths wide open to bite X down

but unknown to the metalloid that X buster arm has finally done charging and been waiting to fire out its blast towards the aims

X waited for a little longer for the metalloid to close in a tiny pinch

just a little more






The metalloid was already coming towards him, little ich more it might reach X who is sliding down to the ground from the walls







X narrows his eye's when the metalloid is now really near to coming towards him with its both claws out and both mouth wide open to chop him down to pieces.





One of the metalloid claws rose up, in a position to swap X down from the wall while one more inch near X.






The metalloid let out a roar before diving its claws at X

Everything seems to be in slow motion but the claws that coming down towards so close




And then.....


The claws that almost near X face slowly retreated to its body before landing its body to the ground with a load crush sound, as some of its body parts were scattered somewhere in the room

X landed on the ground with a thud but not as loud as the body crush of the metalloid who is now laying in the ground with a huge gaping hole where the crystal was before being blown up by X buster shot

X force himself in a seating position to catch his breath before forcibly standing again on his feet

while looking at the defeated enemy, X suddenly got a call from Alia at base

"X, I have been trying to contact you more than 10 times but it must be something that blocks the link calls from here to yours," Alia said through the link called " So what happened, why it took more than 3 hours to finally link call you through the communication"

X explained to her everything that happened in this mission, that he finds one secret room by a hidden switch in the old base, two he got trapped in the room with animalistic metalloid in the room

This cause Alia gasp in surprise before letting X continue to explain everything but unknown to them there was a figure looking towards X with its bloodshot cold red eyes before looking at the destroyed metalloid who is laying in the ground with parts scattered

The figure quickly types something in their wrist before leaving the room

"Goodbye Megaman X"

And the metalloid suddenly heated so badly that it seems like it's about to explode any minute

and X did not notice the body behind him until it too late...



"X wh-"
