
Chapter 13

X careful cross over the police warming tape, that's was covering some parts of the entrance inside

the base

The inside where like a storm that has broken in, and trash the place like a garbage disposal

There were some parts of the ceiling where on the ground while some of the walls have huge or small cracks and a hole in some sides

And who could forget the oil spill and somebody parts scattered on either side of the places

X close his eye before breathing in and Breath out

Because He can still smell the oil spill as new even though it's really old, and

having a flashback of the first war where many death and lives were taken

Those memories still have scars on his mind though but this isn't the right place to be somber right now

[It's fine, It's fine...I can do this...]X thought [ it's in the past now, I have to finish this mission quickly...]

with a heavy sigh, X walks forward through the hall inside the base


"So, you are telling me that... X really hesitate in some part of the training even though it's not real" Hornetman said

"Yep, even on some mission too"Zero said"His having a little trouble in attacking a Maverick who held a hostage, because he doesn't want many ones to get hurt or die in that situation"


"You know, X does remind me of rock sometimes, "Blues said

taking a sip on his E-tank while the others agree(expect Rock whoa little blush knowing what conversation will happen next)

Zero and Axl stared at him with question look on their face

"How so?" Axl asks

"Because Rock, sometimes hesitate to fight his siblings and cousins when they being controlled by Wily"Blues


"Oh," Zero said

but still left a bitter taste on his mouth when Blues said his poor of an excuse of a father name

"same with your brothers Zero" Blues

said and this caught Zero attention"Rock hesitate to fight them even Bass"

"What?" Zero

was speechless not only that X older brother Rock hesitate to fight his brothers, but he also hesitates to fight Bass of all of people/reploid/robot masters

Zero knows bass from the data file that was buried very deep inside his head

let's just say...Zero wasn't fond of bass cocky and mean attitude, and also.... his huge ego on thinking he is the strongest robot masters in the world (I mean, who could forget his cocky and mean attitude, and also his huge ego)

"It's true Zero, I have hesitated a lot of moment when comes in fighting with my siblings and cousin who's being controlled by Doc. wily Rock said "even with your older brothers, and especially bass even though he kinda betray me sometimes burning the wars with Doc. Wily"

"And you always come late with neared a injures like a bent, scratch or anything that will give us a core attack/heart attack (For Doc. light) when you do so, "Elecman said

"eh, eh...."Rock scratch the back of his head in embarrassment while Zero and Axl snorted

"Now we know where X get the traits of hesitating on fighting an enemy," Axl said while Zero nods his in agreement

"Soo...Zero and Axl how often does X get injured on some mission?"Roll ask

making a plan to prevent X from doing the same things that Rock did in the past

"Same with Rock though but he did get his arm chops off on the day of Sigma betrayal"Zero said before frowning at that memory

"Oh okay- wait What!?"

"Oh, I heard about it," Axl said"It's the day that half of the entire hunter was turned to Maverick because of him, right"

"Yep, you got it right"Zero said

"What happened?"Timeman ask

wanting to know what happened that day

"Well you see....'"Before Zero could even start to tell the story about that day,he was cut off when

"Zero, Axl! Bad news!"Alia said through the speaker

"Alia, what's going on?"Zero ask through the communication

"It's X, I lost his signal!"
