

Friends forever is a myth

No one stays with you forever, the day you realize that you start living each moment and even stop having high expectations. Looking at the view in front of me and thinking about the past. The days when I were surrounded by people who mattered to me, the days when smiling and laughing came naturally to me, unlike now when I am all alone and struggle to smile.

My thoughts were disturbed by a knock at the door. There was someone knocking my door? Nobody knows me here, my family don't know that I am alive, then who is this at this time of the night?

I walk towards the door and trip and fall, regretting my decision to sit in the dark, I realized that I am sucker for disasters. The lights turn on while sat helplessly on the floor with a sprained ankle, I looked up and was surprised to see a man looking down at me surprised-wait how did this man get in? The door was locked right?

My eyes tried to adjust to the light and saw a familiar face-wait-what is he doing here? I was now staring at the familiar stormy grey eyed man with confusion, is this a dream? Or am I gone mad? Why would he be here after 3 years? This cant be real.

"As clumsy as always! You still like sitting in the dark alone, why am I not surprised?" How dare he. This Burnette is giving me mixed feelings - I want hug him as much I want to kill him, but that mouth will always make me choose the latter.

"What the hell are YOU doing here " I roar at him, my reaction would have been different if this son of a gun would have helped me up instead of insulting me. Standing up by myself and glaring daggers at this creature, I try to keep my calm. Key word -Tried!

"I expected that too, why don't you surprise me like Before Reine?" his cold eyes questioned, Oh god why can't he just shut up! This man made my year [I guess] by visiting me but, the attitude of his will give a migraine for a week.

"Leave" I groaned, I cant let him stay here, what if anyone get's to know where I live? what if they find me? how did he find out where I live?

"come on at least let's have a drink and a movie then I'll leave" he smirked, he loved getting on my nerves and as much as I love bickering with him, its not safe for this ass to be with me right now.

"OUT NOW DRACO" I screamed, just like usual he does the same - annoy me and he's the best at it. Friends are chosen family, but the only difference is I choose mine from a bunch of criminals.

"Just a coffee for old times sake, please! Reine" wait did he just say please? Am I dreaming?

'OLD TIMES' !- things changed, I have changed, wish I could go back in time with my friends, coffee with cupcakes and kick ass missions! I am not that an undercover agent anymore.

"Fine, just coffee then you leave" I said, I do want company but I just hope its not a wrong decision, At least he can tell me how the others are doing..!

"I even expected that! When did the cold, bold unpredictable Assassin become so ordinary?" He teased, what to say time changes people.

"When the bad boy Draco decided to be Santa and visit me on Christmas Eve" I tease back, bickering with him is fun and it gives me joy - He will never know that or maybe he already does but we'll pretend like we don't.

"OOH Reine is back" he said with a teasing smirk plastered on his face which my hands were desperate to wipe of his face. HE didn't give a comeback nor scowled?-he was never like this, I don't trust his motive!

I enter the kitchen to make coffee the way he liked, black coffee with one part whiskey, no sugar. I smile at the memories, during work hours everyone were caffeine addicted, one coffee after another and keeps going, but he was the one with highest caffeine intake but still could sleep like a koala after that.

When I walk back into the living room I find Draco sleeping comfortably-on my couch? He looks pale and tired, even his eyes lost his color , his hair has grown longer but still short and the sudden urge of pulling his hair crawled up my mind.

Did he come here because he has no other place to go? If yes I'm going to let him stay, but why didn't he go to her place?

I slowly walk towards him and wake him up, without pulling his hair, coz Draco has good reflexes - I am afraid he'll shoot me and I don't wanna die from his hands.

Draco rubbed his eyes-cute and adjusted his hair like the usual self absorbed idiot and he looked up and stared at me. Mostly he forgot what he was doing before he fell asleep, slowly his frown vanished implying he remembered how he ended up in my house, But how the hell does he know my passcode to enter my house?

'I'm sorry"— he mumbled, I give him the coffee and smile.

"You can sleep after having the coffee, I don't mind having company for Christmas" I meant it, but his expression turned back to cold and that was enough to know something is cooking.

"Oh you drink your coffee I'll get cookies" I kept my tea on the table and got up, His expression again changed now he looked vulnerable. He liked the cookies 'she' baked loved it not only him the whole team did. I go to the kitchen to fetch the cookies-her recipe-his favorite! He smirked at me and I knew an insult is going to come flying and hit my face.

"So going to tell me how the tigress turned into a cat?" He has it coming. The nerve of this man will carve his path to death and I'll be waiting in the other end for him to do the honors.

" going to tell me why you showed up I know there is something You want from me"-sigh-"No one would visit me without any benefit after what happened" I wanted answers-desperately!

"You'll know" ok this is getting riskier he has something in mind- Is he here to kill me? Man I don't want him to kill me, I don't want him to do a sin and not that he isn't a sinner already but why make his list of sins longer?

I quietly sat and finished my tea, it tasted funny-OH NO!!

"Draco why?" I squeaked

"Sorry had to" after that the darkness consumed me and I fall unconscious.

As soon as I wakeup I'll make his life hell that is a promise!

I could feel him lifting me in bridal style and then blank..

A/N - Draco? what did he do to Reine? why did he do it?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Adhira_Jaijeethcreators' thoughts