
Returning to Earth from the Immortal World (DXD)

After spending three hundred fruitless years in an Immortal World where might makes right and the people there are all assholes with a cultivation fetish, Hyoudou Issei finally manages to make his way back home to Earth. Unfortunately for him, the Earth that he once knew may not be so ordinary after all. This is a harem.

Maou09 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Even More Summertime Fun

"So, should I call you master or something?"

It's been more than two weeks since the bathroom incident. They were once again at Aika's place. This time, they were inside her bedroom.

In truth, this was Issei's first time inside a girl's bedroom, so he was a bit nervous. During all his previous visits, they had mainly stuck to her bathroom, mostly because that was the only place in the house that wouldn't leave behind a mess whenever Aika expelled worldly impurities from her body. On rare occasions, they hung out in her living room where they would either watch movies or play video games.

Aika had jumped all the way to the third stage of Qi Cultivation. She was moving up the ranks at impressive speeds. With her current cultivation, Aika did not have to worry so much about expelling any additional impurities. As such, Issei had finally deemed it safe enough to cultivate outside a bathtub.

The girl in question felt somewhat relieved by this change. In all the novels that she had read (courtesy of Issei's coaxing), not a single one of the characters cultivated in a dingy bathtub.

While Aika cultivated, Issei once again busied himself with reading manga. He did most of his cultivation at night and tended not to cultivate during his sessions with Aika.

When her sudden question first entered his ears, it momentarily caused his brain to short-circuit. After a painfully long stretch of silence, he finally spoke. "W-what was that?"

"I asked if I should be calling you master or not." She repeated. "I read the novels. You're passing down cultivation techniques and teaching me all about how to cultivate. Doesn't that make me your disciple?"

"Oh, that's what you meant."

Issei's shoulders drooped. When he had heard her call him 'master', his thoughts had instantly gone to a completely different place. Namely, he thought of maids, maid outfits, and a bunch of those hardcore roleplaying videos that he had 'accidentally' stumbled upon. It couldn't be helped, really. Issei had a bit of a maid fetish (honestly, he had a lot of fetishes). Forgive a guy for fantasizing.

'Still, a disciple and master dynamic also has its own allure…'

Just before Issei could discover another new fetish, Aika's voice reached his ears.

"Hmm, I wonder just what sort of dirty thoughts are running through that head of yours."

"I, I don't know what you're talking about," Issei replied back, almost instinctively. He crossed his arms and pouted, an action unbecoming of a man of his position. "You're throwing baseless accusations around and I don't appreciate it."

Aika simply giggled in response.

She liked to believe that she had gotten to know Issei fairly well over the last couple of days they'd spent together. She had learned quite quickly that he was an earnest sort of guy with a rather kind heart. He was also probably the world's biggest pervert. At first glance, his kindheartedness and perversion seemed like contradictory traits, but Issei somehow made it work. It was an enigma that she had yet to solve.

Actually, it was a bit funny. Watching his pervy side conflict with his more 'noble' side resulted in some pretty hilarious moments.

"So, should I call you that or not?" She asked again.

"Uh… just do what you want." Issei waved his hand dismissively. Truth be told, he had never really been in that sort of relationship with anyone. In the Immortal World, he was hated by nearly everyone, so he never got the chance to find a master. Similarly, no young hopeful would ever consider taking in the continent's number one enemy as their master.

It was only now that he realized that the relationship between him and Aika was truly that of master and disciple.

"I wonder though…" Aika suddenly trailed off as she stared up at him with an ever-growing smile, one that was accompanied by a familiar mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Were you perhaps thinking of a different kind of master?"

"I, uh, I don't know what you're talking about." He repeated, although this time, not as convincing as before.

"Come on, Issei. You're a bit too honest for lying." She stated. "I saw the way your face practically lit up when I said the word 'master'," she emphasized the words with a soft pucker of her lips. "You clearly misunderstood what I meant, and by taking into account your nature as a pervert, it was quite easy to tell what exactly you were imagining. Still, I didn't know you were into that. Very kinky."

"Er… you can't blame a guy for something like this, Aika." He reasoned. "You can't police thoughts. We don't live in a totalitarian regime. My thoughts are my own, and I'm free to think as I please."

Aika merely smirked. She had noticed another unique trait about Issei: he rambled whenever he got nervous. And oh boy, did Aika make him nervous a lot.

"Don't be so stiff Issei. I like it too." She said, much to his surprise. "I wonder though, would it make you happy if I called you 'master' in that way?" She paused for a moment, gauging his reaction.

Fortunately for her, Issei was still at a loss for words. Was her offer to call him 'master' really so surprising? After all, Aika liked the guy, the much was clear. She didn't even mind Issei's wish to form a harem.

Still, she was a selfish girl. If she could, she'd prefer to have her man all to herself.

That's why she had declared 'war' on him, so to speak. In the world of love, it was either conquer or be conquered. Naturally, she wanted to do the former.

"Well?" She continued, "what do you think, 'master'?"

At this point, his brain was basically fried. Aika was simply too… too Aika! He was not prepared for this type of difficult heroine. His character was still too low-leveled. His defenses were frail, and his attack weak.

An instinctive part of him knew that he was close to defeat. Aika had been ramping up her 'attacks' ever since the bathroom incident. It started with light touches that lingered for a few seconds too long, then moved on to verbal wordplay/teasing that often left his mind spinning. Her most dangerous method to date was changing the way she dressed.

Back when they first started, Aika had stuck to baggy white t-shirts and shorts. Nowadays, she would wear skin-tight, semi-revealing clothing, like yoga pants, crop-tops, and near-transparent camisoles. Yesterday, she even walked around the place with nothing but panties and a small shirt that barely reached her navel!

It was dangerous.

Issei knew he was on the verge of defeat, and as tempting as simply admitting defeat sounded right now, a part of him knew that he'd lose something important the moment he conceded to this vixen. That's why he buckled down, fought his natural urges, and powered through her teasing.

Issei would not falter. For his dream, for his future happiness, he would keep moving forward.

He bit down on his tongue, preventing his nerves from getting any worse. He needed to take control. Aika was leading him around like a dog on a leash. While a part of him somewhat didn't mind, a larger part of him wanted to fight back. He did not want to be seduced. He wanted to be the seducer.

This time, he did not need Ddraig's advice to know what to do.

Issei took a deep, shuddering breath. Using his years of experience as a cultivator, he forcibly calmed himself down and went on the attack.

"Well, I wouldn't really mind." He stated in a neutral tone of voice.

Aika raised a brow in curiosity. She was feeling this weird sense of deja-vu. Issei's nervousness had drained away from him like water down a bathroom sink.

With a burst of speed, Issei utilized the gap in their cultivation in order to sneak behind Aika's unguarded back. He placed his firm hands on her exposed shoulders.

"Wha—!" She let out a small yip of surprise, but Issei was not done. In a bold move, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"You already know, but stuff like that really turns me on." He lowered his head and whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "But try not to overdo it. Otherwise, it'll lose its allure."

"I-is that so?" She replied back, her voice slightly quivering. It was hard to concentrate, what with Issei's hot breath tickling the side of her face like that. "W-would you rather we keep it in the bedroom, then?"

Despite Issei's unprecedented form of attack, she did not want to give up just yet. Aika arched her back and pushed her butt back, pressing it against Issei's pelvis.

The man let out a heated groan.

"I... I know you like to tease... but any more than this and I really don't think I'll be able to hold myself back for much longer." He spoke in between labored breaths. The warning glint in his voice was unmistakable. His grip around her waist tightened.

"I-Issei… I…"

"I know." He sighed, his voice softening. "Despite the attitude you put on, despite all your perversion, I know you like to take things slow. I won't do anything today; you have my promise."

She couldn't help but sigh in relief.

They had been playing this little game of theirs for over two weeks now. Despite her many provocations, she was not yet quite ready to seal the deal. After all, it's been a little less than three weeks since they first met.

In the grand scheme of things, the time that they had spent together was minuscule. One day she'd be ready. When that time comes, she was certain to give Issei everything that she had to offer, but until then, the lingering touches and little games that they played would have to do.

She just hoped that Issei possessed the patience to wait that long.

"But for all your teasing, don't you think I at least need a consolation prize?" Issei's voice snapped her out of reverie.

"What, what are you talking ab—!"

Without warning, he suddenly kissed her on the cheek.

Unlike with an ordinary kiss to the cheek, Issei's kiss had come dangerously close to her lips, to the point where she felt a phantom touch brush up against the corner of her lips.

It was supposed to be a very inconsequential action. After all, a kiss to the cheek was very commonplace. Most couples would not have even placed much significance towards that level of intimacy.

For Aika, it was different. It was like fireworks had gone off in her head. The combination of Issei's warm body heat, his breath on her skin, and now the feeling of his lips so dangerously close to her own...

She was feeling very hot and heavy right now.

His lips stayed locked on her cheek for two whole seconds before he finally decided to pull back. Issei slowly unwrapped his arms from around her waist. He then gently latched onto her shoulders before he spun her around. In a matter of seconds, the two were now standing face-to-face with one another.

Issei was a few inches taller than her, so he got a full frontal view of Aika's flustered, dazed expression.

He smiled in satisfaction before he suddenly patted her head.

"Nice try, but looks like I win today, Aika."

With that, Issei suddenly took a step back and began walking over towards the door. It was getting late, and he needed to head home.

"Now, cultivate diligently, okay? I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that, he was gone.

Aika stared at the door for a good while, her cheeks still enflamed. After what felt like an eternity, she pouted. "That jerk…"

She shook her head and returned to her bed. Aika sat-cross legged on the mattress. She tried to calm her racing heart and restart her cultivation.


Unfortunately, she couldn't. She was still feeling a bit hot and heavy from earlier, and no amount of meditation was going to make that go away any time soon.

"I know he said to cultivate, but I won't get anywhere while I'm feeling like this."

After some hesitation, she slowly climbed into bed. Her thick blankets covered most of her body, with only her head visible.

"A quick one should do…"

Aika fidgeted underneath the blankets. A few seconds later, a blue and white blur suddenly shot out from underneath the covers. The blur landed on her computer chair, where it was revealed to be a pair of striped panties. It also happened to be slightly wet.

For the next two hours, the sound of moaning echoed throughout Aika's bedroom.

It was so loud, the neighbors probably heard it.