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It was pouring outside but that didn't stop Jessica.... She couldn't stand being under the same roof with the traitors.... She couldn't digest that the two people she cared for would not even think twice before humiliating and ruining her..... The only stray of hope she had was James Sleeve, her childhood sweetheart but even he ignored her calls... She tried dialing his number for what seemed to be the thirty nineth time but at this moment the phone was directly switched off. 'he might be busy' Jessica tried to convince herself over and over again.

Jessica wanted James to confirm that what they said wasn't true. She only needed his assurance but what she dint know was what would make her almost collapse dead later

In a luxurious hotel in blossom bourg city... A man was could be seen back turned looking out of the window of an exquisitely high-end suite... He held a cigarette between his right fingers thou it was unlit as if he was contemplating if twas a good time to have one.A buzzing sound came from his phone which had been put on silent due to the many calls which were making it unbearable to have a peacefully quiet sorrounding for Joshua sleeve.... He picked up his phone and one look was enough irk him as he furrowed his brows intensely annoyed and switched off his phone.

James sleeve was a renown bussness tycoon who had made his first billion cheque at the age of 20...he was from a distinguished family but he had paved his way into business fro scratch. Without using her mother's influence,he had made it successful.iEpilogue

It was pouring outside but that didn't stop Jessica.... She couldn't stand being under the same roof with the traitors.... She couldn't digest that the two people she cared for would not even think twice before humiliating and ruining her..... The only stray of hope she had was James Sleeve, her childhood sweetheart but even he ignored her calls... She tried dialing his number for what seemed to be the thirty nineth time but at this moment the phone was directly switched off. 'he might be busy' Jessica tried to convince herself over and over again.

Jessica wanted James to confirm that what they said wasn't true. She only needed his assurance but what she dint know was what would make her almost collapse dead later

In a luxurious hotel in blossom bourg city... A man was could be seen back turned looking out of the window of an exquisitely high-end suite... He held a cigarette between his right fingers thou it was unlit as if he was contemplating if twas a good time to have one.A buzzing sound came from his phone which had been put on silent due to the many calls which were making it unbearable to have a peacefully quiet sorrounding for Joshua sleeve.... He picked up his phone and one look was enough irk him as he furrowed his brows intensely annoyed and switched off his phone.

James sleeve was a renown bussness tycoon who had made his first billion cheque at the age of 20...he was from a distinguished family but he had paved his way into business fro scratch. Without using her mother's influence,he had made it successful.