
The Departure

After a few hours of sleep. Adrian wakes up.

(Ugh damn I must've overslept. The sun's already up. I guess I'll meditate for a while.)

*Aerilyn POV*

(Where the hell is Adrian he's late for breakfast. So much things are different from my last run. I can't do this. I need to check on him)

Aerilyn stands up and proceeds to leave the dining hall leaving behind her unfinished meal.

"Where the hell is he."

As Aerilyn walks by the window she saw a wagon cart loading up with some gear.

(What's this? Is something happening?)

Aerilyn suddenly bumps at someone.

"Uhhh, Eh, Im very sorry. I wasn't looking where I was goi-"

Before she could finish her apology. The person interupted her.

"It's fine Aerilyn. It was partly my fault too."

"Well anyways, What are you doing at the boy's dormitory?" Adrian asked.

"Oh um, I tried yo wake you up since you aren't in the dining hall yet."

"Oh really? Thanks for your concern." Adrian said while smiling.

After a while. Adrian stopped smiling and looked at Aerilyn with a serious face.


"I'll be gone for a while. Can you keep them safe? Afterall that's your job right?"

Aerilyn stands therr inshock of what she had just heard.

(How does he know?? What the hell is this? What is happening? How does he know?????)

Aerilyn repeated those words in her head.

"I mean you are the kindest out of all of them right? So its natural you would want to protect them" Adrian said calming Aerilyn.

"O-oh is that what you mean hehe."

(I need to stop overthinking things. But. There is still something off about him.)

"Well bye Aerilyn."

Adrian walked passed her and continued to head for the exit. Adrian stops for a second and looks back at Aerilyn.

"Goodluck with your appraisal event."

Adrian continues to leave the palace.

*Adrian POV*

"In the end. I couldn't tell her. Im afraid she might be too reliant on me. I don't want that to happen. I need her to train and train. So i can atleast have someone protecting them while im gone."

Adrian walks towards the wagon cart. It looked normal. But it can withstand alot of damage before it gets ripped apart. The color of the fabric used was blue with the Dalinmar crest in the middle of the top colored in red. It was loaded with some weapons and a but of food and water. It was fully controled by magic. So no horses were needed.

(Always proud of their country crest huh)

"Oh, Sorry I forgot something may a get it for a sec?"

The three guards preparing the wagon allowed him to go.

"What the hell is this weren't they supposed to appraise me first? Why am I already departing? This wasn't what the king said."

Adrian smiles.

"Heh. Is this the part where they throw me away again? Are the guards there... are actually my assassins? Well shit."

After a few minutes Adrain comes back with the stuff he forgot to bring.

"Im back. Sorry for the wait."

One guard replies to him.

"It's fine. Let's go"

"Alright." Adrian said.

The wagon starts to move. Heading for the kingdom exit.

(I need to keep my guard up.)

After a few minutes of travelling they have arrived the the kingdom exit. The kingdom itself was surrounded with walls. The kingdom of Dalinmar is a country which was built at the side of a mountain. The country exit doors was made of metal. The Dalinmar crest was embeded on the side of the doors. The Dalinmar logo was a flower in the middle of the two mountains. Symbolizing that even living on a mountain can still make such a powerfull and beautiful country.

(Guh. More Dalinmar crests. What is the hell is this.)

The big doors open letting them pass through and exit the country. The other side of the door had a mix of stone in color to mimic the color of the stone in the mountains.

After they passed through the doors closed behind them. With the help of illusion magic the big metal door and the massive walls surrounding the country dissappeared, Making it look like a normal mountain side.

(So that was it huh. That's why I couldnt see anything back then.)

(Here we go. Time to get to the fields and reobtain my power.)

After a while the wagon stopped.

(Is this... it??? Am I??? Gonna d-die now???? B-But I still have a mission to do!! Damn it.)

"Please wait here. We have spotted earth wolves near the area." one guard said.

"O-oh is that so?" Adrian said.

(Calm down Adrian. You still have a lot of things.)

After a while the guards comeback with some dead earth wolves.

"This will be our meal for the trip" The guard at the back said.

"Im fine with that"

"Is this your first time eating an earth wolf?" The guard beside Adrian asked.

"Oh. No I have eaten some earth wolves before."

(After all it was the only thing I can hunt and eat before...)

"It's going to be a rough ride." The driver said.


*Aerilyn POV*

(It's already been about three hours since Adrian left... Where is he going? What is he gonna do? Why is he going? I have so many questions. this never happened before what is going on here?)

A voice could be heard getting louder as it is repeated.




"Huh.. W-what??" Aerilyn asked confusily.

"It's your turn to get appraised." Lesley said.

"Oh. Alright.

Aerilyn proceeds to the training grounds where the appraisal event was talking place.

"Next!" The guard said.

"Please stand still." The guard said.

The crystal shards the guard was holding started to float. Each crystal with a different color. All the other crystal started to falldown one by one. In the end only one crystal remained floating.


"That's a time crystal shard you're a time mage!!" The guard said.

"We must tell the king at once"

"Im tired. I'll skip tonights dinner and head to my room." Aerilyn said.

"Huh. Oh good night Aeri." Lesley said whilst dumbfounded along with the guards for discovering something so rare.


*Adrian POV*

It's been about 3 hours since we have departed. It is now dusk. We are currently eating the earth wolves.

"Dear Hero! You should take a rest, You must be tired." One of the guards adviced Adrian.

"Well I guess that is alright. Well I will be sleeping now" Adrian said.

(I can't let my guard down.)

Adrian returns to the wagon along with the guards and they continued their journey.