
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Visitors from another world

The two visitors from Earth, were still a little bit nervous about the school and everything else. The girl's name was Elsa and the boy was called Julius. They were both students, about 17 years old.

One day, they had been in an accident, when the school buss got into a crash and when they woke up, they were orphans in a shed in the middle of no where. They decided to get through this together.

They stumbled into a town, where they talked to a guard and because everything seemed new, they were quite surprised of all the new races. They were put into a room and some kind of dangerous looking guy came there to interrogate them.

When they find out, that they were other worlders they were sent into this academy and if anything seemed difficult or hard, they should speak to Ari.

"How are you both doing?"

""We're well.""

"Good to hear."

"Has there been any problems with the other students?"

"No, they don't know about our past."

"That's good, have you found any suspicious people?"

Elsa's and Julius'es only missions here were to study and use their analyze skill to look for any potentially dangerous people.

"No, there's been no one, whose stats are too high."


Ari was silent for a while before talking again.

"If you see anyone, who is wearing a black robe and a blindfold. Use the skill and report back to me instantly."


Julius and Elsa hadn't heard about this suspicious person but with Elsa's unique eye magic, they should notice her. There's not many who use this and it's really useful for finding things.

After this, all three of them went on their own ways. Back in their room Lacy was asking Ari all kinds of questions, if he had scared Kagura away or something else.

Ari had to explain Lacy for two hours, that he had not met the woman even once. Lacy still seemed to suspect him, but he could only sigh and do nothing about it.

They all went to sleep, even Kagura. Ciara was sleeping with her, because Kagura had to give mana to her almost every two hours right now. She just decided to sleep with her, so she could take the mana herself.

She fell asleep after about an hour. She still got nightmares about Leo, they had gotten stronger because of the sixth realm. She saw his eyes when he disappeared and could not forget it.

This made her want to get out even more. She had trained her body, skills, magic and knowledge. She had done everything in the time that she intended to spend here.

She had even planned, how she would leave this place and where she would head after that. What she would find, get and when. Everything was planned out, now she only had to wait for Ciara to evolve.

Like that morning finally came. Ciara was still like she was before. She was shivering a little bit and whining. Kagura was a little bit worried of her and decided to visit the library immediately.

She only put on her robe and blindfold but didn't bother to make her illusion magic too strong. Just that no one would notice her, if they didn't pay any special attention.

She appeared in the middle of the place with Ciara inside her robe. She was surfing through the shelves looking for a book that could help her. However before she could find anything to help her. She noticed that Ciara had gone silent.

She wasn't making any kind of motions. She then noticed a red glow on her tattoo and before anything else happened, she opened the door to her room and left the library.

However she didn't notice, or rather didn't care to notice two teenagers that were completely shocked about the thing that had just happened.

"Elsa, did you get her stats?"



Elsa was just staring in front of her, like there was a ghost.

"What's wrong?"

"Her stats..."

"What about them?"

"I can't see them."


How is that possible? They could see the stats of every professor and student of this place. There had been no one, whose stats they could not see.

"What about age, sex, name, titles?"

"47, Kagura ..., female"

"What about the surname?"

"it's hidden."

"Okay, what about titles?"

"Sleeping demon, massacre lord, merciless, ..., traveler hunter."


"Yes, traveler hunter."

Now Julius understood why she was so shocked. What had she done to get a title like this? They should tell Ari immediately to be safe.

"Let's run."

Elsa agreed and they ran to Ari. They banged on Ari's room's door as hard as they could.

After some time a blond man opened the door, he seemed grumpy and tired.

"Who are you?"

"Where is Ari?"

"Why would I tell you that?"

"We are his friends and need to tell something."

"Okay, ARI!"

Soon they could hear a response. And after a little more, the man stepped forward.


"We have something urgent to tell you!"

"Okay, okay, tell it."

"The woman you told us to investigate-"

"Huh? Ari, you didn't tell them to investigate my possible wife?"

"Sorry, she just seemed dangerous-"

"There's no time for something like that."

"Okay, okay just be fast. How strong is she?"

"We don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"Her stats are hidden."

Ari was shocked. He had not met any other travelers but cases where they could not analyze someone on the fifth realm were rare.

"what about titles."

"Merciless, massacre lord, traveler hunter and the sleeping demon."

All of them became silent. Ari and Lacy could not process the information they had just gotten.

Ari was thinking about the traveler hunter title. How many, where? How could she slaughter or kill so many travelers. They were really well protected on the fifth realm and there had been no news of them being hunted down.

He took a golden bell out of his pocket, rang it and a spell appeared under all of their feet. In an instant they were in a big office building.

Ari quickly bowed towards the window and soon the rest of them also noticed the man sitting there. Julius and Elsa also bowed, but Julius did not.

"Ari, what urgent news do you have for me?"

"Sir, we have found a dangerous being in our academy."


"I asked Elsa and Julius to analyze a woman. They are travelers so they should have gotten a good result about her."

"Okay, was her fighting power over hundred thousand?"

"No, it was unreadable."

"What do you mean?"

Elsa responded this time.

"I could not see any numbers but only a text, that said error."

"What about titles?"

"Traveler hunter, the sleeping demon-"

"Wait, say that again."

"Traveler hunter?"

"The other one."

"The sleeping demon?"

"Are you sure about that?"

Elsa nodded. She wasn't sure about that one. She had not heard it before, even Ari was unfamiliar with it. Was it a rare one?

The man pressed some kind of button.

"Send the royal army here right now and evacuate the whole area, we've found the sleeping demon."

In an instant sirens started to echo all around the school. It was the sign to lock into your rooms and not get out under any circumstances.