
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Ari and Salim were doing something, that they thought was important. After the date with Lacy and Kagura, they both were thinking that something weird was going on, so next morning they walked around the academy and campus asking about a student with a blindfold.

Ari had talked to one, but it was a man and he had red hair, Salim on the other hand found none. No one had seen a blind student or teacher or anyone else except for the red haired kid. He was actually a little bit excited for a new blind student, he thought that they would have so much in common.

Ari was getting suspicious and scared at the same time. If the woman had not been noticed by anyone else but the prince, she had to be a talented spy. But why was she acting like a student but not make any effort to actually seem like a student.

Did she know that the prince would not suspect her? He decided to confront her, if the prince was in danger, he would protect him and would find out what this woman was doing. He walked into the library but the woman wasn't there.

Did she only appear when the prince came? He would now start visiting the library after every meal and day to check, if she was there.

At the same time, Kagura was not thinking of how to kidnap the prince or stalking him, but reading the books she had gotten. And the reason no one had seen her in the library or the cafeteria, was because of her eye magic.

She manipulated everyone's vision by entering some kind of blind spot and the reason why the prince saw her normally, was because she had already talked to him. If she disappeared now, she would be looked for, and the risk of one of the teachers knowing her or noticing the similarity was immense.

She also didn't want to encounter anyone, that could possibly be stronger than her. Her magic may seem completely overpowered and it kinda is. However it's not the perfect magic, there's ways to stop it.

And the best way to stop anyone's magic is to have a good control over your own. A master of fire and a master of water were equal. However if one had learned another magic, then that person would be winning.

Same with her illusion magic, if someone who was as good in magic as she in illusion magic, they would be able to destroy it. Of course, there's other ways too. If you didn't have as good control, then you had to own some kind of mental protection equipment.

That's why it's important to study your magic always further and further and so did she.

If master knew everything about the path they had chosen, like destructive water magic, precise water, production water, healing and so on.

Illusion also had like dome, dream, trickery, and vision disruption. Kagura had now mastered them all. She was now an illusion champion. There were less than 1% champion level magicians but one of them being a teacher at the world famous academy was not less than 75%.

Kagura didn't want to gain their attention, that's why she had hidden herself from others and just read books. However she could soon leave, the she could do everything in this realm and soon advance again.

The realm of challenges, like the name tells you have to do challenges. Every continent has one that the royals guard. Kagura didn't know what they were, but she thought that they couldn't be too hard.

Suddenly Ciara appeared in front of her, she had two sticks coming out of her sides, they were black but she was not acting normally. She was shivering and rubbing head and body all over Kagura and her blanket.

Kagura didn't know what was wrong, she couldn't see any wounds or sense anyone's magic on her. She placed her hand on Ciara's head and started to give her mana. Ciara started to calm down. She went to nap on the end of the bed.

Kagura didn't know what was going on with her, this had been going on for about two days but she had no idea about what was going on. Ciara always calmed down, after getting mana from her and then would just sleep.

Books didn't tell about this, so she had no idea about if it was a sickness or natural. She just waited calmly.

Another day came, Kagura again woke up and after eating breakfast she went back to bed and started reading new books. She had read about three and she still had four to read. She planned on finishing them all today and get some new ones tomorrow.

None of the books had some mind breaking information but just clarification on old information and some special things that none of the old books mentioned. Like plants side effects and how to use them.

Again, Ciara jumped on her bed in bad shape and after eating mana she went to sleep. Kagura was getting worried about her but there was nothing she could do. She couldn't go to any doctors, because of her status in the academy.

She also had no knowledge in healing magics, illusions couldn't heal a physical body. If the bat didn't get better tomorrow, she would try to find a book that could help her.

Again Ari had checked the library, he could not find the woman, so he just went back to class. On the way there he found another student. He was a yellow and red-haired boy with a blue haired girl. There two were known as travelers.

They were different from advancers who just climbed realm those two changed worlds. Yes, that was one of the unique things from this realm, on that realm people from other worlds could appear.

They had brought knowledge about technology and even more advanced magic. They were all well respected and countries would do almost anything to keep them inside their borders and serve them.

Ari knew those two. They were from a world called Earth. There had been a couple people from there and they were best known for their inventions that would improve normal life. Like showers and clocks. They were also well known for advanced magic.

There were two ways for a traveler to come. One was summoning, it was most used on war and other desperate time and the way there two came was at random appearance. They would reincarnate or possess someone's body and then live here.

The way that people known who reincarnations are, if the person makes new inventions in a shot amount of time, slip up or just confession. All travelers had two magics, one that people could not learn no matter what. And one that was rare for magicians.

System and analyze. Analyze could be learnt, it showed things like mood, power scale, race, sex, and health. But the system took it even further, by showing something like power scale with something called stats.

The system showed the persons abilities on a board and showed how much worked was needed to improve them. This is why they could improve quickly and that's why they often ended up as heroes.

These two had just come here, because they by accident were surprised about the other races in this world. It was one of Ari's many jobs to make sure, that they would feel okay. So he decided to have a little chat with them.