
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs

New identity

On the port of the continent of Epoth, known for it's high tier education and the biggest population out of the three. Every week, a ship would take it's course towards the other one with civilized people. The continent of Lapan.

It was known for it's magic research on higher levels than academies in Epoth. It didn't have much people but almost everything was automatic with magic. Teleportation, golems and everyday chores. Everything, that could make your life easier was possible.

The ship sailing there was huge. Four decks, Two for sleeping, one for restaurants, shops and free-time activities on the last one were masts, captain and sailors.

It was a three day trip and during that time, you could experience some of the best time of your life, if you were ready to pay for it of course. The vip class offered you luxurious room with a personal shower, six meals everyday and a pass to all activities. The other one, gave your a room with four random people, pubic showers for each gender plus meals and activities cost extra.

During this time, the ship was selling its tickets and accepting people in. The line was long and you could easily tell, which were there to have fun, who to escape and who to find a job.

The people going to have fun were either skipping the line with vip-tickets or making noise. The people looking for jobs, were shy looking and tried to look as small as possible. The people escaping were either looking around them nervously, trying to pull cloth or hoods to hide as much as they could.

One woman however, no one could tell what she was doing here. Red hood, Black mask hiding everything, even eye color could not be seen. The red robe with golden lines also showed nothing. Skin color, body size, everything was well hidden

The person was completely still. People couldn't even tell if she was conscious and breathing. Only thing, that showed her being alive, was how she walked with the line every time a ticket was checked.

Finally it was her turn. The guards looked at her trying to catch even one bit of emotion but non could be seen.

The ticket had the name Ruby, age 30 and purpose was to guy study. Nothing suspicious was there so the guards let her go.

This woman of course was Kagura with Ciara under her robe.

They enter the huge ship, walked into the second deck, it had the most rooms and was used for normal tickets. Ruby found her room, 62 and looked how it was.

Two bunk beds so beds for four people. Two closets, two tables and that's it. Kagura didn't need to unpack anything, just took a key card from the table which were taken to use when the ship left.

With them you could order food or passes to activities. On the ticket was just your room key, name, age and sex.

Kagura was now waiting for rest of the women to enter and the ship leaving, after that she would probably still stay in her room or if the other women were annoying, she would go look around.

Shoot took the bottom bed from left, laid down took Ciara out of her robe and places her next to her. She petted her slowly to not wake the cute bat. For the last week they had done nothing else but travel, eat and sleep.

Kagura bought the mask to hide her face again. Because the blindfold and red/yellow eyes were probably a way to recognize her already.

The wanted posters had not reached the port yet, so she got to the ship pretty easily. She should still wear the mask even in Lapan because the bounty hunters would after a while look for her in there if not already.

Finally two women came to the room. One with goat horns and the other with cat ears. They booth looked at Kagura nervously before entering the right side of the room without speaking a word.

They didn't talk as much nor as loud as they did before entering. Kagura felt relieved. She didn't want to live in a room with a woman who was hyper active and did nothing but talk for the entire three days.

Kagura continued petting Ciara in silence and hoped for the last woman to also be like the other two. Just avoid her and not annoy her at all.

Finally the last door also opened, Kagura was a bit shocked about the last roommate because she was a dwarf. Red hair, no beard, big muscles and about 1.5 meters tall.

She glanced at everyone, said nothing and just climbed to the top bed on Kagura's side.

Soon the ship started shaking and making loud noises, it was a sign of the ship leaving. The locks activated and the loud noise continued. Soon the noises stopped and it felt like they were in the port again.

After everything was silent again, the two beast men left the room taking two key cards from the table.

Now it was just the dwarf and Kagura in the room. Kaugara was happy, that the person she would be stuck with, was not a loud and annoying person. However she was not comfortable practicing magic or openly doing almost anything with anyone.

However laying still for three days was boring and gave nothing. She needed something to do. Maybe she should after all go find a book or a weapon or something else to practice in silence.

Kagura put Ciara inside her robe again, got up, put her robe straight, picked up her trusted stick from the floor. However before she could open the door.

"What is the core of that weapon made of?"

Kagura stopped. Already, was there already a bounty hunter after her? Was she that predictable? This is why she was a demon and not a snake planning the attacks.

"What could you possibly mean?"

"My master taught me."


"My master made me learn analyze magic. I can see the ingredients of weapons, their age and user."

"Oh, who is your master?"

"Theldrod the weapon sage, he's a legend from the third realm."

"Oh wow, why do you want to know the core of my weapon."

"The weapon is pretty new, user unknown and the core name is hidden so it must be at least heaven class."

"Wow, do you see what of my name?"


"Good, good. Can you contact that master of yours."

"Sure, but why would I?"

"I think, that it would be wise to do so."


The dwarf took a shiny fist sized ball from her pocket and put her hand over it. This was the most common usage for this kind of communication was not common, because crystal balls could only contact one other person.

They were great for bosses, masters or parents but not for common people.


"Yes my dear apprentice."

"I encountered some masked lady and asked me to call you."

"Why would this lady ask you to do that?"

The dwarf looked at Kagura with questionable eyes.

"Tell him what you did and to who, also the core is from heaven dragon."

"I asked another person what their weapon was made out of, because the name was hidden."

"Hilda dear, you know that those people are dangerous, but luckily your master's name has some power even on the fifth realm."

"Yeah yeah, well the weapon user was a woman called Kagura, and the core is from heaven dragon."



"Beg for forgiveness."

"Excuse me?"
