
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Other mercenaries where watching as their comrade fell on the ground and blood gushed out of his throat. They all stood there silently, nothing could be heard but breathing, no muscles were moving.

The silence was broken by the guy closest to Kagura. He had just saw his friend get killed right before his eyes and had recovered from the shock and now wanted revenge. He took one step towards Kagura but then his vision went black.

A sharp pain came from his eyes, Kagura had stabbed them with her fingers so when she grabbed his hand he didn't notice a thing because of the pain. The others could only see the guy they had just met fly through the wall, hit a tree and gush blood while lying on the ground.

Kagura then raised her head and looked at the four people who only felt one thing. Fear, the natural instinct of all organs that told them to escape from danger, however their fear was different. They knew that they couldn't run, they would die today.


The female yelled and the three goons behind her quickly ran around Kagura. Kagura didn't care, she didn't even blink at their useless ways to survive, they had taken something away from her, so the only thing that she could do to return was to take their lives.

Her eyes kept darkening, they were now deeper than wine red, she had never been this angry and her eyes showed that. So when the three murderers started to charge towards her, she didn't need to think about what to do. Her body was already doing it.

She moved at an amazing speed towards the guy on her right, he didn't expect it so when Kagura appeared in front of him, he couldn't do anything back.

Kagura kicked his chin, but not with much force, just enough for him to float in the air. While the guy was still progressing about what had happened, Kagura was behind him and charging something. It was nothing amazing, just a full power kick.

She kicked the guy and his skin almost teared off, he broke the sound barrier and the explosion of the kick alarmed the other guy on the opposite direction of them, this gave him more time to dodge.

However, after the body had flown over him, Kagura was in front of him and stabbed his chest, and crushing his heart. He fell down and blood was pouring everywhere, but Kagura walked away like it was not made by her.

Another hole was in the wall on the other side of the house, and if you looked through them, you could see two guys bleeding from their stomachs and faces. Only three remained in the house, plus two bodied.

One of them was Kagura and was in the middle of the two. Again, standing completely still, not looking at anything else but the spot that his son disappeared in. Bloody tears were falling from her eyes, they were darkening at every second.

She was tired of fighting these fools, she would revenge everyone in this realm for her loss. Even greater killing intent emerged from her. The two people fell on their knees unable to do anything. Kagura shot a wind slash towards the last guy and his head fell off, like it was never attached to rest of his body in the first place.

She then walked towards the woman, she wanted to look the woman in the eye who was probably the mastermind of this. The woman was terrified, she didn't think that Kagura would be this strong. She had heard rumors of her past but thought them to be lies, because Kagura looked so weak now.

She started to think if she could save herself. Running was not an option, fighting? Dream on, she couldn't think of anything. But then an idea came to her mind.


Kagura didn't stop, she wouldn't forgive her, even in hell.


What? He was? Leo is alive? But I saw him vanish right in front of my eyes, how could he be alive.


Kagura's words were so full of killing intent, that if a normal person heard them, they would faint instantly.

"He ate a forceful advancement pill, it made him go to at least the seventh realm instantly."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because we wanted to test the effects. and they seemed to be working well."

Leo was alive? This was a miracle; Kagura's eyes weren't as dark anymore but still red. But he was in the seventh realm, was he fine? Of course he would, he was her son after all. But she still had to save him.

She glared at the woman.

"Can I go now?"

Go? In what kind of reality would I let you go. I was living here as a pacifist and you ruined it. No, I would definitely not let you go. You dared to use my son as an experiment, I would not let you go off as lightly as the other guys.

Kagura started using wind magic, it was her main one and he was an expert in it. She created hundreds of needles with it and shot the woman with them. After that, she created an air layer on her.


She couldn't speak, there was a needle on her throat, she could breathe but not move, she couldn't move any other muscle that those for breathing.

"I just paralyzed your whole body. You cannot move, even if the greatest sage came here, if he had time to save you. You see, I've kept these monsters away for the whole time, and now that I'm advancing realms, they will be back in an about a day and they will eat you.

I even put on air layer on you to hide any emotion that you could be showing or smelling, so they will definitely eat you."

I couldn't see her expression because of the air layer but I could sense it, terror.

I walked away from my home and walked to the shelf. I grabbed the black box and took my staff out from there. I hanged it on my hip. I could advance whenever I wanted but I had one more thing to do.

Kagura was a known genius when she was young. She was the youngest to master an advanced element and could have become a sage, if not for her violent past as a mercenary. That's why she decided to grow her son in peace and quiet.

She however was extremely powerful, that why is there a tsunami on dry land approaching the Baron's mansion. It was incredibly fast. It was boosted by the wind, when the people of the mansion noticed it, it had already killed everyone inside and leaving a giant lake in the place of the mansion.

Only one left alive was the son, who was still in the village.

Kagura was now ready, she had her weapon, warm up was done and she was ready. She spread her arms while mumbling ancient words. After she had finished a bright white beam shot down from the heavens and when it was finished, Kagura was gone and only a tale was left behind.