
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs


If I am going to present Ciara to those academy professors, I first need to teach her some manners. She's been asleep for a year and done nothing else but sleep and eat after that, so her knowledge about anything wasn't big. So after resting for a bit and waiting Ciara to wake up, she took her pet outside.

They walked near the forest, the thing that was most common among all the realms with multiple people was, that there was towns, cities and forests full of monsters. The citizen didn't know why, some didn't even know about these realms.

This was a very weird fact, on the fifth realm, many people did not know anything about these realms. Among people who advanced realms, also known as climbers, it was known as the bizarre realm.

There were multiple reasons for this. First one was how people did not know about climbers or realms, second there were almost no wars. It was the second most peaceful realm second to the peaceful third realm. Last reason was how the realm had rulers.

It was just the fifth realm, the only other realm to have a realm ruler was the first realm. Other realms had some bosses like sect leaders, nobles, or lords but they weren't really rulers. They were people with a title but no real power.

There were three kings and they were each in control of their own land, and in between these lands were kilometers of ocean. Kagura was in the one most known for its education. The other ones were known for magic or art.

Kagura had arrived at the edge of the forest where leaves hid her but she still could observe if anything was approaching her. As she could not sense anyone around her, she took the blindfold off and stared at Ciara.

She let go off her and after flying a bit, the bat landed on Kagura's shoulder. Kagura grabbed it with her fingers like a chopstick and put her in front of her on a wooden log.

"Do you understand me?"

Ciara nodded.

"Good, use some magic."

Again Ciara nodded and faced to the opposite direction of Kagura. She breathed in heavily and released an awful scream. If a normal person even from the fifth realm was standing in front of Ciara their ears would bleed.

Ciara looked at Kagura again, she was fidgeting and rubbing her wings together. Kagura sighed a patted the furry pet's head. Ciara really seemed to enjoy it as she had closed her eyes, Kagura wouldn't even be surprised if she started purring.

"Okay Ciara, I will make you a presentable pet for those professors, so we can read those books for free."

Ciara just tilted her head but soon nodded. She knew that what they were going to do now was important for them and she couldn't let Kagura down. She could do this!

On the sixth realm Leo was on his third day, he still had to suffer hunger a little bit. Right now, he couldn't even move properly, he had to crawl and could barely fall asleep. However he couldn't just sleep and suffer all day for a whole year. He had to make some progress.

And the thing he would do was to improve his darkness magic. This could be a good moment to explain magic properly. Magic was a way for people to make their imagination true. However, they had to understand almost everything about what they were doing.

They had to know what would happen when they launched a fire spell, would it explode, perish or start burning? What size would it be and what color and so on. This is why magic was heavily connected to your imagination to create scenes of what was going to happen. Of course if someone could just imagine there whole world exploding and it happening, it would make no sense.

That's why there were laws of mana. First off, there were levels of magic and if you were low lever on fire magic, you could not create a fire beam to destroy cities but just create a small fire ball. You also advances those levels by making realizations related to magic.

One would be, that what makes fire burn and what it needed to burn. And you could not just learn a book to become a real expert in fire magic. You had to have experience and create the magic constantly to make them work.

That's why some magics were easier to learn but harder to master or the opposite. One example was the fire magic. It was easy to learn but hard to master. Water was hard to learn but easy to master.

So, for Leo to make something with his darkness magic, he had to learn something about darkness. A realization that would help him make a path for his way of using darkness magic. And yes, there were different ways of magic.

Like Kagura had a way in water to create destruction with huge waves, Selina had a way of creating small but strong bullets and blades, she could not make such huge waves but small ponds or fill cups. A complete master had all control of that path or way.

Leo would have a lot of time to create his path of darkness so how would he proceed?

As Leo had been suffering, Kagura had also been training Ciara for three days. She had made her learn a lot of things. One was to control her sounds beam and how to act among other humans. It would be today, the day when Kagura would show Ciara and hopefully get a place to study in.

If she however didn't pass, she would have a backup plan. And that would be to travel towards the magic kingdom, there she could either learn or steal some magic research to help her and then do the challenges and advance.

She whistled and Ciara in a flash flew inside her robe. Kagura put on her blindfold and started walking towards the town. It was as noisy there as ever. She could not see almost anything. She was kinda short after all and because there were so many people, she could just use her magic to move forwards.

As she got closer and closer to the academy, the amount of people also go less and less. There probably was the most people two days ago when the student enrollments were. As this school was known even on other realms so many people from there also came.

Not many people wanted to become teachers but because of the pay and school's fame there still was some. But the least people would be today. The researcher section was the hardest to get into. Kagura soon found a line that was leading towards the door of the academy.

She didn't want to move her blind fold but with her magic she still saw how big and great the academy building was.

It was twice as big as the sects' walls on the seventh realm. There were great pillars and beautiful trees growing all around the academy made it look so cool. The rood was made from bricks but it was not a boring, not far away from that. There were moss and plants even on the roof. On the very top and lower part of the building were platforms to be in and even at this moment there were students relaxing on them.

The large windows on the side of the building didn't show anything that was happening but they didn't need to. Because the silver and white decoration on the wall was amazing. They were shining brightly and made some figures even.

This was the River Valley Academy or RVA.