
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Ari, Lacy, Julius and Elsa got to hear the story of the sleeping demon. She had fought in a lot of battlefields in different realms and is currently the one of the most wanted people in the entire world, on all realms.

All of them were dumbfounded, how could she hide so well of them?

Reason was, that she actually doesn't look like that. She didn't wear a blindfold, had a white hair and white golden robe. But it was usually covered in blood. It wasn't sure if she used the blindfold just to hide or was she actually blind now.

Either way, because this is the fifth realm, her strength shouldn't be too high. She could be stopped before her strength increases in the later ones. This would be the perfect chance to capture and kill her.

Right at that moment, a group of at least a hundred appeared in the room. They were all wearing golden armor, with some red here and there. The armor hid their faces and skin but all of them had same kinds of long swords and a griffin on their sleeve.

"Where is she?"

"I will give you the room number."

"Hurry up."

The principal opened his drawer and took some kind of folder out. He scrolled it a little bit, before saying:


The soldiers quickly used some kind of secret mechanism to opened a secret door. A large space appeared in the room and all of them stepped inside. The one that spoke to the principal shouted the number 205 and all of the disappeared.

"Who of you spent the most time with the sleeping demon?"

Lacy slowly raised his hand.

"Do you know what she did most of the time in here?"

"She read books about pets and monsters."

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing else."

The principal didn't know what she wanted from them. He would have to ask the judges to know, what she came in here for. They were not missing any resources so she wasn't here for them. Then what? Just for the books?

Some moments before Kagura had just come to her room and took Ciara out of her robe. She took the whining bat in her arms and held her gently. Ciara started to emit a strong black light. None of her details could be seen because of the light.

Kagura closed her eyes, because it was too strong to look at. She wouldn't have gotten any damage from it but still chose not to look at it. A small explosion happened on Kagura's lap and when the light started to calm down.

She opened her eyes and saw, that Ciara had changed. She wasn't such a small bat anymore. She had went over a complete change of an appearance. She was over an meter tall she was just third of that before.

Her eyes were not more golden than yellow. She still had long ears and was it's fur was black. However, it know had four wings. Two coming from it's back and where there were two sticks before were now wings.

On Kagura's lap, Ciaras eyes were on the same height as her's. They stared each other in the eyes for some time before Ciara gave Kagura a big hug and so did Kagura give her one too. They stayed like that for some time again before Kagura sensed that multiple master level magicians had appeared.

She knew, that they had come for her and it was not time to stay and find out. She grabbed her stick that she had not touched for the entire time she was here. She put the blindfold back on, but the hood on and made herself almost completely invisible with her magic.

She stepped inside the library door and started to find a way out. Ciara was also flying above her trying to look for a way out. Kagura saw no students while running. She could have gotten help by asking or intimidating but now she had do find the way out by herself.

While Kagura was running on the hallways, the principal and others were looking at the cameras trying to find her. But because of her magic, none of them could see them. However Elsa noticed the beast.

"I see some kind of weird monster flying there."

No one else saw anything at the point were Elsa was pointing. The only reason why Elsa saw anything was because Kagura could not make Ciara completely invisible like herself but only partially.

After noticing how big the school really was and how there was no one to be found. She grabbed Ciara, held her tightly and then used speed magic to find a way out faster.

When she used that magic, the principal also noticed her. That however wasn't really useful, because she ran too fast for the cameras to notice her. The cameras were meant to notice even the slightest movement and show them in slow motion.

But even with slow motion Kagura was too fast to be noticed. She didn't use this speed before because others would notice it and she couldn't pay much attention to her surroundings. She ran on the hallways with a sound beam following her.

She stopped in a large area because in front of her was a map. She wouldn't notice things around her that well but of course she would notice a huge map in front of her. Right now she was in the middle of the academy.

She looked for a way out and quickly noticed, that there wasn't a door anywhere. She changed plans, she would looked for another route, that would lead closer to her destination. After quickly memorizing the way out, she started running again.

She didn't get to run for long before she faced an obstacle. There was a huge barrier stopping her from going forward. She made a turn to right, which could still lead her to the way out. However there was another barrier stopping her.

She had to make another adjustment to her route. There were more barriers like this, she knew that the masters were after her. She arrived near her destination. However between her and the way out was now over a hundred soldiers in golden armor.

The reason why she didn't want to fight them, because she had read about them in a book. Don't underestimate she could easily wipe them out. However they were all wearing strong resistance amulets and at least half of them used barrier magic.

There forces were specialized in buying time. There would come at least twenty of fifty more groups like this and they were more fighter likes. Kagura could probably win against them too, but that would take even more time and during that time some enemies that she avoided fighting against would come.

So what would be the best way to win against them right now? Kagura thought of a simple plan, which would win with a hundred percent. She took her stick and it turned into the blood colored war scythe. Some of the soldiers took a step back but most of them stayed like they had before.

Kagura again activated her speed magic and just forced her way through. The soldiers had tried to stop this by putting multiple barriers between her and the window.

Yes, Kagura's plan was to jump out of a window. The barriers that were supposed to stop her, broke like glass and not even seconds after Kagura disappeared from their vision, they could hear the window break behind them.