
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs


"Master what do you mean? Why should I beg forgiveness from this unknown woman?"

"Unknown you say? Have you not any horror stories from your seniors from the upper realms."

"Many, but how does that have any connection to this?"

"Think about it, the age, core."

"About fifty years ago, heavens dragon..."

"Here's one more clue the weapon's name is a taboo for dwarfs."

At that moment the dwarfs' eyes grew double their size, a little sweat drops appeared on her forehead as she turned her face towards Kagura muttering one word.


Kagura had not heard that name for some time, last time when she got the weapon. It was its original name, however even her weapon would get a feared title.

"Scarlet demon."

Cecity, the original name was given because of Kagura's fighting style. It meant blindness, because no one would see it coming and others would only see a head flying.

Scarlet demon was a nickname or a title given to her weapon, because of its color and murderous aura forged in multiple battles.

The normal people however didn't know something what dwarfs knew. The makers of this horrible weapon were an unknown dwarf clan, they had offered many weapons for people like Kagura for a long time and Cecity was their masterpiece.

However, after Kagura had used the weapon for about a month, the clan disappeared, like ash to the wind. About a week later, their heads were hanging from a tree on the fifth realm.

It was a horror story commonly used for new apprentices, so they would not make bad choices and now Hilda, she had just spoke to the woman who started that horrible event.

She was shaking in fear. Firstly, she didn't think of her roommates important enough to talk to her, but her weapon was so powerful, that she had to ask to feed her curiosity. That would become a huge mistake, maybe even her last.

"I'm s...s...sorry."

"Kagura just stared at her, like she was realms above her, which she were but her stare right now, could kill her. She didn't want to do nothing else but run away, hide for the rest of her life, however she knew that death would catch her, if she even tried that.

So, she just sat there, completely still, like an animal trying to pretend not being there.

Kagura was actually not thinking about killing her, for now at least. She after all wasn't just a murderous machine, she saw farther than that. A legend blacksmith from the third realm?

That sounded like something she would need. After all, one of the reasons why this would have taken longer, was because she had to gather resources to offer for her new weapon.

But in this situation, it seemed like she could get one for free.

"I will forgive you.

Hilda let a long breath, like her soul was trapped in mouth and could go back finally.


Hilda again held breath, what could she mean by that?

"My weapon, only being heaven rank, could need some upgrade."

Hilda's master did not like, where this was going.

"It's one of the reasons why I'm even here, to get a better core and then a new weapon. However, this weapon misses a maker."

Hilda and her master froze. This would mean death either way.

"Sorry, but what would we get from that?"

Hilda asked a bold question, she just asked a reward from a woman, who was known for killing anyone resisting and even now she was willing to spare her and her master.

"Of course, you get a reward, what could you possibly need?"

Hilda got a little bit excited.

She thought about a good reward for her and her master.

"Let us make you two different weapon sets, and we get to decide the other ingredients."

Hilda's master was baffled. What was this bitch thinking? Did she not learn the story's true meaning? NOT TO DEAL WITH ENEMIES OF THE ORDER.

And she didn't even ask for a real reward, BUT TO MAKE TWO SETS???? They both would be at least planet class and those would take so much word and effort, he had retired for a reason.

Kagura herself was also shocked by this. She thought that she would ask something like infinite resources or protection or killing someone, but no. They wanted to do extra work?

Kagura indeed did not understand dwarfs.

"That's a good deal. However where would you find a good material for the handle and shaft for these weapons?"

"I know a place and can take you there, they are super high level and can make your weapon planet class."

She looked at Kagura with honest eyes. Kagura knew that she was in this 100% and not just fooling around.

"Arligth just deal with your master and show the place on the map. "

"Yes, master did you hear?"

"Yes of course, why did you ask for a reward like that?"

"Because it could be a good final exam for me, bring memories for you and we can become famous!"

"Wow, what a good plan my apprentice."

"Master, we will probably be away for about a year so just wait patiently."

"Yes of course, now good trip for you and lady Kagura."

Like that, he hung the phone. Now it was just Kagura and Hilda in the room. Kagura went back to the table, took a map hidden inside her robe and laid it on the table.

"Show me the place so I can plan our trip again."

Hilda did a nod, climbed down to point the near edge of the map.

Kagura didn't question her, she just started thinking. The place where Hilda was in a completely different place compared to her route. She would have to travel for at least few months longer because of Hilda so the whole trip would take about a year...

Hilda really was good at surprising her.

"Do you need anything else for making planet class weapons?"

"No, we have all the necessary items back at the forge."

Kagura was in a great mood now, she had gotten a black smith and could even get the weapons before entering the third realm, she could make so much use of this on the fourth realm.

There was not much, that could now ruin this.

During that time about few thousand kilometers from them, a village was being emptied. A group dwarfs were grabbing everything they needed, hammers, anvils, furnaces, food, everything that they could possibly need.

An old man left a book on the table before leaving and closing the door behind him. After that the crowd of at least hundred dwarfs left their home. Only muttering one thing.

"Stupid woman, how dare she bring death straight to us."

Not even one person was defending this person, who had supposedly made a bad decision.