
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs


The decision to take a ship was a good one it seems. However, I still have absolutely nothing to do, but now that I think of it, I do have one. The condition, that Hilda gave me, was that she would make me an extra weapon or weapon pair.

I should start thinking about a good weapon to start practicing.

Weapons are in four categories. There are not the same ones, as the core levels. They are short, medium, long, far away.

Those are there to tell distance. Far away is for bows and staffs, long for spears and some long axes, medium usually for normal axes, swords, rapier and do on, the short one is for knives and throwing axes. Of course, there are many other weapons, than the ones just told but memorizing them hurts my brain.

My war scythe is long range weapon, I took it because of my past circumstances of having to fight a lot of people at the same time. Should I know do the opposite? A weapon, that I could use more in 1 vs 1 fights and use it as a warmup weapon before the scythe.

So medium or short range? A one-handed sword could go great but double wielding knives also sounds good. However what kind of style do I want to learn? If I learned knives, I could even use them while wielding the war scythe, they could go great with the flow.

That's why I'm picking a sword. Why would I learn an easier style? Because of the next realm, I have so much time to practice. The positive thing is, that how unpredictable it is to change the style and weapon, which are completely different from each other.

It would take the opponent a lot of time to get comfortable with the scythe after a sword fight. That's good, now I know what to ask Hilda to make. So where was I before I started to think about this? Oh yeah, boredom...

Ships are surprisingly boring, especially if you're not with a ton of friends, which I do now have. At that moment Ciara came from under the bed and went to sleep on Kagura's stomach. She quietly whispered:

"And you're not a friend... You're my child."

She petted Ciara, her fur had become a lot softer and the four wings acted like a great blanked for the bat. Kagura could only wonder; how big the child would grow and how strong it could become.

She again started to think about Leo, she had thought about how he and Ciara would meet for the first time. They would become best friends and protect each other from danger. She waited for that moment all the time.

She knew that Leo would be safe and one day, one day they could be a family again.

At that moment the beast men returned from their ship patrol, they were completely drunk. They walked zigzag into their bed and fell asleep in an instant. Hilda was still in the upped bed, no idea about what she was doing there but she didn't really care.

As long as she got new quality weapons, Hilda could do whatever she wanted. Except of course report Kagura to the guard or king. That would be a pain in the ass. Leaving so many soldiers without families would make her a little bit sad.

The sun was already going down. Maybe Kagura should go sleep early. She hugged Ciara and fell asleep quickly. The night was peaceful, some youngsters were still partying but usually the first night was the most peaceful one.

The guards were patrolling the ship, they had just gotten news about the sleeping demon. Because the checkup, at the part was not tight, they were checking out the hallways, to see if there was a rat hiding somewhere.

Everyone hoped that there was not. Something inside of them just told them, how it would turn better for everyone if she was not found.

Back at the caste in the country of Epoth, a round table in the largest private chamber had over twenty people discussing about the recent events. There were the three princes, the princess, king, queen, prime minister, seven duke's and war generals.


The dukes were yelling at each other, some were agreeing with the statement when some were not. The father of Ari was neutral. The royal family and war generals were just watching this senseless argument happen.

Lacy with the other children were not thinking about this at all. Only one of the younger son's seemed a little interested because of his talent in politics. But this wasn't politics, it was just shouting with no real argument.

This was the thought of every other adult, who was not participating in the verbal fight. After insults had been thrown each way for a couple times, the king finally intervened.


As the king shouted, the others also became silent.

"Please, duke Vu, please explain why we should pursue the demon?"

"Yes, my king, we have long kept up the honor of the biggest and strongest continent in intelligent manpower. I think, that letting some minor war criminal escape from the royal knights would ruin our image."

"Mhm, I see. What about duke Fye, why should we not do that?"

"I think that Vu is greatly underestimating the sleeping demon. She didn't have to raise one finger to break some of our strongest barrier magic and escape. I would rather strengthen our inside forces and prepare for another attack."

"A good point indeed. Great duke, what is your opinion on this?"

The black-haired man, who had been silent for this entire time looked up from staring at the table and looked at every other duke like they were not on the same level as he was.

"I think that we should do nothing."

"Why is that?"

"We have already been getting a lot of realm advancers and seems like all of them are from the upper realms and after the demon, of course there's also a lot of new visitors who've been doing nothing else but trying to break into the academy. However, I don't think that she's going to return with ill intentions. She's done no damage to us expect that one roof which was out fault anyway."

This left the whole table in silence. Lacy was agreeing with the great duke. The woman wasn't evil. She had done nothing else but reading books, everyone's telling him how they feel sorry for me. How I was scammed and taken advantage of.

But I don't feel like that, I liked every moment of our time together and I think, that everyone's making her seem more evil than she is. If they ever met again which he hoped for, he would tell this to her face.

I would love it, if you guys left some comments and tell if there's mistakes or parts that have not been explained properly.

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