
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs

an Unknown date

Kagura and Lacy were sitting on the opposite sides of the table. Lacy was giving Kagura books, first reading their title, back cover and some of the first few pages. Kagura would listen and tell him if she was interested in getting it.

She had gotten three books out of seven. They were mostly about monsters and plants. Lacy didn't know nor cared why Kagura wanted them, but was happy that she got them from him. Maybe they would remind her of him when she read them.

As Kagura was again listening to the books, that Lacy was reading and recommending her, she was only happy. That she didn't have to look for hours searching the library. She was just sitting down and books, that she needed would almost come to her. Only problem was how slow Lacy was at reading.

She probably would have read the whole pile already and selected the good ones. But they were just halfway in an hour plus the time they spend looking for them. Shouldn't Lacy go to his classes. Kagura wanted to quickly gain the knowledge she needed, leave and get to the next realm.

Lacy's friends were thinking the same, of the first part. He should have gone to his swordsman ship class already, why didn't he go? They all knew how he sucked at sword fighting but it would still be useful for him.

And shy didn't she go either. She didn't even consider leaving from Lacy. She didn't seem nervous either, did she know who he was? Probably not, Lacy was acting so relaxed and full of energy, that he wouldn't do for anyone.

He had only acted like this drunk. And he had'n been drunk with anyone else but them, so why was he acting like this sober? Was he really in love? With this woman?? They didn't see enough, they would have to get a better angle.

They started moving to see the face of this mysterious woman. As Kagura and Lyca were talking with each other, she senses someone behind the nearby pillar opposite of her a little bit further away.

And then a face popped behind it, it was a black haired kid and then over him another head came to her vision this time someone with a red hair. She wanted to question them, about who they were and where they came from, but couldn't afford to break character right now.

Ari and Salim were quite shocked about the woman who Lyca had met. She was actually wearing a blindfold! She had black hair, good looking skin, her robe covered the rest of her body but they could see her blindfold.

Was this, why Lyca hoped to have luck with a woman. He wouldn't need to show emotions needlessly if the other one couldn't even see emotions, he had a quite good plan. Or so Salim thought, Ari had a whole other opinion about the matter.

How did she read those books? And the bigger problem was, that he had never seen this woman before. Because he was a son of the duke an a potential marriage partner for the princess, because they only had a three year age difference. He had learned almost everyone's faces while checking the place and at the same time protecting Lyca, he had never seen this woman before.



"Have you seen this woman before?"

"Now that you mention it..."

Even Salim didn't know her. What if she was a spy or an assassin sent for the prince? That could be dangerous. She also looked fairly young, so she would be the best one to send here. He would have to investigate this lady.

Kagura's and Lyca's so called date or book club ended in good matters. Kagura took some books with her and for the other women she put the names behind her ear and out them back on their places, or Lyca did. After they were done, she said bye to Lyca who left with almost a smile.

Ari and Salim were still observing her, which Kagura of course knew. She just made a couple of sharp turns to get rid of them so they would not see her return to her room. She put the books on her nightstand with her blindfold. Played with Ciara and fed her, after that she fell asleep.

At the same time in Lyca's room, he had just returned and was about tot go asleep, but noticed how his room was empty. Where did Ari and Salim go he was wondering. Just at that moment they both returned a little exhausted.

"Hey, where were you?"

"Hmm, I should be asking you that, prince."

"What do you mean?"

"Did you have fun in your DATE?"

Lyca was shocked, how did they know. He then thought of the chance of them spying on them with light magic.

"Don't you dare talk to her."

That's the only warning he gave them.

"Of course, but don't you think it's a little but suspicious?"

"What is?"

"Have you ever seen this woman anywhere?"

"No, I even looked for at every given moment last week, but couldn't find her nowhere else but the library."


"Shh, anyway shouldn't even one of us have seen a pretty blind girl somewhere?"

"She probably was well hidden, she's kinda short."

"True, but it's still weird."

"And the most suspicious question has not been answered."

Salim disturbed the talk between the prince and Ari.

"How does she read those books if she is blind?"

"Her roommate reads for her, or so she told me."

That was Lyca's response, he had also wondered it, but the answer was logical, so he didn't question it anymore.

"And her book choises are also weird."

"Oh cmon, you can't question everything she does. When I finally find someone I would want to date, you make it so complicated."

"But what if she was a spy or an?"

"She is not, she doesn't seem like a cold hearted person. She has probably never hurt a fly."

Ari was still worried about his friend but would not bother him anymore.

Kagura would actually not even be any of his worries for a little time. She would after all get out after she had read those books that Lyca had given her. She had after all came here for only three reasons.

1. A new magic to study.

2. Gain new knowledge about monster and herbs for a new weapon and poisons.

3. Grow Ciara until her shape has changed.

Number one was already done, two on the way and tere wouldn't be much time before even the third one would be ready. After that, she could just escape to another continent and that's it.

The academy wouldn't have enough resources or a good enough reason to chase her that far away. Soon the time would come, that she would continue the journey of finding her son.

She had not heard anything related to him here so he had probably already escaped this continent, if he even came here. She hoped that her son indeed wanted to grow in strength with other things, than his past knowledge.

Soon it would be her time to move.