
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasy
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34 Chs

A terrifying force

On the higher realm people were living like people on the lower one. They had a normal looking village, where they sold things, went to school and work.

Only thing different to the lower realm was that everyone knew how to fight and use magic. Even little children already could fight with their basic magic before enrolling and they mostly focused on the advanced ones.

Sages were the same as in the lower worlds. They had to have mastered one advanced element and were experts at 2 basic ones. In the lower realm there were almost no sages, because from a realm that low it was easier to get to a higher one.

However when the people of the realm saw something that had never happened before. The door in front of the fountain was shining, meaning that someone had advanced to their realm. This was not rare and on average about 300 people came to the realm and third of them to this town.

However the aura of the person coming was strong, it was the aura of a sage. They had to back off, they were cautiously watching the door ready to attack, if the intruder had bad intentions.

Finally, they saw a figure. It came closer and closer and they finally saw it, it was at least two meters tall man, with a muscular body and red hair. The just advanced warrior was shocked about the nervous people looking at him.


He decided to make the mood better by saying hello to everyone. They did not like that and instead of feeling better, couple guards came and arrested the man. The man was shocked and tried to convince them, how he had done nothing wrong and had just come here with hard work.

While everyone was looking at the man being arrested, no one noticed the slim figure of a woman sneaking away. This was Kagura, she already knew of this realm and didn't want to get anyone's' attention. She would have to advance quickly to the higher realm.

This was the ninth realm. There were a total of ten of them.

1. Realm of gods

2. Realm of good and evil

3. Realm of peace

4. Realm of time

5. Realm of challenges

6. Realm of suffering

7. Realm of strength

8. Realm of mortals

9. Realm of lowers

10. Realm of insects

The tree lowest realms were similar, they had the largest population eight having the most and ten the least. However the realms after that were all different and had something unique to them and a special reason to advance.

After the eight realm when you change realms everything changes. The planet, the people the plants, only things that don't change are magic and yourself. Most stay on the eight realm, it's the most normal one out of all where opportunities are infinite.

Some however want strength or something unique from the higher realms and start to climb them. Kagura could advance to the eight realm instantly but she must stay here three days first and the time gets longer every realm that you advance.

Kagura is walking on the streets of the new realm. It wasn't different to the streets on her previous realm. People were selling the products of their hard work and tried to survive and feed their family. Kagura knew that this was a small town, but it didn't matter, because she could advance where ever she wanted.

She didn't have money or anything to sell, she also had no interest to explore the realm, because everything that she would need, would be on the next realm. So she only wondered on the streets of the current realm, waiting to meet her son again.

At the same time in a higher realm someone had just woken up from a nap. It was a man, he was in good shape with short black hair and yellow eyes, it was Leo. Leo had no idea what had happened. He was so tired from his training, that he couldn't do anything against the people.

He only remembered seeing his fragile mom open the door before everything went black. He would have find his mom, but where was he?

He started looking around himself. He was in some kind of cave; it was at least one hundred meters in height but he was not there alone. He saw other people there two, They all looked different, somewhere humans but somewhere demi humans and some were just beasts.

Suddenly he remembered something, this was a familiar place. He had been here before after all. It was his final realm, the realm where he had died previously. The seventh realm, he had no idea how he had gotten here but knew that he had to leave fast.

He started sprinting towards one of the smaller caves behind him. He had to get out before they came. He ran, luckily the death training had paid off. He was in good shape and had a lot more stamina than just two days ago.

He finally arrived at one of the smaller entrances, he hid behind it and sat down. He would wait here until they came.

"Who are you?"

Leo jumped up and was ready to hit the one that had disturbed him. It was a girl, she had orange hair and red hair, she seemed to be his age.

"Why are you here?"

"You looked so terrified and started running, so I decided to follow you..."

What is this woman? She just followed me because she saw me run? Is he a sheep?

"Leave then."


"Because I don't trust you."

"Why are you here?"

"I don't have to tell you that."

"Hmmm, then I'll stay too."



The woman looked determined and I didn't want anyone else to follow me here. Should I kill her? Or let her be... The woman looked so harmless and innocent.

"Okay, stay but don't make even one noise."


Leo went further in the cave away from the woman and sat down again. He didn't want to get his back stabbed.

The seventh realm, this is the realm where things get real for the first time, when she came here for the first time, she was unlucky so when he woke up, they were here already.

The good sect, this realm is the realm of strength and you can advance by doing one thing only, figthing. By killing people or monsters you can advance realms after you've proven your strength well enough.

That's why sects or guild have their own spawn points and gather new soldiers from there every 12 hours. If you get recruited, you need to live as a soldier as a rest of your life in this realm if you don't advance, however that's hard as a soldier.

That's why he hid, he heard from someone, that if you hide from the sect at the beginning and then run away on your own, it would be a lot easier to advance, you could after all learn new skills and join any war or fight that you wanted.

That's why the only thing that they now could do was wait.