

Syn is just your normal DJ at a night club enjoying life until she lands herself in another world with no idea why or how. Even if the new world is magical and the supernaturals are beyond hot... She needs to find a way to return and fast! PLEASE NOTE: The first installment/book is free. The second installment/book will take place and can be read as a stand-alone or a continuation. YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ BOTH BOOKS BUT YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED IF YOU DO ^^ The second book starts at Chapter 131 Willow is comfortable in her life and in her world but when her familiar demands an adventure and runs off, she can't just turn a blind eye and leave him. She follows him and demands they go back but what happens when the portal is gone!? Does this mean she's stuck in this new world!? This new world is unlike her old world, they have power but it's different from her magic! They call it cultivating and gradually they become stronger but when they call her trash, she decides to unleash her Magic to set them all straight! Only... by her doing that, she attracts the attention of very powerful people and dangerous men who wish to claim her and tame her as their own. Wanna talk? Find me on Discord! Blissfullrage#3336 ___________________________________ Would like to donate? paypal.me/Blissfullrage Cash App $Blissfullrage

Blissfullrage · Fantasy
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162 Chs

Giving In... Kind of

His golden eyes take me in and a flash of something passes across them but it quickly disappears. He gives me a small smile and walks over. He sits down slowly right in front of me, our knees almost touching. His much larger frame blocking out most of the sun and I'm reminded of us doing something similar in the fae world. I look up to his golden eyes and smile.

He smiles back but it doesn't last long. He large hand reaches out and touches my cheek gently and asks in a deep smooth voice "Are you okay?" The concern I see in his eyes makes me feel like hiding. I felt bad enough about everything and here he is trying to keep me safe while I selfishly run around complaining. I grab his hand to remove it and quickly release it. He frowns but doesn't say anything.

"I'm sorry Rune.. about everything. I've been stubborn and selfish and I've put a lot of people in danger and... if the offer is still on the table.. can Fig and I come back to the Fae world with you?" Surprise flashes across his face before it's quickly replaced by a smile as he says "Of course it is you silly woman. I want you and Fig to be safe and by you staying in fae I can do that better. I will have some of my men stay here to watch over your parents and friends so you won't have anything to worry about."

That's right! By coming back here I've exposed them. Sighing I nod my head and say "Thank you. Fig and I can be ready by tonight." He stands up and pulls me up with him. His golden eyes searching mine looking for something. For what I'm not sure but he nods his head and wraps me in his strong arms. I stiffen but slowly relax. As much as I hated to admit it.. I liked the feeling of him holding me.

I step back and give him an awkward smile asking "When would you like to leave?" He watches me with a frown but says "At midnight. I will leave and have things prepared. Once I'm done I will be back for you and Fig." I nod and he disappears right in front of me. I take a deep breath and head back inside to let Fig know to pack.

I walk inside and I'm surprised to find Fig in the kitchen packing all the cheetos and chips his little paws can hold. Chuckling I say "We should be packing important things Fig, not snacks. Where we're going they have food." He looks up but doesn't stop as he says "This is important Syn. Where we're going they don't have anything close to this and I've come to realize I can't live with out this stuff." I shake my head but couldn't help the knowing smile as I grab a few of my sodas. The little guy was right.

Even though I'm going back I won't let Rune keep me in a bubble. I want to become stronger and I can't do that if he doesn't let me. I feel like something has changed between Rune and I. I feel like him and I can come to an agreement. One that both of us can agree to without crossing lines. I start packing my things as I call to let everyone know I was going on "Vacation"