
Return to glory

Trovestudios · Fantasy
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It is night with the moon and stars shining brightly seen in glimpses through the breaks in trees with overhanging limbs and owl's perched upon them hooting, a figure rushes past the tall thick tree's, a man wearing a ripped shirt and pants stained with blood along with a pair of leather shoes covered in mud. He looks back and sees no-one.

"I have escaped their pursuit for now but they can't be far behind i must hurry!" he said

Suddenly a streak of lightning came flying from behind him barely missing his head, he looks back once again and sees a woman dressed in a black skin-tight bodysuit wearing a plain white mask catching up to him lightning begins to surge around her body she raises her hand and lightning comes flying at hum from it, he dodges but is grazed by it leaving a small wound on his side, he winces in pain as continues to flee.

Moments later several more bolt's of lightning came flying at him, he continues to dodge the barrage of attacks barely escaping injury each time.

"Don't you ever get tired you crazy bitch!" he shouted.

"Oh you don't need to worry about me I can last just as long as you can!" she said.

The bolt's he has been avoiding struck the surrounding vegetation which begin to burn, the cold night winds spread the flames and soon an entire section of the forest is engulfed in flames.

A few miles away stands a stone wall several dozen metres tall and a few hundred miles across, atop this wall dozens of men stand guard clad in iron armour, and holding long wooden spears with sharp iron tips, along the wall several guard towers stand at a regular distance apart.

Through the window of one of the towers a guard notices a light in the distance, he looks closer and sees that it's not a light but flames spreading through the forest and approaching the wall.

"Fire! There is a fire approaching the wall from the east?" He shouts at the top of his lungs as he rings thee warning bell.

A brown haired bearded man clad in gold armour with a longsword hung from his waist walks out of one of the guard towers.

"All guards on duty listen up! We don't have time to waste and have to move quickly!" he said.

"Squads one to seven gather and as many buckets as possible, we will make use of the water from sol lake to extinguish those flames, squads eight to thirty are to remain here and stand guard, in case of any unforseen events captain Ron of the eith squad will be in charge! Alright men move out"

"Yes commander" the guards replied and dipersed dispersed.

They hurriedly went around the city searching for buckets. knocking on the doors of homes, inn's, and shops alike. A few minutes later and with each guard carrying at least one bucket they rushed to the lake.

Frantically dodging attacks and now having to deal with intense flames, the mam notices a clearing and rushed in when suddenly a massive lightning bolt came crashing down right ahead of him stopping him in his tracks.

"Where are you going in such a rush?, why not stay and have a nice chat with me oh mighty patriarch of the marks clan"the woman said as she emerged from the burning forest.

"I'm quite busy at the moment! So if you come back at a later date I would be very appreciative and more than happy to attend to you" he said turning to face her.

"Hmmm, could you be so busy that you can't spare time for a beautiful woman such a myself?"

"Why don't you take off that mask and let's see how beautiful you truly are?"

She let's out a slight chuckle "Well if you agree to one condition of mine I might just agree. All you have to do is sign a soul contract agreeing to become my slave!"

"You must be joking!"

"Well then, it seems we have nothing left to discuss! I hope you're ready to face the consequences of your choice"

She crouched and unsheathed two daggers she had hanging from her waist and lunged at him, he dodges but keeping the momentum of her attack she pivots and kicks him sending him flying into a nearby boulder.

He gets up and unsheathes his sword, it's blade shines brilliantly in the moonlight.

"It seems I've underestimated you so far, but don't worry I won't make that mistake from this point onwards" he said wiping his face.

"Oh we'll just have to see about that then! I'm just guessing but is that the legendary elemental blade of the marks family?" She asked.

"it is indeed! You should feel proud as not many have the ability to force me to draw this blade, but you should be afraid as well"

"And why would that be?"

"None that have laid eyes this blade have survived! So I'm sorry but you will have to die here!"

"Well, we'll just have to see about that now don't we?"

"I guess we will!"

The man's eyes glow red, flames engulfed the blade of his sword! Lightning begins to surge around the woman's body, her eyes glow a deep blue shining through her mask, they sprint toward each other and their blades clash, again and again.

"Is that all you've got?" she asked.

"You haven't seen anything yet little lady! I've barely warmed up" he replied with a smirk

"Shameless boasting will get you nowhere!"

She is forced back but throws a dagger aimed at he is head, he parties it and darts towards her and they clash blades once again. The sound of their blades clashing echoing through the forest, in the middle of the fight she throws a small black object at him and her reflexively destroys it releasing a bright flash of light blinding him and she rushed towards him once more.

"Coward! Using cheap tricks in a head on fight is unbifitting of a warrior!"

The flames gathered at the edge of his sword intensify.

"That is the difference between us. I'm not a naive noble warrior like you I am an assassin!"

The lightning enveloping her dagger surges, she leaps in the air bove him "So be a good little boy and just die already!"

You think that because you were able to impair my vission I have no way to defending myself, but you couldn't be any more wrong! I don't need my eyes to see you I just need to sense your mana, so come I'm ready.

A wave of energy radiated from him covering everything around him and detecting even the swaying of leaves on trees, there you are! He swivled and swung his sword high above his head but hit nothing.

"Too slow!" She said appearing behind him amd drove her dagger through his chest. "This is nothing personal its just a job so please don't resent me"