
Return Of The Sword Saint

Given a second chance at ‘life’, the demon renters the game that is now reality. Once a level 500 Saint, now a level 1 Beginner. Knowledge of future game events and secret game mechanics. A nihilistic philosophy on life and a game where killing is not only allowed, but encouraged. With F grade Potential, can he surpass all odds, using only his brain and combat ability?

Dnsnsnsn · Games
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Guess I’m dead

Well, what's my luck? It was fun for the short while it lasted. Xi Zheng knew he couldn't survive this.

Every grade of difficulty in a dungeon instance was suited to the player's level. If they were a level 1, the Impossible dungeon instance would be level 1.

Only one player has ever done it before. Cheng Fu. He was a legend of the game. The problem was that he was a Tester and no one knows whether he returned to the game on release. Rumours say he became a level 1000 Rising Dragon God. At the time when he did it, he was a level one Battle Mage.

If Xi Zheng could figure out how he managed it, maybe he had a chance of survival. No one knows if anyone else has seen an Impossible dungeon instance, so it may not be as hard as legends say.

Xi Zheng was calm as he ventured into the tunnel directly in front of him.

As he walked through the dimly-lit tunnel, he opened his [Status Menu]

[Status Menu]

Name: Xi Zheng

Title: Beginner

Job: <Sword Warrior>


Level 0

Attack Damage: 10

Potential: C

<Sword Warrior Rags>(Common)

Level 0

Life Increase: 2

Status Bonuses: None

[Active Skills:]

<Rapid Sword Slashes>(Common)

Level 0

Attack Duration: 3

Stamina Consumption: 5

[Passive Skills:]




All damage caused by fire is completely nullified.

<Sword Affinity>

Damage while using a sword is increased by 10%


<Cold-Blooded>? That's one of the best starter Traits in the game!

He closed the window and realised that he was at the end of the tunnel.

Well, here goes nothing.

A vast, rocky cave greeted him. As he moved closer to the centre, magma started to rise from the ground.

Xi Zheng did not falter, calmly walking towards the magma.

With reassurance from a reliable source, humans will have confidence. But if the source is unreliable, they won't. It's the opposite with games. Nobody's met the creator of this game, nobody knows whether it's factual. Even in a life-or-death situation, they still have confidence whereas if it was real life, a simple thing like the score of a sports match, they will deny it. Humans contradict themselves subconsciously.

Xi Zheng was different. He didn't care about these things like life or death. He would trust something if he felt like it. He's not emo or anything. He's just apathetic towards what humans believe to be important. After all, the importance of a certain thing is asserted by your own beliefs and traits.

And so, Xi Zheng walked straight into the boiling hot magma. He felt no pain. He even started to swim around in the magma. Suddenly, the magma exploded engulfing the entire room. Xi Zheng was blown back from the residue force of the explosion, not the magma itself. Xi Zheng could faintly make out a figure in the distance. He cautiously walked toward it. And then a blade of fire burst out at him.

[Fire Blade!]

It was a skill that was only used by a Sword Master. Xi Zheng saw a skeleton with a sword approaching him slowly.

So thats how Cheng Fu managed it. He must have been <Cold-Blooded> as well.I guess my personality saved me.

Xi Zheng raised the <Wolfblade>

[Rapid Sword Slashes]!