
Return of the Silver Devil

Torn from his friends and family after the brutal death of his Mother, a Young Zariel is tossed into the Nine Hells for the Sin of Existing. Viciously tormented by the Lords of Hell, he escapes with the help of the Weave. Broken and Defeated by Hell's torment, he awakens in a foreign world within the Realm of Aether, lost and alone. Destined to be the Eternal Villain, Zariel arms himself against Gods and Demons and the Heros of Myth and Legends: King Arthur and his Holy Sword, Excalibur. Sigfried and his Demonic Blade, Gram and Beowulf, and his Devil. Zariel sets out on a journey toward the Eternal Heavens and the Nine Hells, unsure of what awaits him.

Lord_Damocles · Fantasy
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111 Chs

Second Years I

"Are you jealous?"

Zariel turned, catching a glance at Tiamat, sauntering over, her hips swaying with meaning. He shrugged, turning back to the duel between Aurelia and Zilya. 

Despite the significant progress made since the return of the young elf a few months ago, it was all rendered irrelevant in comparison to Aurelia's exceptional skills. The duel, which began with such promise, came to an abrupt end, with Zilya lying on the ground, helpless and vulnerable, a sharp sword tip pointed menacingly at her exposed throat.

"What's there to be jealous over?" Zariel asks as the two girls retake their positions to start once more. 

Tiamat nestled herself beside him, leaning on the railing to the outside gazebo. Her blood-red eyes glinted beneath the setting sun. She studied him, much like a prey. 

"Her innocence?"