
Return Of the RedStar

She was called 'RedStar' because of her unique fighting style and ability to control fire.When the world is nearing to the end and apocalypse came,she tried her best to protect her one and only friend which can be called her nearest family with all she had but alas later she become the food of zombie horde and in her last moment she saw her friend smiling at her and using telepathy to tell her,"I don't have any use of you anymore,so die now..."I just wanted to ask her if I really meant nothing to her.What about the promises that she would be always with me if the whole world turns against me? But fate gave me one more chance...

Red_Star101 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1:End is the beginning

"Luna,go and call Leader Aris quickly only he can hold off these amount of zombies,maybe our intel was wrong else why these much high leveled zombie would be here?", A girl with red hair who is fighting with multiple high leveled zombies at once saying those words to a girl with pretty face who is standing far away over the city wall...

" Star,you know leader is busy, he can not come, you gotta finish them all by own else we all would die...",The pretty girl named Luna talking with sobbing face that is gaining pity from all of the men there...

"Well,then at least you should use your power and deter them as much as you can as you are the only one with psychic ability...Also how came you didn't figure out their numbers and amounts...It is too much for me to handle...I request for help...Pls use your communication ability to call all of our active powered men else it would be the last day for me and our base...And It's useless to use those bullets on these metallic powered zombies...", the red haired girl was frying zombies with her fire ball and also talking with that pretty girl with a pained face.It looks like she is at her limit but the zombie horde is limitless...She would be senseless soon and maybe devoured by these nasty zombies if no one comes for her rescue...

" You have done well,star,my friend, but I don't have any use of you anymore if you live more I won't get leader as in his eyes only you exists in the whole world...I hated you for long as you are the best student in the class while being an orphan,you was given scholarship by his family... You had close relationship with him while I can be no one to him in these 20 years...I just pretended to be your friend so that I can be near to him but you were a great fool...It was fun to control you through...You should give up they won't come and help you as they won't be able to...Alas,I gotta help him recover from your loss and we can get closer at last,fu fu...Good bye my dear friend..."A teary eyed girl who is smiling inwardly said those words using telepathy to the fighting girl also she didn't forget to send a 3rd degree psychic attack with her message to her friend as a last parting gift.

Here when the red haired girl listened what her dearest friend said she just wanted to ask if all of these worth it just because of a man...All these years of friendship all was lie...She was buried within 100s of zombies who were tearing her body to pieces...And everything turned black while she wasn't feeling any physical pain but a pang in heart because of betrayal from her closest one...

"If I only get a second chance, I would never make any friends and will only live for me...",the last thought of the red haired girl named Star...who was called "RedStar"...

The people on the city wall saw everything as Redstar died while fighting for hours...She was the last one who lasted this long the only one who can save them are now gone...They got teary eyed for their upcoming fate or the demise of the girl no one knows but for no reason the zombie horde started to return and Luna glows with purple light all over her body...They all started to awed at luna and kept praised her non stop but everyone forgot about the red haired girl who done so much for the base...The leader returned but no one talked about anything, He also take the hand of beauty and continue to rule the world together...

All of these was seen by a transparent being with no physical existence...She was like crying with bloody tears...

It should be the end but god maybe had a bit of pity for that red haired girl,she got another chance to live...But nothing is for free...

Her soul was sucked in a black space and a voice asked if I give you another chance what you can do for me...you know nothing is for free...

The soul said with non existent voice,"I have nothing to give you..."

The voice replied,"I would give you another chance but you have to fulfill some missions to extend your lifetimes that's fun this way you know,Also I would give you some rewards if you can do well...how about it?"

The soul said,"It's still my loss,why should I live again to amuse you?my one lifetime was not enough?"

The voice replied coldly,"Do you think I was asking you?Just informing you...I will give you newly made system, don't disappoint me...else you know..."


"Also there would be no memory of you being here,good luck with your new journey, RedStar..."

What would happen to RedStar?In which timeline she would wake up?Can she get back everything belongs to her?

Every end brings a new beginning...