
Return Of The Mad King

Everything changed on earth, after the virtual reality game called Oinis turned into reality. Humanity received their in game powers, those who choose to play at intimidate level rose above fame and power, while the causal players could only achieve average ranking power at best. Follow the story of Leo Dan Vok, a man who was at top of the world before the entire world had turned upside down. Having everything taken away from him, dying to a normal ranked beast while being average. He got a second chance to redeem himself. Watch Leo throughout his hard and tempting journey, will he fail and disappoint the deity that gave him a second chance? Check it out for yourself.. The cover art does not belong to me, if the owner of cover art wants me to take it down. Contact me!

Liubelu · Games
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47 Chs

Chapter 7 : The Raise Of The Legend.

[Congratulations player Leon Heart, for you have succeeded in completing the impossible S+ hidden rank mission, your fame will raise between the Light and Dark Gods.

Time completion : 58:24.

Rewards :

10.000+ Exp

10.000+ G.

Special Hidden Title = The Crazy Liar.

Epic grade equipment for the spearmen.

5.000+ fame points.

"Hm, excellent. This is exactly what I needed to have for the close future. But what is this title."

[The Crazy Liar:

Rank : Legendary

Description :

You are evil, but everyone will automatically think of you as a kind and justice driven man. The probability of all races, including the gods to believe your lies +200%.]

"Fuu- so that's how he reached and climb up that high…Loki's priest. This is an excellent title." Leo thought to himself and wondered just how many manipulations and wars he would cause in the near future. A vicious smile widened on his face when a notification ran in his head, stopping him from his inner thoughts.

[Since you have reached level 4, you could choose one of the fallowing jobs:

1. Spearmen.

2. Swordsman.

3. Knight.

4. Gladiator.


"No" Leo denied the job advancement, because he knew it himself, that if you are jobless during your rank promotion you are given far more rewards and hidden classes. The rank promotion test will come when one hits level 5, Leo at the start got a whooping rank two, which means he has the advantage to rank 3. It was all due his mythical bloodline and race. The biggest rank you could achieved to level 5 was rank 1. That was if you were beast.

Leo shouted " Status"

[Name : Leon Heart.

Race : Half Pure White Elf.

Title : The Young Spear God, The first otherworlder Baron, The first otherworlder Viscount, The Crazy Liar.

Job: None.

LVL: 4.

Exp: 2.450/4.000(+20%)

HP: 297

MP: 78

VIT: 36

STR: 80(+10%)

AGI: 57(+10%)

DEX: 28

INT : 21

Rank: 2-10(Potential 10-10)

Fame points : 28,500.

Available points : 120 .


Pure elven bloodline - unawakened.

Potential: SSS.

Human bloodline - unknown and unawakened.

Potential: ?.


Basic foundation of Understanding the spear art(PASIVE/ D rank)- progress: 100%.

Basic foundation of Understating the hand to hand combat art(PASIVE/D rank)- progress 100%.]

Pure eyes of love (PASSIVE/ C+ rank)

"if the entire world were to see my stats, they would lose their minds completely." Leo chuckled himself in his thoughts at the mere reactions

people will have all over the world. And he has only been in the game 3 hours and 30 minutes. He then decided to view his currency and a major smile appeared on his face.

[Currency : 10.500 G]

1 C(copper) was equivalent to 10 dollars.

1 S(silver) was equivalent to 1.000 dollars.

1 G(gold) was equivalent to 100.000 dollars.

His wealth at the current moment was something that would make any players faint at the mere sight of it, but he knew to himself that this was only the beginning of his long journey of riches.

He started walking back to Aman, because he knew he would get additional rewards after he returns to the old perverted fella. After walking through the shadows, he started to slowly observe how everyone around him started to notice him. It appears his fame has rose up by a lot. He finally arrived at his perverted priests house, seeing the man run to him with joyful eyes, full of happiness.

"MY DEAR FRIEND, THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH" The weird freak hugged him tightly, crying his eyeballs out of happiness.

[Affinity has reached 5000/5000

You are like his son he never had, you can even learn his special hidden A rank skill.]

"Calm down Aman, I am alive and I got rid of the disgusting mud that were worthy to be impaled for their sins" Leo yelled fearlessly towards Aman.

"Yes, you are right my dear junior. I wish to give you this legendary ring and to pass my special skill down to you. I am old, I'll be dying sooner or later." Aman spoke with sadness and relief in his voice.

[Skill-book : The Body of Immortality.

Skill-rank : A-.

Skill type : Passive.

Aptitude mana type : Light and Dark.


A legendary skill passed down by the family of Lorient, Light Priest Aman Lorient is the last descent of the Lorient family, he has no descendants, thus he wishes for you to take it and learn it. It gives the user body of Immortality, by no means you are immortal, however you can recreate your body parts with mana, as long as your heart isn't pierced and keeps on beating, you are immortal.]

[Ring : Medusas Ring.

Item rank : legendary.

Item type : accessory

Durability : ∞/∞

Cooldown : 5 minutes per usage.

Description : After the ancestor of the Lorient family slaughtered the new created Medusa, he used one of her intact eyes and placed it on the ring. The ring allows the user to stop the movement of his opponent for 1.5 seconds. It can't be unequipped after it was equipped.]

"This.." Leo was left dumbfounded at what he just saw with his eyes. Both of this items could make a fool into a top 100 ranker. He quickly equipped Medusas Ring and then learned the passive skill body of immortality. As soon as he learned it, he felt like he was floating in the most comfiest clouds. A feeling he had no way to explain. After working up, he realized he was in Aman's house, he saw that Aman laying down slowly dying.

Leo stood up and held the hand of the sad old priest Aman." If I had ever a chance to have a son, I bet he would be just like you. Thank you for everything…" he slowly coughed dying peaceful into his bed.

"Rest well" Leo said slowly holding tightly onto his seniors hand. It was a way for him to express his gratitude towards the old man, soon the lifeless body turned into mana and disappeared.

Leo stood up and started walking out of the underground city, going into the light once again.

"I guess it's time to hunt"