

1.32 million years later.

A new civilization arose.

Humans have caught up to where they were before and their cities thrived. The land is broken into two parts, the Royal Sun continent and the Bright Moon continent. With each part being split into smaller states. There are still war between the estates but these wars are nothing when compared to the past wars. The major difference between present and past is that many humans have lost their ability to control magic. As a matter of fact only a little more than half of the population are mages.

So anyone with magic became highly valuable.

In the Royal Sun continent, just north of the Ever Forest there lies a barrier that prevents the non mages from entering. In there is a nature paradise where millions of flowers are blooming. Greenery covered the ground and the birds chirped. The sunlight reflected from the lake and ponds making it look like a pool of crystals. A long winding road ran through this land and if you were to follow it, it take you to a beautiful pavillion held up by white marble with green vines climbing up. Inside the pavillion even more flowers bloomed and butterflies filled the halls. If a mortal were to find a way into this place they would certainly call this place heaven.

However what they would not know is that in a room hidden deeply inside the heart of this paradise lived a spirit, no, it was a spirit. Now it was nothing more than a cloud of sparkling dust. This heaven serves as a shield for this dispersed spirit from the outside world and a place for it to slowly reform again. In here, its spirit pieces would travel back and become one again without the disturbance of outside forces. No one knows of the existence of this place except for the nymphs and fairies that lived in this heaven, no one in the outside world knows of this place not

even the gods. MIllions of years passed and the once cloud of sparkling dust has regathered and become one again. The fairies and nymphs used their powers to create a body for it made out of the natural beings living in the heaven. They were successful to create for it the body of a little girl. The little girl may be small and looked no older than a ten year old but it looked incredibly beautiful. She had black hair like that of the black butterfly, pink lips like the peach blossoms, and pale white skin like snow.

The spirit settled into the girl's body and before long it, no, she opened her eyes. Her eyes turned from green to blue then settled down to a brown color. Very gently the girl sat up and looked around her before examining herself. She lifted her hand and looked at it as if in disbelief. She stood up and walked towards a mirror made of water crystals. She looked inside and looked at her new body from head to toe. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down her long hair, her hair was as long 10 yards. Obviously annoyed by her hair she looked around the room as if she was looking at something when she suddenly froze and her eyes closed again. She stood there like a statue without saying anything.

She is not dead though. It just so happens that a certain individual was communicating with her, hence why she is standing still.


'Fleur.' A melodic voice called.

I recognized this voice, it belonged to Mother Nature the bestower of my powers.

"Gaia." I called out. Gaia was only one of her names but it was the name that people called her the most by.

'My child. It delights me to know that you are alive again.' Her melodic voice was full of care but it also held power.

I remained silent, unmoved by her words.

'To see you alive and well again. You do not know of the joy I have.' She continued.

"And?" I asked even though I didn't really care about her answer.

'Fleur.' She called out me name sounding as if she was hurt by my words.

"What?" I called out coldly.

'Must you talk to me with that tone?' She sounded like a mother hurt by her child's words.

I sighed. I felt tired, really tired. I did not want to deal with her any longer. "What is it that you want to tell me?" I went straight to the point, the faster she says it the faster I can leave here.

'Very well, if you say so. Fleur, you know that you are no longer my priestess, right?'

I nodded. "Of course I know that."

'However it seems that your powers are still connected with mines. Which means that after you used up all you powers and sacrificed yourself a part of you is still connected to me.'

I raised my eyebrows to show my confusion. "How?"

She sighed. 'That I do not know. But you understand what that mean right.'

I shook my head.

'It means that you are still considered a nature goddess because we are still tied together however during these years I have chosen another child to be my pristress.'

The first part surprised me but the second part did not. I had not expected her to not choose a new person in the first place.

"And?" I asked.

'You are not disturbed by this news?' I shook my head again.

"Why should I be?"

"You-*sigh* I see. Fleur I will get straight to the point, I want you to help save the world again.'

This time her words were like giant rocks tumbling down on me. This was just like the first time I met her, that time she persuaded me to be her pristress and the nature goddess using the reason of to save the world. The young me was foolish and naive to think that it would be easy but look at where I am now because of that decision.

"Why? Why again?" I tried to hide my pain from her.

'Child, it's the gods. I believe that another war is coming soon.'

This time my emotions took over me. "So that means that I have to fight again? I have to watch more people die? Just because the gods have more power does not mean they can start a war whenever they want to. For once I want to live not to fight but for myself!"

'Fleur-Child. You know there is nothing I can do. My onl-'

"ENOUGH! I don't want to hear it." Tears began to well up in my eyes and I tried to blink them away.

She stayed silent as I gathered my thoughts and brought myself together again. "I'm leaving." I declared.

She continued to stay silent.

"Gaia, although I understand you reason for your action but I want you to know that I have never regretted being your pristress however I want to live once to experience the things I could not in the last life. In the last life I lived under the expectation as a pristress but at least once, let me be ordinary."

I expressed my sincerity and my desire. All my words were truthful and from the bottom of my heart and she knows it as well.

'Go.' She whispered softly.

'Fleur. Go live the life you want but with mindful that you may be able to escape once but you will never be able to escape from it forever. One day you will be forced to fight again and when that time comes you will have no choice but to agree.'

I looked down at my hands and bit my lips.

'In your original body you possessed the powers to control nature but in this body you only have the power to control water. Your powers has to be awakened like any original child. Now go and live the life you want, while you still can.'

A flash of bright light and I was sent back into reality. I looked into the mirror at my new self. I have to say I am quite beautiful with the dark ebony hair, pale skin and rosy cheeks. I looked behind myself down at the trail of black hair. It does look beautiful but it would be tiring and a nuisance if I were to keep it so I looked around again for a sharp object. However I could not find something suitable and then my eyes fell onto the mirror.

A thought flashed across my eyes and I stepped towards it. I raised my fist and with all my might I punched the crystal mirror but the mirror remained intact with my knuckles turning red. I lifted my fist again this time I concentrated on the fist and I could feel the familiar tingling of magic. I punched the mirror and this time the mirror broke. Pieces and fragments fell onto the floor and I picked up once. I lifted it under my hair and with one swift move the hair fell to the floor with a soft thump. I looked up at the mirror again and examined my new hair. Now it was only a little longer than my shoulders and I smiled, pleased with the new style.

I stood there in front of the broken mirror and I opened my palm again. I closed my eyes and then I concentrated on my powers. Like expected, as my powers rapidly grew it suddenly stopped like something was blocking it.


A streak of white ran through Fleur's short hair as Fleur stretched her hand and one of the vines broke way. The broken piece landed on her hand which she used it to tie up her hair. For once in a couple thousand years she stepped out of the pavillion and met the sunshine. She took a deep breath as she traveled across the meadows of flowers and field of butterflies. The birds chirped as if congratulating her. She arrived at the border of the barrier then she stepped outside.

Fleur may be a bit too emotional in this chapter but I want her to begin her journey to become strong.

If there are any mistakes please point it out in the comment!

mels010creators' thoughts