
Return of the God of Dreams

The god of dreams has been force to reincarnate and is now slowly making his way back to the realm of gods

mikck3016 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Discovering Mana

Aaron is walking home like any other day. Today however something strange happened. He heard a voice that he couldn't find that source of. He looked everywhere and found no one. "Who was that?" Aaron whispered to himself 'I wonder if I'm finally going insane.' he thought to himself. "'you're not going insane I'm talking to you'" said the strange voice. looking around again Aaron could only be confused as he still saw no one. "' oh... I guess you can't see me yet well no matter i have finally found you!'" shouted happily the odd voice

'Finally found me?' Aaron thought to himself "'The fact you can hear me shows you are who I'm looking for. Only you would be able to hear me here.'" the voice said happily 'wish I knew what I was talking to' thought Aaron "' ah! right I'm one of the mana you protected in you past life. you have be reincarnated into this because the other gods feared you'" the mana said in a sad voice.

"' But now that I have found you I can help you return to the realm of gods!'" the mana said happily. This left Aaron dumfounded as he tried to comprehend what was just said to him. he lived in a world magic, gods, and reincarnation didn't exist. He was now questioning his sanity again. 'so your saying you can get me off this hellhole of a planet.' Aaron thought hoping he wasn't going insane. ' I never liked it here nothing ever made me feel like I belong he this planet is more of a prison then a place I live.' Aaron thought.

"' You need not be concerned about that now. I will bring you to a better world where you can grow faster and will gain the ability to see me.'" the mana said. the mana then started some sort of incantation and the world around Aaron started to change. After a short will he was in a forest and was surrounded by tiny things. One came up to Aaron and notice that he could see him and smiled."' So you finally found him this is great life without the protector is awful.'" said the green object in front of Aaron. 'Is this what mana looks like' Aaron thought. "' That would be correct we mana have been looking for you for many millennia. You have taken a long time to be reborn. But what matters now is that you are here now.'" said the mana from earlier.

Turning see who was talking Aaron was shocked to see what looked more like a tiny dragon then the other mana. "You look different then the others why is that." Aaron said out loud. "' That is because I was able to absorb your energy in your last life and became stronger than a normal mana. This is how I was able to bring you here by myself.'" said the dragon mana." How does one protect mana?" Aaron questioned. "'All you have to do is want to protect us this is what you did in your last life. '" Announced the dragon mana.

As Aaron went to rub his head he notice some changes to his appearance. he had wings on his back want looked like a lizard tail and horns on his head. " When did I change race why am I suddenly a beastkin like in the novels I read?" Aaron questioned. "' you have always looked like that the world you were in was forcing you to look like a human this hole time. You are Dragon in a two legged form.'" said one of the mana. "two legged?" Aaron wondered "' Yes there are more then just humans in all of existence you really hated humans in your past life anyway so calling it a humanoid form would be am insult to you'" explained the dragon mana. "Beastkin is fine I would like to think at least when I look like this. That makes me wonder what my dragon form looks like." Aaron replied "' if you want to turn in to a dragon you might want to do it now just think about turning it to one and you will.'" explained the dragon mana.

Then as Aaron thought about being a dragon he started to slowly turn in to a dragon. "' Sense this is your first time transforming it is slow and painful. It should get faster the better you get at it the pain will also lessen with practice.'" said one of the mana. as Aaron finished is transformation he fell asleep form all the pain he was just in.

When he woke up he saw that he look just as he thought he would . Four legs, two wings, and longneck and tail. he was a weird rainbow color as the color of his scales never stayed the same color. Aaron looked a this in confusion as he tried to figure out why his color kept changing. As he was inspecting himself a monster attack Aaron thinking he was sill asleep. The monster didn't realize what he was fighting against as it lunged at Aaron at an attempt slit his throat. Aaron noticing this attack back faster then he that he was capable of and killed the beast instantly. looking at the beast it look like a big bear of some sort looking closer he saw a shiny object in the body of the beast. when Aaron went to grab it one of the mana stopped him. "' That would be better use on us mana who a still weak you are to strong right now for it to help you in anyway!'" exclaimed the mana blocking Aaron. Aaron didn't see how this shiny thing could help the mana.

"' That is a mana core it is used to help people grow I strength you would waist it as you are far stronger than the Lay bear there.'" said the dragon mana will pointing at the Lay bear. "' The lay bear is a rank 3 beast you are a rank 10 beast easily. Why this Lay bear dared to attack you is beyond me.'" said the dragon mana confused about the whole thing.

"Am I that strong already?!" Aaron asked in surprise not knowing anything about these rank that where mentioned. The only thing he could go off of where the things he had read in the world he grew up in. "' Rank 10 is more of a guess but dragons of your size and strength are around that rank by now so it is a safe guess to say the least.'" explained the dragon mana

"How does this rank system work any way how do you determine what rank beast are?" Asked Aaron. "' ranks start at rank 0 this is when you are first born and can't move. Most beasts rank up to rank 1 quickly as rank 1 is being able to protect your self and all beasts rank up to rank 1 in just a couple of hours if that. rank 2 is when the mana core is formed and magic become easier to use. After that the core grows until rank 7 after this at rank 8 the core fuses with your soul. This causes a huge jump in power and sense you have no mana core you are at least rank 8. now I say you are rank 10 because you used a ability only rank 10 beasts can use that is transformation.'" explain the dragon mana.

" So beasts don't get the two legged form till rank 10 I see what is the highest rank I can get to on this world?" asked Aaron. "'you can reach rank 15 on this world so you are most the way there already. you should find beasts you rank and fight them to rank up it shouldn't take to long to find another rank 10 beast in this area there are mostly rank 10 and above beasts there are some weaker beasts but they were just unlucky to be born in this area. like that bear for instance can only grow to rank 4.'" answered the dragon mana. " alright lets find a beast to kill so I can get stronger so I can get to the next world quickly!" shouted Aaron excited to do fun for once in his life.

"' lets start by getting you used to you new form first. I don't want you to struggle with simple things you should already know how to do while in the middle of a fight.'" said the dragon mana in concern. " ah.. right I don't know how to fight as a dragon yet. your right lets do some basic training so I can get used to this body first then I can start fighting random beasts." Aaron said.

"' First lets get you used to moving in your dragon form. start walking over to that tree. its about 10 arcs away.'" the dragon mana said "Arc????" Said Aaron with his head tilted. "' one arc is about 3 yards from the world you came from.'" replied the dragon mana. "ah.." whispered Aaron. he then started stumbling of to the tree as it was difficult to get used to walking in his new body.


"'Its been 3 days now I think we can start fighting beasts as that is the best way to learn to fight. I hope you are still a fast learner when it comes to fighting.'" said the dragon mana who Aaron is now calling Dan to make things easier for himself. " Dan what way should I go to find a beast? You said you where looking for one for me." asked Aaron happily "' you need to go north witch is that way.'" answered Dan

After some searching Aaron finally found a beast his rank. He snuck up on it and pounced aiming for its throat the beast barely dodged the sneak attack. what looked like giant deer around 20arcs tall shot a blast of wind at Aaron and He dodged it by a hairs length. Aaron then used his breath attack witch was a max of all the element in the area at the time. this did massive damage to the Wind deer making it fall over in pain. taking this opportunity Aaron lunged at the Wind deer's throat ripping it to shreds as blood when every where in a 1 arc radius. Aaron then started eating the deer as this is the only way to gain the strength of the wind deer and grow more powerful this is how this particular world worked when you got to this rank as there were no more care to consume.

After devouring the whole deer bones and all he walked west to find the next target. HE was happy at the speed he finished his first prey. "' it seems you are a higher rank than I thought that means the next beast will be a rank 11 beast this should be more of a challenge. the rank will continue to go up until you are challenged by the beast.'" said Dan happy this world be done with fast than he thought.

The next beast that Aaron was to face was a serpent that was longer than he could see. Luckily he was near the head of the serpent. He sneak attacked it with a breath attack this time as it was more affective in the last fight. This was less effective as he wasn't close to the target this time. however it still gave him a small opening to hit throat of the serpent causing a gouge to be seen just under the throat of the serpent as it dodged instant death. Aaron then immediately hit the serpent with his other paw at the same spot. this ended the fight quickly. he was learning quickly and took down the rank 11 serpent easily even though he was really only a rank 10. it was his powerful soul that was giving him all his power.

Don't see myself dont this much more of a hobby that i picked up

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