
Return of The First HERO

Ark succeeds in his mission to save the world but is mysteriously reborn for unknown reasons. Now the world has grown up a lot both politically and militarily, can he still bear the title "Hero"? or is it time to let go? -- MC is an actual hero with empathy and honor, the classic hero type with a twist that he knows what needs to be done and not hesitated to do so, not an angsty edgy teen with a power hungry tendency and uncontrollable lust, he got the title because he has the responsibility and determination to do so. -- There is still a romance element in the story but it is for the girls to try to break his wall that he had created because of his duty in the past. -- This is my first novel in English so if you guys/gals saw any grammatical errors please inform me. I hope you guys have fun reading this story.

Artkairther · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Ark's weakness


Julia sits down and cries in front of her master and professor Mary (the old lady at the entrance).

"Consider yourself lucky, Anderson. That the rabbit is not someone's pet, or I have to punish you."

Mary speaks in a cold manner while looking down on both Ark and Julia that shamefully sit on the ground.

Apparently, killing animals in a school is prohibited, also starting a fire outside a special area is against the rule, even the law.

Julia can be in jail right now for trying to roast a wild rabbit she caught.

"It's my fault that I ordered her to find me food, thank you for your kindness, Miss Mary."

Ark deeply apologizes for what happened.

"I hope you two learn more rules because next time I will have to give you two punishments."

Miss Mary reminds both of them before exhaling with disappointment.

"How far has Anderson house descended I can't believe that girl is the same girl I used to teach"

After knowing both of them felt remorseful for their crime to a degree, Miss Mary let them go and go the other way.

"I'm sorry master, I failed again."

"Please, Julia, we already talked about this, and this time it is 100% my fault, you don't need to feel sorry for anything, instead you should be angry that I got us in trouble."

Ark tries to cheer Julia up after she has endured so many bad things today, but looks like she needs some time before adjusting to her new life.

"Let's get back home…."

Ark lifted Julia by her hand and dragged her to the public carriage.

"Anderson house, off the town. 69 east 42nd street"

"2 silvers."


Ark pays the coachman and gets on the carriage with Julia.

"Today is a big day, when we get back you should get some rest."

Ark told Julia.

"I-I can't! I need to do your chore too!"

"Ok, but after that come to my room, got it?"


'Is young master have a secret plan to punish me?'

Julia can't believe such a kind master exists while she is still learning in the basic trainer, her teacher and co-worker always have bad things to say about their master.

Maybe this "rest" is the reason why master Ark never has a personal maid because they all can't endure his training!

"You lucky, Julia."

But before Julia's imagination can go further, what Ark spoke makes her snap out.

"Yes? I mean Yes! I'm very lucky to have a kind and forgiving master like you!"

"No, actually, yes, that is some part of the lucky part but, I mean this, just look outside."


Julia does as her master commands and looks outside the carriage.

And what she saw made her realize exactly why her master told her she was lucky.

The giant school with fresh air and food, the public yet personal transport, clean cloth, and good food, these things are prestigious to have, not a norm.

All of the people outside of the carriage are wearing dirty cloth with skinny bodies, their bodies and cloth are messy and unclean, kids steal goods, beggars starve to death, and many more.

"Understand yet?"


'Is master shows what will happen to me if he decides to fire me?'

Julia fears to her core.

"We are the fortunate ones that got a safe job in a stable life, that's why I value every second of it."

Ark hates to go outside, every time he comes out he always sees the ugly part of human society.

Humans can't function alone, that is why we need someone to do something, but the reward isn't distributed equally, this happens as old as his time to this day.

But he can't do anything about it…

All he wants is to relax after saving the world, whether it's death or new life, but this kind of thing makes him can't sleep soundly at night.

"What I hate the most in this world is politics, because it is the only thing I can't defeat."

Ark can't defeat social hierarchy because when he does, it will become anarchy.

He had tried to fix this with violence once, and make one kingdom collapse in the process.

Humans need leaders, or they will steal and kill each other to gain the benefit, many may don't but the some that do will feed on the many, and get back to being most people got fed on by a small group.

If he wants it to happen, he has to kill his kind every day to the day he dies, and have to ensure someone will follow the same for eternity.

Even back in his time, he got slaves, but the slaves are treated better than average humans today, because they are considered an asset to the slaves' owners, unlike today when people are counted as a disposable tools.

'I just can't…. Maybe if you are still here, we can figure something out.'

Ark misses his friend, always. He had one friend who was a prince, this friend of his is the one who taught him how to navigate the political world.

The prince is the one who formulated the "HERO" plan, and also the one who manages to unite all humanity under a single banner.

Ark is humanity's greatest weapon, but other works have someone done it for him.

"I'm sure you can, young master! Maybe today you are still too young, but in the future, I'm sure of it!"

Julia tries to cheer him up but Ark still feels disappointed in what humanity has become.

"Yeah, maybe…."

Ark smiles a little after seeing a negative girl such as Julia try to cheer him up.

Maybe if he wanted her to have more confidence, he would also have to step out of his comfort zone and start learning new things too, for the second time.

'Maybe this time, I have to learn more about saving rather than killing.'

Maybe what Julia said is right, he is still young, not just the body but himself.

He may master all magic possible, but there are still other ways for him to grow, and more things to learn.

But, as he already said many times, he wants to rest.

'When can I get some rest…. Why are there no other Heroes out there trying to fix this shit!'

He has already done so much for humanity, so why can't he get the rest he deserves.

"I may not win the WPC, but seeing all of your support make me wants to continue" 12:15

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