
Return of the Byzantine Empire

Synopsis: A Guy from the 21st century that studied History and Engineering is reincarnated as the Emperor of Byzantium in a different world with a system, after dying from dark matter poisoning. Will he be able to lead the Byzantine Empire to a path of reclaiming Roman glory? Or will he fail and be the demise to it all?

Infinite6976 · War
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Basileus is Dead!(old don't read)

3rd Person View

"Ugh, where am I?" Muttered a guy with bluish-greenish eyes, black hair, with a height of 6'1 as he laid in a luxuries bed covered with dried up puke and blood.

The male sat up and looked around at his surroundings and noticed he was in what seemed to be a room made for an Emperor.

[Binding…. Binding completed!] said something as blue words appeared from nowhere in front of the Male.

[Greetings, Host! I am the Kingdom Building System. You have been sent to an alternate universe as Isaac II Angelo in the beginning of the year 1190 BC. There is also Magic in this world so please do your best host!]

The male now known as Isaac just sat there in a daze as he processed what before he could react, he got hit with a massive headache. Once the headache subsided, he understood what happened. He had reincarnated into another world as Isaac II Angelo, Basileus of the Byzantine Empire. Though it seemed the world he was in was different from the history he knew. Before he died and reincarnated.

He was an Engineer and Historian in his past life that rediscovered how to create Greek Fire and lead the production of the first Hydrogen Bomb and Designed the first spaceship. The types only seen in Sci-fi stories among many other inventions. He died after getting sick with Dark Matter Poisoning.

'This can't be.' Thought Issac in disbelief. 'Only one way to find out. Stats'

A blue screen appeared in front of Issac.


Nation Name: Empire of Byzantium

Population: 10,221,765

Soldiers: 70,937

Gold: 100,000

Kingdom Points (Points obtained through missions or achievements): 1000

Basileus: Isaac II Angelos

Level 1: 0/50 Exp

Allies: None

Enemy's: None








Issac scrolled through his system deep in thought about what to do next. He knew from his time as a historian on earth that this decade would not be favorable for him, and he would 5 years to fix this at most before he gets deposed- or even worse killed. Issac got out of bed while closing his [Stats Menu]. Issac then walked to his window and opened while avoiding the blood on the floor from his predecessor coughing blood everywhere. After opening the window to let out the bad air he went to his closet and changed for more approximate clothes than the clothes he was wearing from his predecessor deaths.

While he did all this a group of maids came into the room to check on the emperor's health. They didn't see him in his bed and saw the window open, so they thought that he was kidnapped since he wasn't in a state to walk out by himself.

The blood on the floor leading to the window also made the maids come to this conclusion along with the disheveled bed sheets from when Issac got out of bed. The maids left the room in a rush to tell the General while Issac came out of his closet with the memories of the previous Issac. Knowing he had a meeting to go to headed down towards the war room but not before talking with the system.

'System open the shop.' He thought as he strode through the familiar yet unfamiliar corridors of the palace of Constantinople.





Issac selected [Military] and scrolled through it until he saw this.

[Elite Spies]

Cost: 35 Points

Description: 15 loyal shadow magic users specially trained in all subjects from petty assassination to overthrowing governments.



Issac immediately purchased it and a bright light appeared in front of him as 15 men dripped out in black cloaks and hoods with gold lining that had Greek and Latin carvings appeared in front of him and kneeled.

"Master." said all 15 men at once.

"I want all you except for one to go around and gather intelligence of what's happening behind the scenes of the empire and kill any corrupt nobles. Bring their family's and anyone associated with them the to Dungeon." Said Issac as stared down at them trying to practice his authority.

"Yes, Master" said the Men as all but one disappeared and in a black blur.

"What is your name?" Asked Issac

"My name is Corvo Master." Answered Corvo

"Hmm. A unique name for an assassin. For now, just stay in my shadow and protect me until farther notice." Said Issac

"Yes, Master" said the man before turning into a shadow that entered Issacs.

How did Issac know they can do this? Well, his predecessor was well educated and versed on topics such as Magic, Warfare, and Economics. Though his predecessor specialized in Holy magic. Issac continued on his way to the war room where he was supposed to meet with his 3 Domestics (Generals).

Thank you to DaoistYajKLb for the support and motivation!

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