
return of the betrayed one:dungeon of betrayal

DaoistN7TgdV · Fantasy
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chapter 1:betrayed,but who wanna kill a doctor anyway!?

"Charge!"Rento kanzaki,my class hero and rep commanded the army.I stood from the back.You guys probaly think,why the heck this guy is at the back?Well to be honest I ,kurou kinrou am a healer

.Yup ,you guys should be suprised me,a guy as a healer.But for me it is pretty good to be the healer since I'm not your typical healer. correction,I was given the job,doctor.

A few months ago me and my classmate was suddenly summoned to another world.In this world you could use magic and it also comes with those status screen which you just need to call up.I received the title job of doctor.The differrance between of doctors and healer is the skill.I had the skill of surgery and medicine.Normal healer can use magic to buff and heal but not me .I am pretty deadly with knives and poisons.

"Woah,a berserker,doc get back !"one of the back liners yelled to me.I ran back to avoid confrontation with the berserker.

"shink"as I was running suddenly a blade passed through my body."sorry doc,but its for money"my stabber whispered in my ears.He pulled out the blade then ran away from me .

Suddenly I had a vision of the berserker heading towards me.I close my eyes saying my final prayer suddenly the status screen brought a notification."you have been betrayed ,do you wish to continue living?Yes or No?"I suddenly remember my mother,no.I must continue living "yes"

"Congratulation on being choosen,welcome to the dungeon of the betrayed one"