
Return Of The Ancients

The world lays in chaos! Nations, tribes, kingdoms, and clans fight for their daily survival. Watch as our young hero from one of the lost races rises among the clouds of war and conquers all others!!

Mushu_The_Writer · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 12

Caepron was excited that everything worked and he now understood how the stelae's worked. He had Gus walk to the Town Hall with Old Lui so that he could get his own place to stay and start his research. Caepron then had all the six giants become Spear Shield Bearer, he had five of the other young men become spearmen and the rest of the young men dagger archers. Caepron now had a small army under him. He then looked at Thomas, "You can choose your own class as you see fit." Thomas bowed his head in thanks and then walked up to the Stelae. He chose the Beast cavalry unit, and then walked over and chose the swordsman class. Caepron was confused at first until Thomas explained to him. "Because I am a general I can choose two different classes instead of one." Caepron nodded in understanding and thought it was very convenient. He then had Thomas take the new troops to the blacksmith to get whatever gear was available and meet him at the town hall. He then walked out and asked some of the children to go and gather in front of the town hall again. After about 5 minutes the rest of the people had gathered. Six people stood behind Caepron, with Thomas and Old Lui on his left and right. He looked over at everyone again to make sure everyone was there before he started to speak. "Thank you everyone for meeting again after just leaving, I promise to let you go in a few moments. I'd just like to get a few things started before we get on with the day." He then motioned to the soldiers standing to his left. "These are the first soldiers of the village, they shall be the ones to protect you all. They will be led by General Thomas and myself." He looked back out over the crowd. "Each of the craftsmen has taken three apprentices, Old Lui has taken two young apprentices as well to help with his load. As for the rest of the people, we now have a scholar who shall start studying things to make life easier. I would like the women to start working on a field on the east side of the village, the men will go collect wood and stone to start making houses and a basic fence around the village for our protection. That will be all, thank you." Everyone bowed their heads and started to get into their groups to get started. Caepron had Thomas put one of the giants, two spearmen and one bowman stay at the village to start patrolling around and make sure no dangers were in the area. The rest of the troops along with Thomas and Caepron went towards the forest to start cutting down trees and getting some food in the way of wild berries and maybe wild animals. Caepron had the blacksmith give out all available tools and weapons to everyone, which so conveniently there were enough weapons and tools made of basic iron for ten people each.

Caepron had old Lui stay in the village with the rest of the people, and most of the women and children were starting a small field just outside the village. They got to the forest after about a 30-minute walk. Caepron had Thomas, the archers, and the spearmen go into the forest further to find wild food and maybe some wild animals for food for the village. Caepron, along with the rest of the men, boys, and giants, started chopping down trees and getting large bundles of wood for building and burning. After a few minutes, they had a giant sled, which they cut a giant tree down, cut it in half from top to bottom, and then rounded off the front. They then tied ropes to it and voila, giant wood sled. It took three of the giants to pull the sled once they had it loaded to the max, and even Caepron got into chopping wood and helping with the rest. His people were awed that such a man would even do the job of the common people. After several hours, the sled was fully loaded with logs to be used at the village, and the boys and men had bundles of smaller sticks and broken branches to use for the fire later. They were just now waiting for the hunting party to come back.

An hour or so later, they saw people coming through the woods. It was the hunting party, and boy did they do a pretty good job. Every soldier had a cloth sack on their back full of fresh produce, herbs, and other such things that they found. Then There were three sets of two men carrying a wooden rod between each of them with a deer and two boars hanging from it. A few hunters had a few rabbits hung on their backs. Then, following the back of the pack, two of the soldiers had 7 beasts on leads that they were bringing back. They looked like furry cows, with a brown furry bodies, and two horns that came out the side of their heads. Thomas walked before Caepron and bowed his head. "Sir, we have gathered numerous vegetables and herbs, as well as a few spiritual plants for the herbalist and alchemist. We have also brought back much and what we have discovered to be Bicows. They are a docile group that you can milk much like a cow. We found a small herd and were able to bring back six females and a male." Caepron nodded his head in satisfaction. They then all headed back in one giant group. After about an hour or so they reached the village. While they had been away, Several gardens with small stick fences around them were on one side of the village, and a small field was planted with seeds to grow whatever the village gave them at the start. Everyone came and looked at the wood and food that was brought together. The women took the food and started making a giant meal for the night, the men started getting the wood ready and prepared for the next day's work.

Everyone had a wonderful dinner with meats and vegetables and then went to sleep. The soldiers went around the village at night in turns as guards and the night went by peacefully. The next day, two-thirds of the soldiers and half the builders went to the woods with Thomas, to collect wood and more food for the coming days, and anything else they could find of value. The rest of the troops and builders stayed in the village. The soldiers patrolled the village or were helping with the building, especially the giants since they could lift the heavy stuff. The builders started on the housing for the village, with Old Lui leading the planning with future builds and things in mind. While all this was happening, Caepron was in his room, which was on the second floor of the village hall, cultivating quietly by himself. He wanted to get a start on this to make sure that he was strong enough to protect his people. He could feel his body slowly changing, stronger, sturdier, his body felt lighter too. He entered a deep sleep almost when cultivating. After several hours, Old Lui knocked on the door. "Your majesty?" Caepron slowly woke from his cultivating slumber. He shook himself slightly to shake off the sleepiness and looked at Old Lui. "Your Majesty, we have finished the housing and are about to start on the walls and wanted your input on the placement and style of the building we use for it." Caepron nodded and got up, he checked his stats to see how far he had progressed since starting to cultivate.

Name: Caepron Anderson

Grade: SSS(Growth)

Title: Child of the Mana, Ancient Prince

Profession: None

Achievement Points: (0/100) Commoner

Race: Ancient Human

Age: 19 (250)

Cultivation: Stage 3-2

Cultivation Technique: Child of Mana Matra

Skills: Ancient Field

He had gone up to sub-stages, which was an amazing speed, considering he was already level three. He decided that he would lead the troops soon to start exploring the area around them. He walked out with Old Lui to see what they had gotten done while he had been inside. The first thing to notice is the roads were all spaced out quite wide to allow traffic to come through. The next thing was the neat row of two-story houses leading in two different directions from where they were, one was behind the Blacksmith and the other was behind the tailor. The houses were two stories tall and had windows with clothes covering them inside to act like glass. There were roughly 30 of them, able to house roughly 500 people. Next, they dug a well and also built a dam so that the water could be redirected to the edge of the village so that water was much easier to get.

Caepron nodded his head in satisfaction with the housing and the walls. "Old Lui, are there enough resources to start building a wall around the village?" Old Lui bowed his head in reply, "Your majesty, we do not currently have enough wood to make the walls, however, there is a sturdy stone with some magical properties that are to the south of the valley that if used could be very strong walls." Old Lui handed a piece of stone to Caepron to look at. Caepron felt the stone, it was a dirty white gray mix, with rough coarse edges. He checked it to see what it was.

Name: Magic Galestone

Description: A stone weathered by the elements and imbued with magic properties.

Affects: 1. 20% resistance to magic attacks, 2. 20% resistance to elemental attacks, 3. 5% resistance to physical attacks.

Caepron smiled as he kept reading the effects of the stone, if they were to build the walls with this, his walls would be damn near untouchable for the next few years while they kept upgrading. "Old Lui, after we get a few more days' worths of people, this will be the next building project to work on." Old Lui bowed his head in understanding. Later in the evening, the wood cutting group and the hunting group came back. The wood crew had gotten another huge load of wood and other supplies from the forest, such as sticks, roots, and vines. The hunting group brought back another good load of hunted food. And they also all had large cloth sacks on their backs with smaller animals, herbs, and different plants. Thomas walked over to Caepron after the troops had walked towards the cooks with the food, "Your majesty, we have found a surface mine full of minerals that will last us for months." He handed Caepron a dark gray, almost black-colored ore with some crystals and other small debris on it.

Name: Black Steel (Uncommon)

Description: Natural steel that takes on a dark color, used by the wise as deadly weapons, and by others… as common cooking pans.

Caepron raised an eyebrow at the last part of the description, who would put that there? Oh well, he didn't really care, all he cared was they had a source of ores to make weapons and armor for his troops. As of right now, his troops barely had enough weapons to arm themselves, and they all wore no armor. So Caepron decided this would be a good starting point. Thomas bowed his head and handed a small bag to Caepron, " Your majesty, when we killed the animals today and yesterday, all of the prey dropped coins and some items as well," Caepron opened the bag and looked inside.

(The money value in the new world is below)

Money in the world is such

Copper coin 100 = Bronze coin

100 Bronze coins = 1 Silver Coin

100 Silver Coin = 1 Gold Coin

1000 Gold coins = 1 Platinum

100 Platinum = 1 Blood Platinum

100 Blood Platinum = 1 Crystel Coin