
Return of Strongest Forgotten Emperor

Alexander Anderson, 30 years old, salaryman throughout his entire life suffers from mental illness. His awful nightmare, which didn’t help him sleep to the fullest. Though nightmares rarely came to him, as he has fear of females, even though they were safe. This leads to his mental illness which disrupts which thought to make him remember the past trauma. One day while taking a break from the workplace and goes to the place where the scenery is seen mystical, while he is back he saves a child from the car but in the process, he dies. Fate didn’t allow him to rest peacefully, as he travels to midheaven, he got caught in the whirlpool which sucks his soul and reincarnated to medieval another world. There he finds himself finding the truth of his past, family, and also comes with a problem. Welcome to the family… see the adventurous journey of Alexander as he solved his problem and finally finds out about his past…..

No_True_me · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Successor and Realm of spirit.

"So finally, my long-waited time has over. my reincarnation has summoned the true one who shall lead us."

A cheery voice spread throughout the room, creeping the cute Alexander.

"ha-ha, my king. I have been waiting for you since your last departure" she knelt and expressed her loneliness and excitement.

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Week ago

Before the first emperor's disappearance, he had met with the girl and took her as his apprentice. But to his surprise, the girl has God-tier talent and has combability with every known element.

He gave her every resource he has to her. and gave her name, "Elizabeth Collins," which means "God's oath."

The day before he foresees his disappearance, he had met her for the last time. He pets her head as if he won't be meeting for a while.

He, with sorrow, try to maintain his coolness.

"My disciple,"

To this day, Elizabeth has not forgotten anything. As per his order, she has performed and brought many Successors of him, but none were enough to survive 50 years of their life spans, nor they could gain control over orb-like his master.

She had been in sleep in the form of reincarnating body. She could not bear nor die when she cast the summoning ritual as per the price for the ceremony until a true successor. Instead, she changes her body to younger.

But today, her long-awaited time has gone.

Alexander looking at Lucinda, who has changed from cheerful to cold, made him afraid. The magic has gone with the host been gone.

With the magic gone, his fear came back, then come with sweating, headache. He trembles and runs away.

Elizabeth, who sees him run away, remembers his unnatural behavior from the memories.

She then teleports and near him and cast the dispel of a higher grade. After she threw him the magic, Alexander calms down a bit.

"Sorry, master," Elizabeth apologizes.

Alexander was confused by the way she calls him. The Lucinda she knew either by his name or 'Your highness.'

Her adoration and excitement were out of Alexander's EQ.

Alexander asked her in confusion.

"Master? What are you saying?"

"Master, did you forget about me?" she replied.

"Stop joking around, Lucinda. If it is some prank, I won't forgive you."

Elizabeth was distress and take his hand and cast a spell.

The result of it greatly shocked her.

"This is~."

Lucinda closed her eyes for a while and then opened her beautiful azure eyes. She forced herself to talk with a calm face, but it cannot hide the hidden emotion.

"Well, Alexander. I'm both Elizabeth and Lucinda. Since you have control over and birth the Orb, I shall give you the verdict of first Emperor."

Then I look toward Lucinda and see her cold and sad eyes, which is quite different from the mature and teasing expression.

"Lucinda, what are you talking about??" Alexander spurts out. Then Lucinda suddenly said, "nice to meet you again,"

"Well, I'm pretty afraid to say but look, the person you are seeking is no longer here, as I am the half part Lucinda, or you can say I'm the real personality. "

Then she glanced at my face and saw a tear falling from my eyes, then she started panicking, and in a hurried voice, she said, "why are you crying?"

Her question wakes me up, and when I touch my face, Alexander felt watery on his face, only to realize tears were flowing down from my eyes. His body feels weak, and my legs feel too soft as he knelt and started crying.

Seeing my cry, the other Lucinda hugged me silently while patting my head. Her warm embrace made me comfortable, so I cried on her shoulder for a long time.

After I calmed down, the other Lucinda suddenly said,

"Alex, or May I call you Alexander de graham? It's good to see you calmed down."

"Well, I will rephrase my words, Lucinda, you know, isn't dead but only switch places with me."

Her words, for an unknown reason, make my heart completely calm down.

Elizabeth glanced at the calm and charming face that reminds her of him.

She holds her emotion and continues her word.

"Well, sorry for that. We both were surprised by that symbol on your hand."

Then Alexander glanced at my hand, for it was nothing

Seeing my confusion, she continued,

"Well, you will not see the symbol now since you don't have any training yet. I'll teach you that for now."

Alexander won't be able to talk to her, so before she touched me, her interrupted her and said,

"Before you do anything, I have a question for you?".

My words interrupted her hand from touching me,

Then she saw the seriousness in Alexander, and with a curious look, she sat on a chair and said,

"Yes, I'm listening but make it fast, as I don't have enough time before I turn back to normal."

Then he asked my first question. For an hour, they were doing QnA.

Then she raised from the chair and performed what she meant to do.

It took a full ten minutes to complete, but in the process, Alexander's body felt sleepy as the progressing time goes.

After the completion, Alexander passed out. But before he got passed out, he shows her hidden sadness.

Elizabeth, who saw him being unconscious, felt very sad. Those curses were still there. Then she approached him and held him with her arm, and start crying.

"Poor master, it's been so long, but you still can't escape that curse."

Then with a determined look, she vowed.

"But don't worry, now you have me. I would free you from that curse."


He wakes up as usual and saw Lucinda sleeping on the side of him. When he tried to wake, he was slam back to where it was.

His head started burning up, then Lucinda, who slams him down, cast him to heal

Then she voices her concern,

"Alexander, you can't move yet."

then, as she glanced and studied my body,

she continued, "Well, well, you got a nice constitution body."

Her drooling mouth and creepy face make me want to run, but as soon as I get up, immense pain comes to my head, so he decided it is better to stay asleep.

As she saw my creep look on my face, she rubbed her running drool, then fake cough and continued,

"Ahem, sorry, I can't help myself but be excited after seeing your body. Well, I can't tell what constitution you have".

"But seeing with my eyes and knowledge can't identify your constitution, so maybe it may either waste one or that"

then Alexander interrupted her

"What do you mean by that?"

Then she glanced only to find me with a disgusted look.

[Well, it was weird for her to be looking at my body without noticing the environment. Moreover, it was uncomfortable to be examined by that devouring eyes].

Alexander started distancing from her, but reaction of her was fast enough to catch him from escaping.

As Alexander was getting far from her, she realizes her fault, and like a child making a mistake, she started lowering her head.

After seeing her action, he slowly approached. But when he was close to her, she suddenly straightened her head and glanced like a mother.

Her sudden action made Alexander distant from her as soon as possible. But her grip on me was so tight, leaving him no way of escape.

"Why are you distancing from me"

"Cause you are the pervert version of Lucinda" (

The immediate answer caused her to have a mental breakdown, and then she continued saying with a thumb in her mouth, "he called me a pervert."

Alexander called her, but she did not react, so I left her, turned to rest but soon turned around. He saw a young girl who came toward me.

She startled him for long. But soon he gained composed

"Little kid, don't be scared of me," an unknown girl voice out.

"Well, who are you?" Alexander was surprised that another was being beside them. But then he remembers her vaguely.

"Well, I did not get screening or introduction doesn't mean I won't appear: she complained about her being late.

The lady complained about her late introduction.

[Writer: well, I changed the story a bit. So I forget about her]

Alexander correctly tries to remember with his 200 level IQ or maybe higher to remember. Then there, he remembers the episode of ritual.

"Oh, I remember, but who are you?"

Lucinda hears the word spoken by him, laughed. He has seen a man not remembering or trying to be polite against a beautiful lady.

"it is okay. I reintroduce myself; I am the Orb, and so call the divine lord, Asezahne."

"You are saying you are that ball or something."

"Ye~ no, I am not the ball," she yells with the top of her lung.

"pfft Ha-ha, damn, this is my first time seeing you being in this way," Lucinda laughed.

Alexander was confused and a little bit awkward, seeing her crazy laugh and inquired when he thought of Lucinda's behavior the previous day

"Are you telling me you are also the other persona?"

Then a laugh came out, and then she approached me and glanced at him like the previous one, which gave him a second goosebump, and she has the same expression as Lucinda.

Then she shouted, "well then, we don't know what your constitution is."

"I think it's time for that. also, We have wasted a lot of time because of that sorrowful lads".

As soon her voice faded, Lucinda, who was laughing, calm down and repeat her words.

"Are you sure 'that' is all right for him?"

Lucinda again reconfirms with her if she has mistakenly or not.

"Don't worry about that, and also probably we need to take him to the highest level."

"well, don't worry too much; at that level, we can also go."

Then Lucinda felt relieved and then touched the shoulders of Lucinda and me.

Then in a short time, we reached an unfamiliar place.

Then Asezahne came forward and came to me and said, "Alexander de graham, we three will move through this gate, but we can only support you from back, sorry about that."

She was excited to go, but the feeling he got the door felt familiar.

Then Alexander tilted my head toward Lucinda, only to see her have the same expression, having no choice but to move forward.

As Alexander moved forward, Asezahne and Lucinda made a proper way to open and bow down to him, which made me startled, but their expression told me to not come towards them.

Then soon, Alexander opened the door and reached out, only to see crowds.

All the people were on their knees as if they are waiting for the king. That made Alexander startled and confused, then a light came in and then a person floating in front of me and with a bow, she greeted,