
Return of Ruthless queen

" I am not someone who forgive others but rather someone who bear grudges, people who offend me must die people who come in my way must also die.I don't like being saintess because.... I love villains most."- Li Qingya.

Aaravi · Urban
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9 Chs

Dark night

Everything is dark and gloomy , the sky is also covered with dark cloud , cry of beast can be heard easily as it is getting louder and louder. It seems like something bad is going to happen . The rain started heavily along with strong wind and the roar of thunder . In this atmosphere a girl who is wearing black tattered clothes is running with all her might in deep down in the forest. Her face is covered with blood and her eyes are bloodshed red due to anger but no fear can be traced in her eyes . She has been chased by a large group of people all of them having a powerful aura.

After sometime all of them stopped at their track because the girl which they are chasing for whole Four days five night has now stopped running. She is standing infront of them and have a smile on her face.She raised her sword and when lighting comes in contact with sword it illuminates her face. By seeing her one can say she is not someone to be fiddled with ,the aura she is emanating giving the sense of danger.

" Bai Rou Qi , you betrayed me .But why?? when have i treated you unfairly ?? I have treated you like my sister and shared everything with you , but in the end you wanted to kill me .Why??

The girl asked as she can't believe ,the person she loved the most and considered her as her sister betrayed her .

" Sister, who wants to be your sister. You are a fool i never had accepted you as my sister in fact i hate you i waited till this way because i have no choice but to wait. But now when the right time has come how can leave it," Bai Rou Qi said with a disdainful expression.

She hates her sister from the very beginning because the thing she wants for herself has always been gained by her sister, whether it is love, beauty or fame . She has always been behind her no matter what she did . So she hates her and despise her . She wanted everything which her sister Bai Rou Li have .Fortunately she met her master who give her the idea how to get Bai Rou li down. From birth Bai Rou li is blessed with special essence core which make her superior to others .Her master told her when her sister is twenty she can stole her essence for herself , so now when she is twenty she is determined to kill her and snatch her essence core . From today onwards she will be the only one who is worshipped by others and no one can stand beyond her.

Bai Rou Li laughed maniacally after hear her words because she has been fooled . How can she thought that step sisters can be like real sisters . How can she not see the hatred in Bai Rou Qi eyes for her. Till this time she has been fooled because of her emotion and ignorance . But now when she thought about it she thinks she deserves this ending because she is an emotional fool.