
Retributor Force (Remake)

Protobot, a robot with a threat whose destination and origin are never known. The youths who are talented in mastery of using weapons, they are chosen to get unique powers and join the Retributor army to prevent Protobot from entering the Alpha rift dimension or the real dimension that will be a threat to humanity in the real world.

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1 Chs

New Power

Japan, Unknown location.

What is this? What happened?

Young Tatsu wakes up after an unknown event. In the vicinity, all houses, buildings, and other structures were burned and destroyed.

Is this.....

Tatsu closed his eyes again, the atmosphere of the buildings around him collapsed again and fell.

Japan, Segawa 6:30 a.m.

A city with full of settlements and places where water flows from the Sajoro countryside to this place and becomes a place for growing bonsai trees in this city.

On the road to the best school in Segawa, there is a mysterious high school boy.

He looked very well-dressed, but he also carried a strange stick that was bandaged so that no slits could be seen from inside of the stick.

Today was very tiring, if only I could sleep a little longer.

Hiro yawned while walking leisurely.

However, an obstacle appears in front of Hiro. 2 thugs from another school with Yakuza-style hair and a stitch tattooed on their faces.

The thug stood up and walked towards Hiro when Hiro approached them.

Looks what we have here, are you the new kid?

This is our area, if you want to pass then pay us your lunch money first!

The thug with an ugly face said that to Hiro, but Hiro remained silent.

The two thugs immediately pulled Hiro's clothes and brought their heads close to Hiro.

Answer me new kid!

The thug immediately turned his eyes to the stick that Hiro was carrying.

Ohh what is this stick? what is this?

The thug used his left hand to hold the stick that Hiro was carrying.

Do you want lunch money? Then accept this!


Hiro immediately clenched his right fist and hit the thug's chin from below, the thug removed his hand from Hiro's shirt and was thrown backward.


Hey new kid! What are you doing with the boss!

The second thug immediately took action to hit Hiro, but Hiro quickly dodged and kicked the thug from behind.

The second thug fell and entered the bushes on the side of the road.

Hiro fixed his shirt which was pulled by the thug, the first thug got up after being hit on the chin, he clenched his fist and ran to hit Hiro.

Dammit!!! How dare you!

The thug with a battered face stood up and charged toward Hiro, Hiro also dodged the attack and kicked the thug from behind at the second thug.

The two thugs fainted and unknowingly they formed a strange position in the bushes.

You are choosing the wrong opponent!

With an arrogant face, Hiro continued walking and left those two thugs.

Mom look! That two-man is gay!

Said the boy when he saw those two thugs were passed out in a strange position in the bushes.

Hiro was finally in front of the school gate, the school was seen filled with high school students, large bonsai was planted in every corner of the school, and also the entrance was decorated with a flower board with the words welcome.

When Hiro entered the gate, Hiro heard a female scream from far away. The screams came from a ponytail-style girl who was losing control while riding a bicycle.

Watch out!!!

Hiro dodged before the bicycle entered the school gate and held the bicycle from behind, the bicycle finally stopped because it was held by Hiro.

Thank goodness this bike stopped, are you all right?

Kaede said while taking a deep breath, but Hiro was already 10 meters away from Kaede. Kaede made a pout face because she felt neglected by someone who helped her.

When Hiro entered the class with number B.2, the atmosphere of the class looked like a normal class, there were people chatting, sleeping, and also reading comics. Hiro found 2 empty seats where one was beside the window and the other was beside the table beside the window.

Hiro choose the table beside the table beside the window and sat down.

Kaede entered B.2 class in hurry, she filled the seat beside the window. When she looked to her right, Kaede was surprised because she was sitting next to Hiro.

Kaede started to take a breath in front of Hiro.

Tha..thanks for saving me.

Kaede's face became embarrassed while making both her index hands pressed against each other when she said that in front of Hiro.


Hiro kept his eyes on the front and didn't turn his eyes to Kaede. Kaede looked forward again with an embarrassed face, she began to fantasize about seeing Hiro's face with a charming smile that said her name.

The school bell rang, and all the students returned to their seats. A few minutes later the homeroom teacher of class B.2 came in, the appearance of short hair and the innocent-looking teacher put her book on the teacher's desk.

Hello, good morning everyone?

Morning Mrs. Hiromi!

How was your summer vacation?

Ok, today we have a new student in this class, Hiro can you introduce yourself?

Hiro stood up from his seat, all the students in the class saw Hiro walking towards the blackboard casually.

Hiro took the chalk on the blackboard and wrote his name "Hiro Kureiger".

My name is Hiro Kurieger, nice to meet you all.

Hiro returned to his seat with an arrogant face, the students were noisy and started to talk about Hiro.

He looks arrogant and cool.

He looks handsome.

Can he be friends? don't you think so?

Ok, students, open the book to page 173, Kaede can you please read it.

Yes ma'am!

Kaede took her book in a hurry but she forgot to bring her book.

Hiro can you...

Hiro immediately took his book from his bag and lent it to Kaede, Kaede was surprised because Hiro could know what she wanted before finishing her sentence. Kaede's face became embarrassed again as she held Hiro's book.

Thank you...

Kaede could you please read page 173.

Oh ok, ma'am!

After a few hours the afternoon began to arrive, and school lessons were over.

Hiro walked out of the school gate casually and headed towards the mountain beside the school.

When Hiro walked the crow started to sing, he took off his school clothes except for his underwear and also took off the bandage that was on his stick. It turned out that the stick was a katana, he opened the sword from the scabbard and started practicing swinging his sword.

After a few hours, Hiro's body was sweating and he was often inhaling and exhaling from exhaustion. The sky was almost dark, Hiro bandaged his sword, and his school clothes were tucked into his bag.

When Hiro wanted to walk back to his house, there was something that made Hiro not want to go back to his house.


Hiro heard a strange whisper calling his name, he started to turn his eyes to the side.

Who's that? How do you know my name?

He saw a strange light that often flickered slowly, Hiro approached the light and passed through the bushes blocking him. The whispering voice Hiro heard grew louder as he approached the light.

When Hiro approached the light he saw beside him a mysterious old man in front of him. The old man seemed to be dressed like the enlightenment age era, and also had a bald appearance and a thick beard that look's like Galileo.

The old man looked silent, Hiro tried to approach the old man and started to faint when he approached the old man.

Hiro opened his eyes again, he felt the grass holding his neck and arms. Unknowingly he saw the full moon was in front of him, he woke up from where he had fainted before the old man and the light was no longer visible to him.

The sky had turned dark Hiro stood up again and rushed back to his house.

When Hiro ran he felt something strange, in the city of Segawa, it looks very strange because there is no one in the city only the lights in the city were on.

The town became deserted like a ghost town, Hiro ran back to the Segawa estate.

When Hiro ran and entered Segawa's residence, he felt that someone was following him.

Hiro looked back but there was no one there. Hiro became startled as he turned his head forward. He saw a 4-legged spider robot with 1.5 times the size of a car. The robot started to stare at Hiro and started aiming the weapon at his feet.

Wait, what is that creature? Am I dreaming?

The robot immediately shot its gun at Hiro, Hiro immediately acted and managed to dodge the attack but Hiro's left hand hit the robot's attack.

Ahhhh my hands!!!

Hiro felt pain because his left hand was burned by the robot's attack.

This is not a dream, this is real!

The robot immediately took out a blade that was attached from its two front legs, Hiro immediately opened the bandage that covered his sword with his teeth.

The robot came back again and attack Hiro using its melee weapon, the robot swung its blade from its legs. Fortunately, Hiro was able to withstand the robot's attack with his sword, Hiro was unable to withstand the robot's attack so he had to use his injured left hand to hold his sword.

How long can I last this attack!

Hiro shouted because his injured left hand had to hold his sword.

Is this the end of my life?

Not long after Hiro's body began to emit a blue light around his body, the pain in Hiro's left hand began to be easily maintained. Hiro's appearance changed drastically, his hair changed from black to white, and his eyes which were originally dark red became bright blue.

Hiro immediately cut the two front legs of the robot after resisting the attack from the robot, the robot now can't use two blades on its legs anymore. The robot immediately retreated backward and fired its gun at Hiro, Hiro started to act quickly and managed to dodge all of the attacks nimbly so that no injuries hit him.

What power is this?

Looks like I have to finish you off!

With a serious face, Hiro ran towards the robot and without realizing it he used his new power to stop time. He instantly cut the robot into pieces and backed away from the robot.

Shortly after Hiro's ability to stop time was finished, the robot exploded so that the pieces of the robot scattered on the streets, housing, and also the intersection in the house.

This power.....

Hiro started to get tired and Hiro's vision started to blur, he started to let go of his sword and fell unconscious on the street.

5 years ago, Tohruyo 8:30 p.m.

An urban place with a population that is known to be dense and also workaholic people, this city is also the largest railway center in Japan where, this city uses three maglev trains tracks, two train tracks, two shinkansen tracks, and also one monorail track in one station.

At the largest train station in Tohruyo, an old man dressed like the Edo era is standing waiting for someone.

It was supposed to be 8:30 p.m. and the train should arrive.

Hey, when did the train attendant get here? I've been standing here for 1 minute!

We're sorry sir, there might be a problem with the train that should have arrived at 8:30 PM here.

Then hurry and get me a seat.

Okay, sir.

Soon the sound of a train began to be heard.

Officer, you don't need to bring the chair anymore.

Okay, sir.

The officer left the old man and the train stopped in front of him. The old man's eyes turned into shadows and made a face like someone who was facing serious problems.

When the train door opened, the old man immediately jumped into the train.

Yahooo.... Hiro my grandson!


Hiro with a happy face wanting to meet his grandfather, the door of the next carriage opened.

He was happy because he couldn't wait to meet his grandfather, but Hiro felt something strange because his grandfather was not in front of him.

Hmm... Where's Grandpa? He should have been in front already.

What a pervert! Perverted old geezer!

Hiro got out of the train carriage and started running towards the group of girls.

What is it? What happened?


Hiro was shocked that the person who had been battered was his grandfather.

the group of girls started to stop hitting Hiro's grandfather.

Grandpa!! Don't tell me you jumped in front of these women!

Forgive my grandfather, he does have a habit of jumping into the door of a train carriage when he meets his grandson.

Fine, it's up to you, hmph!!

Hiro went over to his grandfather and picked up his grandfather who was battered by a group of a girl.

By the way, he's handsome too.

Yes, I wish he was my young brother.

and I want to know the size of his...

Hiro took his grandfather out of the train station and headed for his grandfather's mini-bus (Toyota Hiace).

Hiro, I'm sorry grandpa, you're having a hard time apologizing to them.

It's okay but don't repeat this habit again.

Alright Hiro.

By the way, Grandpa is still strong enough to drive after being beaten by them?

Of course Grandpa still can, Grandpa is immune to that attack.

Are you sure? Okay.

Hiro forgave his grandfather and the two of them got into the minibus. The minibus moved out of the station and followed another car down the highway.

Ohh yeah one more thing, grandpa do you know that I had already mastered my sword skill.

Ohh really, well tomorrow morning we will fight to find out whether you are worthy to become a samurai or not.

Of course tomorrow morning I'm ready to fight grandpa.

Hoho fine then.

On the way suddenly the streets had become deserted, and there were no cars or people on the streets. The lights throughout the building are still on and all the traffic lights are Blue.

It's only 9 p.m. but everyone's out of the way.

Grandpa watch out!

The minibus stopped because there was an obstacle in front of it, the obstacle was shaped like a 4-legged spider robot with a size 3 times larger than the minibus Hiro and his grandfather were riding.

What creature is that!?

Grandpa didn't know that such a creature exist!

Grandpa watch out that creature shoots something!

Unfortunately, the robot managed to shoot something at the minibus that Hiro and his grandfather were riding, the minibus exploded and was damaged.

On the road there were many minibus components scattered and burned on the road, Hiro managed to survive the explosion with a very serious injury, but his grandfather was no longer saved.

Hiro opened his eyes and woke up from the sofa he was lying on while breathing with exhaustion.

Where is this? Why am i here?

Hiro looked around him, he was in the main room.

The main room was dark and he didn't recognize the room he was, and he just realized that he wasn't wearing any clothes and shoes except for his school pants, he saw that someone had bandaged his left hand.

He saw a door shining in front of him and also heard the sound of the shower, the sound of the shower stopped and a few seconds later the bathroom door in front of him began to open.

To Be Continued...