
Retread (the remold)

What would you do if given the opportunity to correct past mistakes? Add to this a mission from the Gods to complete and life could get interesting.

DJK805 · Fantasy
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36 Chs


She smiled shyly and said, "I still can't believe what you did yesterday. When I woke up this morning, I thought I must have dreamed it. Does this mean I didn't, and you still want to be my boyfriend"?

I had been adding her books to mine in my bag while she got that out. I didn't say anything while I put the straps over my shoulders and settled the bag on my back.

By the time I was done, it looked like she was about to cry. I took her face in my hands and proceeded to repeat the kiss from yesterday. This time it was me who got the biggest surprise, though.

I had to lean over slightly to kiss her, which had the advantage of keeping the cyclops from scaring her. As my hands reached the top of that cute little tush of hers, she suddenly stood on her toes. This had more than one result.

First, I was now cupping her ass with both hands, and second, our entire bodies were now pressed firmly together.

I could tell by her gasp that she was aware of the situation down below. I thought she would surely break loose in embarrassment then, but instead I felt her moan as her tongue brushed my lips! I was only surprised for a second, and I gladly invited it in to play.

I could feel those little titties pressed to my chest, and my hands couldn't help but take advantage of the position they found themselves in. She finally gave one last moan and broke our kiss. We were both flushed and slightly out of breath.

She looked into my eyes and said, "I wish we didn't have to go to school today."

I smiled and told her I wished we didn't too, but that I wouldn't want her to get into trouble. "Do you think you could come out and play later?" I asked.

"I think so" she said with a smile "What did you have in mind"?

I told her we could hang out at my house until at least five because my parents didn't get home until after six.

She looked thoughtful and said her sister wouldn't say anything if she didn't come home right after school.

We were interrupted by "Geez, you two, are you going to school or making out all day?" and broke apart blushing.

We had heard the snickers and occasional catcalls from other kids walking to school, though they seemed a little less vocal than yesterday, probably because we were ignoring them completely.

We were both surprised by the company. I had recognized Marks' voice, so that was no shock, but with him was the lovely Janelle. She was definitely interested in the proceedings.

She looked a little flushed, and her mouth was slightly open. "Hi Mark, I see you brought a friend today". Then I looked at Janelle and said, "Is this guy following you? I could call the cops if you want."

The looks on both their faces were great. After a little sputtering from Mark, Janelle said "We ran into each other and decided to walk back and meet you two".

I looked at Mark and smiled. "That's odd. Don't you two usually walk different ways?" That got a really embarrassed look from Mark, so I decided to let him off the hook. "We better get going before we're late".

I took Jan's' hand and started off for school. We grinned like fools at each other when we noticed that Mark and Janelle had done the same shortly afterward.

Jan said "They make a cute couple, don't they".

"Almost as cute as us," I replied. We barely made it in time and managed not to get into trouble today other than hearing comments about daydreaming. I wonder why?

I didn't see Mark after school, so we cornered Janelle to see if she knew where he was. She told us he said something about having to leave early for a doctor's appointment, but he wouldn't say what it was for.

"He's not sick, is he"? She asked with concern evident in her voice.

I asked her what she thought about guys who wore glasses. She looked confused and said, "I don't know. I've never really thought about it.

I don't really like the ones you see all the time that are big and have those black plastic frames. I think those are ugly, but I kind of like the gold and silver ones. Some of those are neat. Why did you ask me that"?

When I asked her what she thought Mark would look like with wire-rimmed glasses, understanding dawned on her face, and she said without thinking, "I'd like him even with the ugly black ones!"

She realized what she said then and stopped, looking as embarrassed as possible. I put my arm around Jan and said, "Don't worry.

We know you like each other. I just wanted to be sure Mark wasn't in for a big disappointment when you saw them. I'm glad things like that don't matter to you. He's a good guy, and I wouldn't want to see him hurt."

She smiled and said, "Don't worry about that. I'll act surprised when I see them, so he won't know I knew about it".

I thanked her and admitted that I forgot about that. I wouldn't want him to know I told anyone.

Janelle looked at me and shyly said, "Can I ask you a serious question?" When I said she could, she continued, "Do you think sex before marriage is a sin? I mean, like, you'd go to hell if you did it or something?"

I was more than a little surprised to hear this from her. I knew what kind of crap she probably had to listen to from her dad. He was a Baptist preacher and was amazed to think she may not have believed it.

I took a moment to collect my thoughts before answering. "No, I don't. As I understand it, all Christians believe that we were made in God's image.

If that is so, then why would sex be wrong when it's the most overwhelming urge that people have? Why don't they just suddenly feel that it sounds like a good idea after they're married?

And if our feelings were also given to us by God, why is sex so enjoyable? Those are just some of the reasons that I'm not a Christian."

She gave me a puzzled look and asked if I was an atheist or something.

When I told her I was a pagan, she asked me what that was. Jan was looking at me strangely as well.

"I believe in the Norse gods," I explained. "My religion is centuries older than Christianity. My gods have names like Odin, Freyja, and Loki, and while Christians have that big contradictory book to decipher, I can give you the foundation of my beliefs in one sentence."

When both girls said in unison, "What's that?" I told them, "If my actions harm no one, including myself, then it is not wrong.

It's not as simple as it sounds, but it's not as confusing as that huge book that can be made to say whatever someone wants it to."

Janelle looked thoughtful before saying it with a smile. "Actually, you make a lot of sense, but what if somebody punches you or something? Do you have to sit there and smile?"