
Retread (the remold)

What would you do if given the opportunity to correct past mistakes? Add to this a mission from the Gods to complete and life could get interesting.

DJK805 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


All three of us laughed at that, and I think I almost blushed at the compliment. It sounded as if Jan's sister was having a very good time! I was sitting at the table with both girls in my lap when they finally made their entrance.

I don't think Joyce noticed when I removed my hand from under Jan's dress but from the wink my brother gave me, he sure did.

I licked my fingers and winked back. When he laughed Joyce snapped out of it. "JAN! What are you doing here?!" She looked panicked. Her hair was mussed and she had a definite "freshly fucked" look, and must have known it was obvious.

Jan smiled and said "from what I heard the same thing you are!" I couldn't help it. I had to say "you blush almost as well as Jan!" I then turned to my lap occupant "If Joyce is any indication you don't have anything to worry about in the looks department. You are bound to stay beautiful."

A quick mind is wonderful. I was careful not to say she'd get prettier than she was. This might imply that I thought she wasn't pretty enough or needed improvement. It must have been the right thing to say because she had tears in her eyes after she delivered one of the best kisses I have ever (in either life) received.

We had a long talk after I was introduced to Joyce and found that we all got along well. Jan and Joyce decided to walk home together to talk. We walked them to the door for a last kiss and when we broke it up I saw Mark headed up the walk with his glove.

"Rub it in why don't you?" he said. I can't get a minute alone and you get all day!" Beth and I filled him in on our plan then and he was more than a little thrilled. "I hope Janelle can get her parents to let her come over!"

I told him to spare them the details and just have her ask them if she could visit a friend. She wouldn't be lying after all. Mark reached in his pocket and pulled out his new glasses.

I had him put them on and made sure to comment "dang, you look almost intelligent! If I didn't know better I'd be fooled!" He actually did have a studious look as he told me to grab my stuff to see if they did anything else besides make him look like a bookworm. Beth even volunteered to join us and chase down fly balls.

It didn't take long to discover that the glasses helped Mark a lot. I don't know if it was the fact that he had had to concentrate more without them in order to qualify as just "bad", but with them he was pretty darn good.

He was hitting a lot better and didn't miss anything I threw or hit even close to him. I thought he'd have no trouble making the team and was glad to tell him so. "You could be on my team anytime man. No outfield on the "B" team for you. You could play second easy!"

He was happy to hear that. He really liked second base. I played first and had a feeling there were more than a few double plays in our future. I knew I'd do better this time around too. Before, I always tried to kill the ball.

Occasionally I would hit one over the fence but usually I either struck out or hit a long flyout. The only thing that helped me make the team before was my defense. Now I knew I could hit one out when I wanted or hit for average if needed.

I didn't want to call too much attention to myself yet by hitting too many long balls. We parted happy and Mark said he would check with Janelle on the way to school about our plan.

It would probably have to wait until Thursday if it happened because of the tryouts Wednesday. We set a date for practice again tomorrow and Beth and I parted with a kiss.

My whole family was staring at the television in disbelief when I got home. Kent State had happened and the news had the footage that most people in my age group have seen hundreds of times. Everyone, including Al whom I had told beforehand, was stunned.

My folks were political odd ducks. They were conservative Republicans that staunchly supported the military but felt that Vietnam was the worst mistake America had ever made and the government was afraid to admit it. They weren't surprised that this had happened.

My father's opinion was the same as ours. "What idiot sent the National Guard to a college campus to break up a demonstration? Don't they realize that they're not trained for shit like that?"

There was some good news though. My mom had an appointment with Dr. Mitchum and my dad had thrown his cigarettes away.

Almost as good was the fact that Al was going to Joyce's house to meet her parents and have dinner with them Thursday. I kidded for him about "minding his manners" and he assured me he'd make sure to zip his fly and not drool too much.

I filled dad in on the evil uncle's plans that evening, too. I managed to convince him (barely) that homicide wasn't an acceptable option.

We discussed the alternatives and he surprised me by asking my opinion. "After all" he said "we wouldn't have many options without our recent success at the track. I wonder if you've had any indications of what we should do."

I told him I thought we should wait until just before the weasel was planning on telling us we were being forced out and move with no notice. I even told him about the area I thought we should look at for a new house and some of the reasons (schools, neighborhoods, etc) without revealing my own (girls, sports, and girls).

I got him to agree to consider my thoughts when he spoke to my mom and to take me along when they went house hunting and also when they negotiated a deal. I smiled when he decided the free renovations were over.

The added advantage was putting the S.O.B. who was causing the problem in a bind. We were supposed to paint this huge place this summer, both inside and out. Let him do it! I'd attempt to tell Beth tomorrow. I knew it would be difficult but didn't want to wait until the last minute.

When we got to my room the next day she was already very ready. I had to stop her to break the news. I told her about my evil uncle and the fact that we were going to move in a year.

She took it better than I thought, saying "we knew this would happen. The question is what are we going to do about it? I know my aunt and uncle won't move from here.

That house has been in the family for three generations. It wouldn't take much convincing to get them to give up the guardianship but there's no way I could live on my own at this age and I seriously doubt your folks would let me share your room, especially since they don't know me or about us. You have any ideas?"

Only one" I admitted "and it depends on my parents knowing and accepting everything. Knowing them, guardianship won't cut it. They'll insist on full adoption because they're "all or nothing" kind of people. You'd be my sister then."

She looked stunned for a moment but her expression changed into one of amusement as she asked if I had any problems with incest and if we would have to share a room. This was the plan we decided to go with and though we knew it would take a little preparation we thought it would work.

Joyce and Al were just leaving his room as we passed by. Joyce asked where her sister was and we told her she was probably over at her new boyfriend's house. Joyce shook her head sadly and said "I heard about the move.

I guess it's for the best but you both sure moved on quickly. Who's the hot chick with you here?" She looked at Beth and remarked "I should know you from school but I can't remember seeing you there."

I introduced them and told her Beth was new in town and went to school with me. Joyce looked at me and made me promise to look after her "as pretty as Beth is" she explained needlessly "guys a lot older than you will be all over her if you don't."

Wednesday's tryout was both the same and different than the first time. The first difference was that line drive. I was ready this time and used my glove instead of my hand. It was still impressive because it looked like I had great reflexes and pretty much assured my position at first.

The second was Mark. He was very good in the field as well as at the plate and would surely be playing second this time. I was a much better hitter now. I put a couple over the fence and sprayed the rest in the gaps that would've been doubles.

On the way home Mark was happier than I'd ever seen him. I thought it was only about how well he'd done until he said "I really want to thank you."

I told him to forget it and that I was just glad he got his eyes checked. He laughed "not about that, or not only that anyway. It's what you said about talking to girls and Janelle in particular. I can't believe how well that worked. You know all the other guys are jealous of us don't you?"

I told him that we were just lucky to figure it out before they did. He had more questions though. "What about tomorrow when we're alone at your house? I don't know what to do and I don't want to look stupid or get Janelle mad at me or anything."

I stopped him for a second and told him "I'm not exactly an expert but I can tell you that the main thing to remember is to never go faster than a girl wants to. As a matter of fact the slower you go the better.

Especially the first time you're alone. You can kind of tell from the way a girl acts what they want. It takes a while to figure out and it's weird at first but remember that she'll be as nervous as you are. Go slow and watch how she acts before doing anything else. You'll be able to tell what she does or doesn't like."